
  • 网络chalky
  1. 固定矫治器戴入口内1月后,托槽周围就可发现釉质早期脱矿形成的白垩色斑块,这是釉质龋早期征象。

    White spot lesions the early signs of enamel caries appear on the enamel adjacent to the brackets only one month after the brackets fixed .

  2. 他们独自在大街上行进整齐:白条纹,迷离的眼神冒着炽热的光在三一教堂那冷冰冰的白垩色圆柱形的尖顶下面。

    They march on their soles up Main Street : white stripes , moonstruck eyes ' red fire under the chalk-dry and spar spire of the Trinitarian Church .

  3. 其临床表现为同一时期萌出的牙齿釉质上出现白垩色到褐色的斑块,严重者有釉质缺损。

    The clinical manifestation of enamel fluorosis is the chalk to fuscescent plaques on enamel of the teeth that erupt during the same period . Enamel defects can be seen in severe cases .