
  • 网络law of resistance;law of resistence;lawofresistance
  1. 电阻及欧姆定律串并联电路及克希荷夫定律;

    Resistor and Ohm 's Law ; Serial and Parallel circuit and Kirchhoff 's law ;

  2. 分析表明各向异性电阻元件的欧姆定律具有近似性。

    Analysis shows that two forms of Ohm 's law on the anisotropic resistance element are approximate .

  3. 基于异步电机稳态模型,得到了独立于定、转子电阻和转速的稳态磁链估计,然后利用稳态磁链建立了定子电阻在线整定律。

    Consequently , the problem of stator resistance tuning becomes very straightforward . Based on the steady model of induction motor , steady flux estimation is obtained independently on rotor speed and stator and rotor resistances .