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yí jì
  • be jealous of;be suspicious and jealous of
疑忌 [yí jì]
  • [be jealous of] 怀疑,猜忌

  • 心怀疑忌

疑忌[yí jì]
  1. 雷切尔对任何有权势的人都心存疑忌。

    Rachel mistrusts anyone in a position of authority .

  2. 伊丽莎白错误地理解了韦翰的动机,对达西的疑忌与日俱增。

    Misinterpreting Wickham 's motives , Elizabeth becomes increasingly suspicious of Darcy .

  3. 如果有此疑忌,应该取样做二次培养和药敏。

    If in doubt , take a sample for a second culture and susceptibility .

  4. 他们不得不在英国疑忌重重的监护下使用英文。

    They had to employ the English language in face of the jealous guardianship of Britain .

  5. 对一个真心的朋友你可以传达你底忧愁、欢悦、恐惧、希望、疑忌、谏净,以及任何压在你心上的事情,有如一种教堂以外的忏悔一样.

    to whom you may impart griefs , joys , fears , hopes , suspicions , counsels , and whatsoever lieth upon the heart to oppress it , in a kind of civil shrift or confession .