
diàn guō lú
  • electric boiler
电锅炉[diàn guō lú]
  1. 电锅炉温度控制系统PID参数整定算法的改进

    The improvement of PID parameters-tuning algorithm applicable to an electric boiler temperature control system

  2. 电锅炉温度控制系统中的混沌优化PID控制器设计

    The design of a PID controller based on chaos optimization in an electric boiler temperature control system

  3. 分时电价下电锅炉经济运行的BP网络负荷预测

    Load Forecasting Based on BP ANN for Economical Operation of Electric Boiler with Heat Reservoir Under Time-sharing price

  4. 利用人工神经网络的BP预测模型对蓄热式电锅炉供热系统进行了热负荷预测。

    Load forecasting of heat supply system is an important base in the study of economical operation of electric boiler with heat reservoir under time-sharing price .

  5. 电锅炉&脱蜡釜的结构与特点

    Configuration and Characterization of the Electric Heating Boiler and Dewax Kettle

  6. 电锅炉蓄热系统的可行性和经济性

    Feasibility and economic effects of electrical boiler with heat storage system

  7. 电锅炉高温水蓄热采暖工程简介

    The Electrical Boiler Project of Storing Heating with High Temperature Water

  8. 北京理工大学电锅炉节能改造实例分析

    Electric boilers energy saving retrofit cases of Beijing Institute of Technology

  9. 应用电锅炉水储热技术转移高峰负荷

    Using Electric Boiler Water to Reserve Heat for Removing Peak Load

  10. 上海市应用蓄热电锅炉的技术经济性分析

    Technologic and Economic Analysis on Electricity Boiler with Thermal Storage

  11. 使用蓄热电锅炉供暖移峰填谷降成本

    Supply Heat Using Electric Heating-storage Boiler and Lower Cost Through Load Shifting

  12. 蓄热式电锅炉供暖工程设计介绍

    Design of an electric boiler heating system with heat storage

  13. 基于模糊控制的智能电锅炉控制系统

    Fuzzy Control based Intelligent Control System of an Electric Boiler

  14. 蓄热式电锅炉采暖系统的设计及经济效益分析

    Design of the Electric Boiler Heat Reservoir Heating System

  15. 电锅炉蓄热采暖系统设计

    Heating System Design of Electric Boiler with Thermal Storage

  16. 采用分户电锅炉供暖的经济技术浅析

    Economic and technical used electric boiler heating house analysis

  17. 蓄热式电锅炉及太阳能系统供热工程设计

    Heat storage electric boiler and solar energy system design

  18. 电锅炉蓄热式采暖运行经济、技术分析

    The Economic and Technical Analysis of the Heat Storage Type Electric Boiler Heating

  19. 蓄热电锅炉供热系统及其设计探讨带飞轮的电动机发热校核

    Discussion on Heat Supply System of Electric Thermal Storage Boiler and Its Design

  20. 电锅炉蓄热技术在某供暖工程中的应用

    Application of electric heat storage boiler in a project

  21. 蓄热电锅炉技术及其移峰填谷效果的评价方法

    Electric heat-storage boiler technology and the evaluation method of its peak load shifting effect

  22. 电锅炉用于供热系统的技术经济分析

    Economic Analysis of Electric Boiler for Heating Systems

  23. 电锅炉采暖控制系统的研究

    The Study of Control System for Electrical Heating

  24. 电锅炉高温水蓄热供暖系统运行总结

    Operational Summary on Electrical Boiler and Thermal Storage Heating System Using High Temperature Water

  25. 电锅炉蓄热技术及其在高寒地区的应用分析

    Thermal storage technology of electric boiler and it 's analysis in use for frigid zone

  26. 武汉市妇女儿童医疗保健中心电锅炉蓄热系统设计

    Thermal storage electric boiler system design for Wuhan Medical and Health Center for Women and Children

  27. 基于人工神经网络的热负荷预测及蓄热式电锅炉系统运行优化

    Heat Load Prediction Based on Neural Network and Operation Optimization in Electric Boiler with Heat Accumulator

  28. 综观目前工业控制的各个领域,不难发现,电锅炉控制系统被广泛的应用于其中。

    Present every domain of industrial control shows us that electric boiler control systems are widespread used .

  29. 对比发现,燃气机热泵的一次能源利用率和(火用)效率均高于电动热泵、燃气锅炉、燃煤锅炉和电锅炉;

    Which are higher than electric driven heat pump , gas boiler , coal boiler and electric boiler .

  30. 北京市建筑质量监督总站办公楼电锅炉高温水蓄热系统运行总结

    Operational Summary on Electrical Boiler and Thermal Storage Heating System Using High Temperature Water in Beijing Architecture Quality Supervision Station