
  • 网络computer design;Design with computer;cad
  1. 分析了我国家居装修市场的发展状况,以及亟待解决的问题,指出引进电脑设计,促进产业有序发展。

    In this paper , the author analyses the development and problems of housing decoration market in China and points out the CAD should be introduced to promote orderly development of housing decoration .

  2. 所有的学生在完全了解电脑辅助设计中的实体模型制作原理后,必需完成一项具有研究所水准的电脑设计作品。

    Each student is expected to have completed one graduate level of design computing with a full understanding of solid modeling in CAD .

  3. 这款车是由电脑设计的。

    The car was designed by computer .

  4. 电脑设计的灵活性决定了它必将代替手工绘制,这就要求我们要熟练掌握和运用CAD系统进行款式设计。

    The flexibility of computer design decides the inevitability of replacement of manual drawing design , which requires us to master and apply skillfully CAD system to style design .

  5. 欧宝的CarUnity将允许车主通过一个专为智能手机和平板电脑设计的欧宝应用,把他们的车出租给Facebook好友之类的对象。

    Opel CarUnity will allow drivers to rent out their cars - say , to their Facebook friends - via a dedicated Opel app for smartphones and tablet computers .

  6. 美国运通(AmericanExpress)等企业还送高管去参加数据和电脑设计的培训项目,这么做的目的不是让他们能建网站,而是让他们能更好地管理从事此类工作的员工。

    Businesses such as American Express Co. AXP - 0.53 % send senior executives to programs about data and computational design not so they can build websites , but so they can better manage the employees who do .

  7. 随着服装CAD的不断发展,服装生产的全面自动化已经成为当今服装行业的发展趋势,服装款式设计也从以前的手工绘制发展到现在的电脑设计。

    With the continuous development of costume CAD ( computer aided design ), manufacturing automation has become the development trend of garment industry ; and costume style design has developed from manual drawing to computer design .

  8. 与此同时,四款MacBookAir机型中的三款已经降价。自2008年面世以来,MacBookAir就被视为超薄笔记本电脑设计领域的标杆。

    Meanwhile , prices have dropped for three of the four MacBook Air models , which , since their 2008 debut , have been thought of as the gold standard in ultra-thin laptop design .

  9. GNU是专门为68000/16000的带虚拟内存的电脑设计的,我们最早的程序就是在那样的机器下完成测试的。

    GNU is aimed initially at machines in the68000 / 16000 class with virtual memory , because they are the easiest machines to make it run on .

  10. 从去年开始,安全研究人员就注意到了对苹果的威胁。当时,他们发现了第一条专门针对苹果电脑设计的恶意编码。恶意编码又称malware。

    Security researchers have been aware of the threat to Apple since last year , when they detected the first piece of malicious code – or malware – specifically designed to target Apple .

  11. 本文论述了电脑设计的特点、系统的组成、初学者应注意的问题以及常用设计软件如photoshop、Freehand、pagemaker、CorelDraw、AutoCAD、3DS、3DMAX等的特点和应用。

    This paper discusses the characteristics of computer aided design , organization of the system , problems which beginners should pay attention to , characteristics and applications in common use such as Photoshop , Freehand , Pagemaker , CorelDraw , AutoCAD , 3DS , 3D Max etc.

  12. 电脑设计与教学软件在液压气动行业中的应用

    Designing and Training Softwares in Application to Hydraulic and Pneumatic Industries

  13. 交互设计对笔记本电脑设计的影响的研究

    Research about How Interaction Design Affects the Design of Notebook PC

  14. 利用电脑设计与建立英语题库

    Designing and establishing an English item bank with the computer

  15. 面向行业应用的掌上电脑设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Handhold PC on Trade Application

  16. 印花电脑设计分色CAD/CAM系统的发展与应用

    Development and application of CAD / CAM system for printing and dyeing industry

  17. 今天的电脑设计使用了不同的总线来连接各种不同的部件。

    PC designs today use a different bus to connect their various components .

  18. 这些电脑设计人员当时正在开发一种叫做“荣誉奖章:战争斗士”的电脑游戏。

    The designers were developing a game known as Medal of Honor : Warfighter .

  19. 新型电脑设计中人机学参数的探讨

    Discussion on The Reference Data of Human Engineering in Designing A New Type Computer

  20. 现在人们都用电脑设计镶嵌图案。

    They use computers to design mosaics nowadays .

  21. 试论美术基础在电脑设计中的作用

    A Pilot Study of the Grounding in Fine Arts Having an Effect on Computer Design

  22. 电脑设计,激光消音,机器人制造。

    Designed with a computer . Silenced By a laser . Built By a roBot .

  23. 基于人性化设计思想的家用电脑设计

    Appliance Computers Design Based on Humanized Design

  24. 关于电脑设计软件课程教学的构想与实践

    Proposition and Practice on Design Software Course

  25. 高校艺术设计教学中电脑设计教学初探

    The computer designs teaching to visit for the first time in university 's art design teaching

  26. 谷歌还专门为这款平板电脑设计了新软件,相信势必很有特色。

    Google has designed this new software specifically for tablets – and the features are impressive .

  27. 电脑设计程序的新观念

    New Concept of Computer Design Process

  28. 依奇,1996年亚特兰大奥运会吉祥物,是奥运史上第一个电脑设计的吉祥物。

    The mascot of the1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta was an amorphous abstract fantasy figure .

  29. 宝石琢型电脑设计

    Gem Cut Design with Computer

  30. 一项实验室研究对工商管理学硕士与电脑设计的赚取最大利润的价格战略表现进行了比较。

    One lab study compared the performance of mba students with that of computerized profit maximizing pricing strategies .