
  • pickup truck;PICK-UP;Pick-Up Trucks
  1. 本周,美国人钟爱皮卡车和运动型汽车(SUV)时代的丧钟敲响。

    THIS week the death-knell sounded for America 's love affair with pick-up trucks and sport-utility vehicles ( SUVs ) .

  2. 现在市场上有100多辆小汽车、越野车和皮卡车已提前达到我们的标准。

    Over 100 cars , SUVs , and pick-up trucks on the market today already meet our vehicles standards ahead of schedule .

  3. 弗兰克·马里亚诺驾驶他那辆破烂不堪的皮卡车成功穿越了沙漠地带。

    Frank Mariano negotiates the desert terrain in his battered pickup

  4. 基于ADAMS的某皮卡车麦弗逊悬架优化设计

    The Optimized Design of Macpherson Suspension Based on ADAMS

  5. 本文以某皮卡车为研究对象,应用ADAMS软件进行悬架优化设计和控制研究。

    The paper regards a pickup vehicle as the research object , using ADAMS to suspension optimization design and controlling system study .

  6. 他说,乔治巴顿是基于福特(Ford)350或福特450皮卡车改装而成。

    The Gen. Patton , he says , is built on the chassis of a Ford 350 or Ford 450 truck with brawn in mind .

  7. 福特汽车是去年表现最抢眼的品牌之一,福特Escape交叉型以及F系列皮卡车等燃油车型的销售量攀升了11%。

    Ford was one of the strongest performances of the year , reporting a 11 % jump with strong sales of the fueling sedan , the Escape crossover and Ford 's F series pickups .

  8. 相关的后续改进工作验证了本文研究结果的实用性,为提高国产皮卡车的NVH性能提供了重要的支持。

    The following improvement work proves the practicability of conclusion and offers important support for improving NVH properties of domestic pickups .

  9. 开发完成的液压ABS性能和可靠性满足产业化要求,已在多款SUV和皮卡车上批量装车使用。

    The performance and reliability of the hydraulic ABS developed meet the requirements of industrialization , and it has been installed in batches on several makes of SUVs and pickup trucks .

  10. 在班加西,分别载有NTCALQAEDA旅士兵的5辆武装皮卡车驶往高速公路时,被绿色抵抗武装摧毁。

    In benghazi entire NTC ALQAEDA group has been destroyed and5 pickup trucks for fighters as they headed on highway by green resistance .

  11. 本文的主要工作包括对该款皮卡车室的真实三维模型进行必要简化并对其进行网格划分,选择FLUENT中的RNGК-ε湍流模型和S2S辐射模型对车室内流场进行数值模拟。

    The main content includes having necessarily simplified the pickup real 3D model and meshed it , Choosing the FLUENT RNG к - ε turbulent model and S2S radiation model to carry a numerical simulation of the indoor flow field .

  12. 皮卡车尾流结构特性研究

    Study on Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Near Wake Structure of Pick-up

  13. 聚脲弹性涂料在皮卡车车厢内表面的应用

    Application of Polyurea Elastic Paint in Inner Surface of Pickup Car

  14. 丰田宣布召回部分皮卡车。

    Toyota has announced recall some of its cars in pickup trucks .

  15. 许多反对派士兵在昨晚的巷战中死亡,37辆武装的皮卡车被摧毁。

    Many rebels have died yesterday night street fights.37 pickup trucks were destroyed .

  16. 增援部队正源源不断的到达&皮卡车(小货车)满载着年轻人而来。

    Reinforcements have been pouring in – pickup trucks packed with young men .

  17. 这种说法正中某些人下怀。许多武装分子登上皮卡车,灵魂扭曲的人在公寓或车库里谋划着生命着——这些都对平民构成巨大威胁,必须予以制止。

    Masses of fighters on the back of pickup trucks and twisted souls plotting in apartments or garages pose an enormous danger to civilians and must be stopped .

  18. 当地铁路部门表示,一辆皮卡车在乌兰县失去控制,冲出公路的护栏,与下方经过的火车相撞。

    Local railway authorities say a pickup truck in Wulan County lost control , broke through guardrails in an overpass and crashed with a train passing under it .

  19. 他们开着皮卡车,随意枪杀步行的黑人,当黑人警察向他们开枪,予以还击时,他们看上去着实吃惊不小。

    They drove around in their bakkies ( pick-up trucks ) , killing black pedestrians at random , and seemed genuinely surprised when black policemen shot back at them .

  20. 通过对相关显示装置的人机分析,结合现行皮卡车显示装置情况,提出能降低识别疲劳和减少误读率、合理优化的仪表显示装置形式;

    The optimized sound instrument display unit modality , which could reduce the recognizing fatigue and lessen the misregistration rate , was proposed after analyzing the present units in the ergonomics way .

  21. 以某皮卡车为研究对象,利用ADAMS/VIEW软件建立了车辆多刚体动力学模型,并进行了随机路面下的仿真。

    The paper established a detailed muti-body dynamic model of a pickup vehicle based on ADAMS / VIEW software package , and the simulation of the ride comfort under random road was performed .

  22. 据初步了解,与货运火车相撞的皮卡车内是两对夫妻。两名女子系亲姐妹,在车祸中当场身亡,另两名男子被消防人员救出后紧急送医。

    Two couples were in the crashed pick-up : the women , who died in the accident , are sisters , while the two men were sent to hospital with the help of firefighters .

  23. 本文运用人机工程学的基本原理和理论,结合国内皮卡车驾驶室设计的基本情况,对皮卡车驾驶室的各个部分进行分析和研究,建立了相应的设计原则和评价方法;

    Based on the currently domestic cab design of Pickup , this paper analyzed the cab of Pickup with fundamental principles and theories of Ergonomics and the corresponding design principles and evaluating methods was established .

  24. 以皮卡车为研究对象,利用ADAMS/VIEW软件建立了包括前后悬架、轮胎、车身、转向系和人&椅系统等在内的整车多刚体动力学模型,并对建模中的关键问题进行了重点说明。

    Based on ADAMS / VIEW software package , a detailed multi-body dynamic model of a pickup vehicle is established in which suspensions , tires , vehicle body , steering system and person-chair system are considered .

  25. 众所周知,汽车行业的利润来自皮卡和豪车。

    Everyone knows the profits are in pickup trucks and luxury cars .

  26. 长城汽车在中国十大汽车制造商中屈居末席(见图表1),但它生产的皮卡和休闲越野车(suv)已经出口到了澳大利亚、意大利和几个相对贫穷的国家。

    Great Wall only just makes the top-ten list of Chinese carmakers ( see chart 1 ) . But already its pickup trucks and sport-utility vehicles ( SUVs ) are being driven in Australia , Italy and several poorer countries .

  27. 皮卡(10分):在游戏中收集的所有的皮卡车。

    Pickup Truck ( 10 points ): Collect all pickups in the game .