
  • 网络Computer black screen;hasee
  1. 显示卡故障引起电脑黑屏的处理办法

    The Indicator Card Breakdown Causes the Computer Black Screen Processing Means

  2. 浅谈电脑黑屏故障的硬件原因及检修方法

    Discussion on Hardware Causes of Computer Black Screen Fault and Its Maintenance Method

  3. 2008年10月,微软曾威胁要对运行盗版操作系统的用户实施电脑黑屏;就像黑客那样,入侵个人电脑及数据。

    In the black screen incident in October 2008 , Microsoft threatened to turn black the desktop of any user found to be running a pirated operating system . It acted like a hacker , invading personal computers and data .

  4. 大约在上午8点15分,电脑突然黑屏死机。

    At around 8:15 a.m. , that black screen of death came on .

  5. 一位广州网民写道,看到数千台电脑同时黑屏的直播肯定很过瘾。

    ' It 'll be so exciting to have a live broadcast when thousands of computers go black ! 'wrote a netizen from Guangzhou .

  6. 有消息称,微软的更新造成个人电脑的使用黑屏死机的做法,是夸大和错误了的几百万倍数了。

    News that a Microsoft update is causing " millions " of PC 's to experience a " black screen of death " is both exaggerated and wrong .

  7. 有些同事来到公司,打开电脑开始工作。大约在上午8点15分,电脑突然黑屏死机。

    Some people had turned on their computers and were working . At around 8:15 a.m. , that black screen of death came on .