
  • 网络sick pay;sick leave
  1. 他们没有资格领病假工资。

    They are not eligible for sick pay .

  2. GMB称,伦敦的3万名优步司机不是独立承包人,而是理应享受最低工资、病假工资和假日薪水等福利的员工。

    The GMB alleges that Uber 's 30000 London drivers are not independent contractors but workers owed the minimum wage , sick pay and holiday pay .

  3. sickpay表示病假工资,也就是“带薪生病”。

    When you are ill and unable to work , sick pay is the money that you get from your employer instead of your normal wages .

  4. 出于税务上需要,病假工资被算作收入。

    For tax purposes , sick pay is counted as income .

  5. 她在病假工资上与雇主有争执。

    She is in conflict with her employers over sickness pay .

  6. 我知道他们不会得到病假工资,

    I know they will not get sick pay ,

  7. 凡在这儿工作了三年以上的人都有资格获得病假工资。

    Anyone who has worked here for over three years is eligible for sick pay .

  8. 她有资格获得病假工资吗?

    Is she eligible for sickness pay ?

  9. 员工的工龄对职工的病假工资确定具有重要影响;

    The service period of employees carries a significant impact on the determination of sick leave pay ;

  10. 用人单位有必要研究病假工资制度,积极予以引导。

    If employing units find it necessary to study the sick leave wage system , guidance must be provided .

  11. 尽管英国选择退出了和工作时间相关的部分指导法的约束,但是在病假工资和假期方面并未免除相应的责任。

    While the UK has an opt-out on parts of the directive relating to working hours , there is no exemption on sick pay and holiday .

  12. 健康保险和病假工资产生消费者激励,引发了三种类型的道德风险:理论上看事先道德风险不易预测,关于动态道德风险的实证文献也很有限。

    Theoretically , ex ante moral hazard is not unambiguously predicted , and there is also very limited empirical evidence about dynamic moral hazard effect ( choice biased in favor of new , usually more expensive medical technology ) .

  13. 受聘方在合同期内请病假,工资按课时费扣除。

    The salary of Party B will be deducted on the basis of the period .

  14. 自愿存款计划以及病假期间的工资支付。

    The voluntary savings scheme and the payment of wages during sickness .

  15. 如果乙方因患病并经医院证明确不能工作,可以向甲方提出请假,乙方在病假期间无工资。

    If part B was sick and have certificate from doctor or hospital to can not work , part B can apply leave , and will be entitled a normal salary in these period .

  16. 付给请病假的雇员的工资。

    Wages paid to an employee who is on sick leave .

  17. 一名工人因在病假中去打高尔夫球而扣去病假工资。

    A worker was docked sick pay for playing golf while on sick leave .