
  • 网络Royal Academy of Arts;Royal University College of Fine Arts;R.A.;Royal Academy;Royal Academy of Fine Arts
  1. 不过,在18世纪晚期,富塞利曾经是早期皇家美术学院(RA)的杰出会员和颇具影响力的画师,巴里曾一度也是如此。

    But in the late18th century , Fuseli , and for a short time Barry also , were prominent members of the young Royal Academy of Arts ( RA ) and influential professors of painting there .

  2. 今年38岁的意籍奥地利人PeterPilotto与他比利时与澳洲双重国籍的商业搭档、35岁的克里斯托弗德沃斯(ChristopherdeVos)在安特卫普皇家美术学院(RoyalAcademyofFineArtinAntwerp)上学时结识,他俩于2007年合伙创建PeterPilotto品牌。

    Austro-Italian Peter Pilotto , 38 , and his Belgian / Austrian business partner Christopher de Vos , 35 , met while studying at the Royal Academy of Fine Art in Antwerp . They launched Peter Pilotto in 2007 .

  3. 我哥哥曾就学于皇家美术学院。

    My brother studied at the Royal College of Art .

  4. 1796年,《海上渔夫》在皇家美术学院展出。

    Fishermen at Sea was exhibited at the royal Academy in1796 .

  5. 比利时皇家美术学院毕业生作品选

    Royal Academy of Fine Arts Belgium

  6. 但作为皇家美术学院的院士,他也很明白历史画的重要性。

    But as a prominent member of the Royal Academy , he was well aware of the importance of history painting .

  7. 当透纳把这两幅画中的一幅展示给英国美术促进会和皇家美术学院时他显然还没有画完。

    When Turner arrived to display one of the oils to the British Institution and alternatively the Royal Academy , the painting was clearly unfinished .

  8. 他在皇家美术学院进行学院派的训练,画写生,他有很好的造型能力与表现能力。

    He conducted at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts School in the training , drawing sketches , and he had excellent modeling and performance capabilities .

  9. 而透纳14岁时进入英国皇家美术学院,结下了他与学院一生的缘分。

    And Turner , came here at the age of14 , and began what was going to be a long association between him and the Academy .

  10. 透纳在年仅26岁时就成为皇家美术学院院士,这是许多艺术家梦寐以求的地位。

    At the age of26 , Turner achieved what for many artists , became their greatest professional desire , the election of the full member of the Academy .

  11. 他发现,要想在至关重要的皇家美术学院年度画展上争取到”支持力量“,只有标新立异,越引人注目、越生涩越好。

    He saw that the only way to compete for " wall power " at the all-important annual exhibition of the RA was to carve out his own niche , the more eye-catching and ★ esoteric [ 18 ] the better .

  12. 毕加索毕业于皇家马德里美术学院。

    Pablo Picasso graduated from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid .