- PepsiCo;Pepsi Cola;Pepsi-Cola;PEP;pepsicola

[pepsicola] 英语 pepsi-cola 的译音,美国生产的一种饮料
Jinan Pepsi Cola is facing such a problem in its Carbonated Soft Drink ( CSD ) market .
VBM is world-widely used by many advanced companies , such as AT & T , Pepsi Cola , United Carbon , FIAT , and so on .
PepsiCo 's research and development budget in 2015 was $ 754 million .
She said PepsiCo 's contribution was to produce healthier snacks that still tasted good .
PepsiCo did not say exactly how much it planned to invest to reach its goals .
Indra Nooyi , PepsiCo chairman , said the plan to make its products healthier was important for the company 's growth .
PepsiCo 's plan for its foods and drinks is based on guidelines from the World Health Organisation , which last week backed using taxes on sparkling drinks to reduce sugar consumption .
PepsiCo is to spend billions of dollars to develop drinks and snacks and reformulate existing ones with lower sugar , salt and fat , as consumers demand healthier options and regulatory pressure intensifies amid an obesity epidemic .
However , Dr Mehmood Khan , chief scientific officer , said the company had doubled research and development spending in the past five years and was " committed to sustaining investment " , adding that companies cannot cost-cut their way to increasing sales .
The maker of Mountain Dew and Gatorade has been one of the earlier movers in the industry to offer products with reduced levels of unhealthy ingredients — PepsiCo claims a packet of its chips now contains less salt than a slice of white bread .
Pepsi executives said on Thursday that they expect smaller packaging to come back as the crisis subsides .
But before the pandemic , Coke and its rival PepsiCo had been pushing smaller cans and bottles , which usually carry a higher price per ounce for the consumer and are more profitable for the manufacturer .
Former PepsiCo Chief Marketing Officer Jill Beraud became the company 's CEO in late 2011 and helped Flint recruit the A-lister .
When the price of Coca-Cola rises , rational cola-lovers drink more Pepsi .
This crowdsourcing technique is nothing new to parent company PepsiCo .
Wear a T-shirt advertising Pepsi and you could be sent to the slammer .
The stock immediately traded down and now trades at 13 times cash flows versus 18 times for coke and Pepsi .
He and his four partners , based in New York and Washington , D.C. , tapped their network to sign corporate accounts like PepsiCo and associations such as the society of human resource management .
Pepsi has also benefited from being sold at KFC restaurants , which are popular in China .
PepsiCo is also known for having a high churn rate among employees .
Coca-Cola , like PepsiCo last year , is to bring its North America bottling operations in-house .
Coke and PepsiCo are promising to increase their recycling of plastic water bottles .
California is one of many states in which salespeople have regionalcontracts - for instance , Bob sells Pepsi in Los Angeles County and Nancy sellsPepsi in Orange County .
Its volume sales in China are roughly double those of PepsiCo , its global rival .
Meanwhile , Bart Cas , his opposite number at Pepsi , went for a run on the Brooklyn Bridge .
PepsiCo turned to twitter this month after users began posting criticisms of a Pepsi Max advertisement , which depicted a cartoon calorie committing suicide .
PepsiCo ( PEP ) and Conde Nast are among the major companies that have already signed on with identified .
Like Margaret Thatcher , General David Petraeus , Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer and Pepsi 's Indra Nooyi , Mr Trump sleeps only for four hours a night , his butler said .
Meanwhile , PepsiCo and Coca Cola could both be worried about their own Russian operations , which have expanded rapidly in recent years .
Anheuser-Busch InBev , which aims to acquire SAB , has considerable Pepsi assets - an uneasy fit .