
bái lín
  • white phosphorus
白磷[bái lín]
  1. 白磷转化为红磷过程中爆炸原因探析

    Research after the Explosion Cause of Transforming White Phosphorus into Red Phosphorus

  2. 轰炸机、战车、火箭与白磷弹是那堵高墙。

    Bombers and tanks and rockets and white phosphorus shells are that high wall .

  3. 在苯热条件下,以金属镓和白磷为原料直接反应合成了GaP纳米晶,并研究了反应温度对GaP纳米晶物相的影响。

    GaP nanocrystals have been prepared by reacting Ga and P under benzene-thermal conditions , the effect of temperature on the crystalline perfect of GaP nanocrystals has also been investigated .

  4. 研究发现白磷的用量、水和DMF的体积比、反应温度对产物的形貌有着重要的影响。

    Experiments showed that the morphology of the product could be affected by the amount of WP , the volume ratio of water / DMF and the reaction temperature .

  5. 北约飞行员向拜尼沃利德投掷白磷。

    NATO pilots throwing white phosphorous on Beni Walid .

  6. 那这和白磷弹有什么关系?

    What about the phosphorus grenade ?

  7. 炮兵部队他曾亲眼见到以色列炮兵向加沙城发射白磷弹,garlasco说。

    He had seen israeli artillery fire white phosphorus shells at gaza city , garlasco said .

  8. 爆炸时,可散布燃烧的白磷,用于标示、遮蔽、隐藏或纵火。

    On bursting , the shell spreads burning white phosphorus , for marking , screening , obscuring and incendiary effects .

  9. 基质呈辉长结构,主要矿物为辉石和斜长石,其次有橄榄石、石英、白磷钙矿、磷镁钙矿、铬铁矿和堇青石。

    Silicates in the matrix are mainly composed of pyroxene and plagioclase with minor olivine , chromite , silica , cordierite , merrillite , and stanfieldite .

  10. 今年早些时候提交给议会的一份独立报告指责警察使用白磷燃烧武器—而政府已经否决了这份声明。

    An independent report submitted to parliament earlier this year accused the police of using the incendiary weapon white phosphorous - a claim which the government has rejected .

  11. 根据烟雾的扩散因素,在原算法的基础上,显示白磷燃烧发光发热的效果,引入温度条件对白磷所产生的烟雾的效果进行精细模拟。

    According to the spread of smoke factors in the original algorithm based on the effect of white phosphorus burn to shine , The introduction of temperature conditions on the impact of white phosphorus smoke effects generated by fine simulation .

  12. 纯磷有好几种存在形式,红磷可以相对安全储存,而白磷一遇到空气就会自发燃烧,并产生难以熄灭的红色火焰,而且有很强的毒性。

    Pure phosphorus comes in several forms . Red phosphorus is reasonably safe to handle . White phosphorus spontaneously ignites on contact with air . It burns with hot , hard-to-extinguish flames and is , in addition , quite poisonous .