
  1. 高Tc超导薄膜微波表面电阻的测量

    The measurement of the surface resistance of high t_c superconducting thin film

  2. 超高速VLSI中多晶硅发射极晶体管串联电阻的测量

    Measurement of Series Resistances in Polysilicon Emitter Bipolar Transistors for High Speed VLSI

  3. GaAs-Ga(1-x)AlxAS双异质结激光器的热阻及串联电阻的测量

    Measurements of Thermal Resistance and Series Resistance of CaAs-Ga_ ( 1-x ) Al_ x As Double Heterostructure Lasers

  4. 对于大型地网接地电阻的测量,ZC-8接地摇表法越来越不能适用现场测量的要求。

    For the measurement of grounding-resistance of large-scale grounding-net , ZC-8 method no more applies for the requirement .

  5. 分别给出了能量为350keV的Xe~+注入Cu/Ti双层(RT)和Cu/Ti多层(LN)薄膜后的表面硬度和电阻的测量结果,研究了混合后的上述性质的时效效果,同时进行了TEM分析。

    Measurements of surface hardness and electric resistance of Cu-Ti bilayer and multilayer films , implanted with 350 keV Xe + ion-beam , are presented to discuss the ageing effect on them with TEM analysis .

  6. 电阻的测量结果表明,随烧结温度升高,ZrO2的晶界及总电阻逐步下降,进一步的研究揭示了产生这种现象的原因。

    The resistance measurement showed that the total and the grain boundary resistance decreased with increasing sintering temperature , further studies . disclosed the reasons for producing this phenomenon .

  7. 此方法已用于飞机机体电阻的测量。

    This technique is used to measure the airplane body resister .

  8. GB/T15078-1994贵金属电触点材料接触电阻的测量方法

    Measuring method for contact resistance of precious metal electrical contact materials

  9. 激光熔凝过程中金属薄膜瞬态电阻的测量

    Measurement in transient resistance of metal films during laser pulse heating

  10. 有线电视基站设备接地电阻的测量

    The Measurement of Earthing Resistance of CATV Basic Station Devices

  11. 但这种方法只适用于均匀土壤接地电阻的测量。

    But this method is only suitable for uniform soil .

  12. 变电站地网接地电阻的测量误差及对策

    Error and Solution of Ground Resistance Measurement in Large Substation

  13. 基于比值采样原理实现半导体温度电阻的测量

    Measurement of semiconductor resistor based on ratio sampling system

  14. 多孔电极内部离子电阻的测量

    Determination of the internal ionic resistance of porous electrodes

  15. 石墨板-碳纸接触电阻的测量

    Measurement of graphite plate - carbon paper contact resistance

  16. 信息技术设备中保护连接导体电阻的测量方法

    Test Method and Appliance of Protective Bonding Conductor about the Information Technology Equipment

  17. 土壤电阻率和接地电阻的测量与分析

    Measurement and Analysis of Soil Resistivity and Grounding Resistance

  18. 接地电阻的测量和接地电阻表的检定

    Measurement of Earthling Resistance and Verification of Earthling Ohmmeter

  19. 短路开关电感电阻的测量

    Measurement of inductance and resistance of crowbar switch

  20. 线性电路输入电阻的测量

    The Measure Ment of Linear Circuit Input Resistance

  21. 绝缘电阻的测量&吸收比试验

    Measure of Insulated Resistance , Absorptance Test

  22. 双极型器件基区电阻的测量

    Measurement of Base Resistance of Bipolar Transistor

  23. 冲击接地电阻的测量方法

    Measuring Method of A Impulse Grounding Resistance

  24. 断路器导电回路电阻的测量

    Measurement of Contact Resistance of Circuit Breaker

  25. 接触电阻的测量

    The dynamic measurement of contact resistance

  26. 军用通信设备绝缘电阻的测量

    Insulance Measure of Military Communication Equipment

  27. 铁电体高电阻的测量

    Measurement of High Resistance of Ferroelectrics

  28. 目前国内外对杆塔冲击接地电阻的测量主要有三种方法:数值计算的方法、现场测量的方法和数值计算与现场测量相结合的方法。

    Domestic and international measurement for the tower impulse grounding resistance mainly has three kinds of method .

  29. 木材真实电阻的测量

    Measurement of true wood resistance

  30. 薄膜电阻的测量结果证实了电阻和分形维数之间存在着一定的关系。

    Measurements of film resistance provided the evidence that there exists a relationship between the film resistance and fractal dimension .