
nán zhǔ jué
  • hero;leading man;chief actor;male title role
男主角[nán zhǔ jué]
  1. 我曾有一次在街上偶遇这部电影的男主角,已故影星格里高利派克(GregoryPeck),即便是这都让我激动得说不出话来。

    I once ran into the film 's leading man , the late Gregory Peck , on the street , and even that choked me up .

  2. 各场演出都已取消,因为男主角病了。

    The performances were cancelled because the leading man was ill .

  3. 男主角在第五幕第三场死去。

    The hero dies in Act 5 , Scene 3 .

  4. 男主角在第2幕出场。

    The hero makes his entrance in Scene 2 .

  5. 他个头高大、皮肤黝黑、相貌堂堂,像通俗爱情小说的男主角。

    He was tall , dark and handsome , like a Mills and Boon hero .

  6. 《日瓦戈医生》的男主角于1929年去世。

    The hero of Doctor Zhivago dies in 1929 .

  7. 观众不会忘记风度翩翩的男主角德克冒着生命危险把达芙妮从恶龙爪下救出的情形。

    Viewers will remember the dashing hero , Dirk , risking life and limb to rescue Daphne from the dragons .

  8. 从该电影公司的男主角名单来看,罗伯特·沃克显然是出演这一角色的不二人选。

    From the studio 's roster of leading men , Robert Walker was an obvious choice to play the part .

  9. 故事由男主角讲述。

    The story is narrated by the main actor .

  10. 摄影机向男主角移近,准备拍摄一组特写镜头。

    The camera moved in on the hero for a close-up sequence .

  11. 塔库尼女士说:“如果电影导演为女性,影片中的女主角不是男主角的陪衬,或者影片是专门有关女性的主题,那么这样的影片就可以定为F级。”

    Ms Tarquini said : " If our films have a female director , a female lead who is not simply there to support the male lead , or are specifically about women then they will receive an F-Rated stamp of approval . "

  12. 最佳导演:阿方索-卡隆《地心引力》最佳男主角:马修-麦康纳《达拉斯买家俱乐部》

    Best leading actor : Matthew McConaughey , Dallas Buyer 's Club

  13. 男主角曾说。讲述一对注定相遇的男孩和女孩身上发生的故事。

    Your Name , this film , is a tale of what happens to a boy and girl who are destined to meet .

  14. 就像男主角立花泷转身问女主角三叶:“我们是否在哪里见过?”而两人同时问----“你的名字是?”故事也许都是虚构的,感情却都是真实的。

    When Taki turned around to ask Mitsuha whether they had met before , they asked at the same time , ” what ’ s your name ? ” It might be a fiction story , but the feeling is true .

  15. 马修•麦康纳的致辞也不错,他因为在《达拉斯买家俱乐部》(DallasBuyersClub)中的表演而获得了剧情类最佳男主角奖。

    Matthew McConaughey also scored , accepting the best actor in a Drama Award for Dallas buyers club .

  16. 名列榜首的是《暮光之城》男主角罗伯特·帕丁森,紧随其后的是音乐人TakeThat、AlexTurner与TOMFORD等等。

    Topping the list was Twilight superstar Robert Pattinson , followed closely by Take That , Alex Turner and Tom Ford , among others .

  17. 英文版已于7月31日在全球发行,这一天是书中男主角哈利·波特及其创作者J·K·罗琳的生日。

    The English version was released worldwide on July 31 , the birthday of the hero Harry Potter and also his creator , J.K. Rowling herself .

  18. 最佳男主角奖得主是……LeonardoDiCaprio。

    And the Oscar goes to ... Leonardo DiCaprio .

  19. 拍摄中:男主角Dan认真地听着女朋友在那高谈阔论。

    A stroll in the park : Penn / Dan plays the dutiful boyfriend to Blake / Serena , listening to her every word

  20. 现年41岁的好莱坞巨星强尼·戴普(JohnnyDepp)凭借《寻找梦幻岛》(FindingNeverland)获得最佳剧情片男主角提名。

    Johnny Depp 's portrayal of JM Barrie in Finding Neverland earned him a nomination for best actor in a drama .

  21. 另外,在去年8月,Parson获得了艾美奖喜剧类剧集最佳男主角奖。

    He won the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series last August .

  22. 霍夫曼的演艺生涯继续前进,总共赢得了七项奥斯卡最佳男主角提名,最近一次是1998年因为政治讽刺片《摇尾狗》(WagtheDog)。

    Instead , he continued on a career path that has garnered seven best actor Oscar nominations ( most recently for political satire Wag the Dog in 1998 ) .

  23. ScottCooper的疯狂的心为JeffBridges赢得了本年度的最佳男主角,影片讲述的是一个乡村音乐家在大起大落的人生里打拼、赢得人生转折的故事。

    Scott Cooper 's Crazy Heart , which won Jeff Bridges this year 's Best Actor award , shows him playing a down-and-out country music singer attempting to turn his fortunes around .

  24. 男主角欧文·格雷迪(OwenGrady)是一名动物专家,他通过与生性凶猛的恐龙互动,算是训练了它们。

    The character , Owen Grady , is an animal expert who has - sort of - trained the vicious dinosaurs by interacting with them .

  25. 在最佳男主角奖项中,迈克尔·基顿(MichaelKeaton)不负众望,因他在《鸟人》中的华丽表现获得提名,他在片中的角色是一个上了年纪的超级影星,在戏剧舞台上寻求拯救。

    Among actors , Michael Keaton received his expected nomination for his bravura turn in " Birdman " as an aging screen superhero seeking salvation on the stage .

  26. 那你真应该看看我扮KuntaKinte脚的那年(KuntaKinte:小说《根》的男主角)

    You should have seen the year I was Kunta Kinte 's foot .

  27. 这位《搏击俱乐部》和《点球成金》的男主角曾打扮成鸡妈妈为ElPolloLoco(西班牙语:疯狂烤鸡)店招揽顾客。

    The " Fight Club " and " Moneyball " actor used to don a chicken suit for the El Pollo Loco chicken restaurant franchise .

  28. 看着Carrie(欲望都市女主角)去巴黎我们的心都碎了后来“大人物”(欲望都市男主角)出现了我们都不知道还该不该相信他可谓是疯狂之�

    We go to Paris with Carrie and get our heart broken , and then Mr. Big shows up , we don 't know if we can trust him again . It 's a wild ride .

  29. G.P.是小说的另一男主角。他是绝对的男权主义者。

    The other male protagonist , G. P. , is a man with absolute patriarchy .

  30. 主演《模仿游戏》的本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(BenedictCumberbatch)、主演《狐狸猎手》(Foxcatcher)中的史蒂夫·卡瑞尔(SteveCarell),以及主演《美国狙击手》中的布拉德利·库珀(BradleyCooper)也分获最佳男主角提名。

    Benedict Cumberbatch from " The Imitation Game , " Steve Carell from " Foxcatcher , " and Bradley Cooper from " American Sniper " rounded out the best actor field .