
jiè biāo
  • landmark;post;monument;term
界标 [jiè biāo]
  • [landmark] 表示地界的标志

界标[jiè biāo]
  1. 基于SNoW学习框架的空间表达式和界标识别的研究。

    The research on the recognition of the spatial expression and the landmark .

  2. PAA、界标模型等特征提取方法;

    The feature extraction algorithm such as PAA and Landmark Model .

  3. 测量时在机器人上装有PSD,把三个激光装置当作界标。

    The robot carries position sensitive detectors , and three lasers are used as the landmarks .

  4. 区是两个邻近界标之间的区域。

    A region is an area lying between two adjacent landmarks .

  5. 基于可移动界标的微机器人的位置和角度的测量

    Position and Angle Measurement of a Miniature Robot Using Moving Landmarks

  6. 射体&界标理论及其在文学翻译中的应用

    On the Application of Trajector and Landmark Theory to Literature Translation

  7. 请按城镇的界标或区域介绍您所在的位置。

    Describe your location by landmark or area of town .

  8. 本文提出了一种基于可移动界标的微机器人的位置和角度的测量方法。

    This paper presents a position and angle measuring method by using landmarks .

  9. 而界标呢是起到标识分界作用的标志。

    And a boundary marker serves as a symbol of the demarcation line .

  10. 界标和边界可是两个概念。

    Boundary markers and borderlines are two different concepts .

  11. 这个哨站用作界标。

    The post served as a boundary marker .

  12. 中国完成东海领海基点界标建设工作。

    Boundary monuments built on East China Sea .

  13. 本文从计算和实验两个方面对于所提出的可移动界标的方法的精确性进行了评价,得出了激光装置设置的精确性影响测量精确性的结论。

    The accuracy of the proposed technique is assessed from the calculation and experiments .

  14. 以电视普及为界标,先前的文明史与其后的文明史有巨大的差异。

    Popularization of TV marks a great difference between civilizations prior to and after it .

  15. 这个有名的澳大利亚界标。

    This well known Australian landmark .

  16. 颈椎前路减压手术界标及颈椎血供的应用解剖学研究

    Applied Anatomic Study on Landmark of Anterior Decompression and Blood Supply in the Subaxial Cervical Vertebrae

  17. 以1760年代为界标,世界近代史的前后两个时期表现出迥然不同的特征。

    By 1760s the two stages of the Modern World History had taken on different characteristics .

  18. 空间意义由基本的意向图式和不同的射体-界标空间关系产生。

    Spatial meanings are produced from the basic image schema , and the different spatial trajector-landmark relationship .

  19. 用作纪念或路标、界标的石堆。

    A mound of stones piled up as a memorial or to mark a boundary or path .

  20. 因为两者存在着连接关系,为其他几项规则设置了初始的界标。

    Because there is a connection between them , they set up boundary markers initially for several other rules .

  21. 人类历史上第二个伟大的界标是,被我们称为“文明”的,需要熟练技术的复杂社会的产生。

    The second great landmark in the mankind 's history was the emergence of skilled and complex societies we call civilized .

  22. 好。我再举两个:元朝和清代。这些朝代是中国历史上的重要界标。

    Good . I 'll give you another two : Yuan and Qing . These dynasties are landmarks of Chinese history .

  23. 人脑的认知过程是一个从图形/射体到背景/界标,逐步形成概念的过程。

    The cognitive process of human brain is a process from figure / trajector to ground / landmark , forming a conception gradually .

  24. 包含景观建筑、院子、通道、侧道、地产界、界标和人行道的围墙和踏脚石。

    Contains fences and stepping stones for landscape architecture , yards , walkways , sidewalks , property boundaries , boundary markers , and footpaths .

  25. 从前,往往发生这村的人和那村的人为界标或灌溉而你死我活地械斗的事。

    In old days , people in this village used to snoot it out with those in that village for land mark or irrigation .

  26. 由于第二界标一般位于句子末端,其代表的新信息自然是整个标题中的信息中心,即最受强调的部分。

    Placed at the end of the sentence , the new information carried in the secondary landmark wins the emphasis of the whole headline .

  27. 该仪器设定固定界标,自动分类与手工涂片镜检的结果,在白血病、传染性单核细胞增多症等病例中差异很大。

    But there were significant differences between the results of automatic classification with fixed discriminator performance and artificial classification in patients with leukemia and infectious mononucleosis .

  28. 虽然前后照应的射体/概念有所不同,但是都遵循从图形到背景,或者射体到界标的认知过程。

    Although they are connected to different trajectors / conceptions , they comply with the cognitive process from figure to ground , or from trajector to landmark .

  29. 认知语言学家将心理学领域的图形-背景分离原则用于语言结构的研究,代之以射体-界标理论。

    Cognitive linguists put the principle of figure / ground segregation in the psychological field into the research of language structure and use trajector / landmark theory instead .

  30. 但该算法在界标节点选取以及往返时间测量方面存在测量不准确而使负载均衡不能很好实现。

    But there are some problems in this algorithm , such as the landmarks and the measurement of the RTT are not accurate which will affect the load balancing .