
  • 网络electrophysical
  1. 基于ARM处理器的电机电物理量采集系统的设计

    The ARM Microcontroller-Based Data Acquisition System of Electric Physical Qualities

  2. 使用单信号传输线实现非电物理量信号群数据采集

    Through Single Signal Wire Realize Multipoint Data Acquisition of Non-electric Physical Magnitude

  3. 添加种子的煤燃烧产物的组分、热力和电物理性质

    Composition , thermodynamic and electrical physical properties of seeded coal combustion product

  4. 粉尘的电晕荷电物理模型

    Physical model of corona charged dust

  5. 利用电物理特性进行检测,对食品加工自动化、品质控制精确化提供了重要手段。

    Inspection by using the electric physical property provides a major method to the automation and precision control of food processing .

  6. 按平面应力问题,直接从压电物理方程出发,导出了压电梁的状态方程。

    The state equation of Pieoelectric beam is deduced directly from a piezoelectric physical equation in terms of a plane stress problem .

  7. 当归的生理活性对其电物理特性的影响机理本文也进行了分析。

    The metabolism of the influence of the physiologic character on the electric properties of Angelica sinensis were also analyzed in this paper .

  8. 电极的结构形式、充电方式、充电液体的介电物理性质都直接影响雾滴的荷电效果。

    The effect of droplet charging is affected directly by the structure of the pole , the charging mode and the dielectric properties of the liquid .

  9. 高功率脉冲技术是电物理技术中新兴的技术领域,它在国防研究中发挥了重要作用。

    High pulse power technology is a rising technology in electricity physics . It has played an important role in national defence research during these years .

  10. 现代工业和自动化生产过程中,非电物理量的测量和控制技术会涉及大量的动态测试问题。

    In the modern industry and automatic production the measurement of non-electric physical quantity and the control technology involve a large volume of questions about dynamic measurement and test .

  11. 对当归鲜活试样和灭活试样的电物理特性进行了对比测定分析,研究了生理活性对其电物性的影响。

    In this paper , the influence of Angelica sinensis physiologic character on it 's electric properties were studied through the comparison experiments both on the fresh living and died samples of Angelica sinensis .

  12. 界面驰豫方程确定的特征驰豫时间和电容弥散频率计算式,与晶粒和晶界的电物理参数相关,弥散频率的计算值与实验结果定性相符。

    The formulas from an interface relaxation equation for the calculation of specific relaxation time and capacitance dispersion frequency are related to the electrophysics parameters of the grain and grain boundary . The calculations of dispersion frequency are coinciding with the measure values qualitatively .

  13. 本文研究了纳米晶PZT粉体的制备和各种添加剂,如La~(3+)、CNTs和γ′-Fe4N对PZT压电陶瓷物理、介电及压电性能的影响。

    The fabrication of nanocrystalline PZT powders and the effects of many kinds of additives , such as La ~ ( 3 + ), CNTs and γ ' - Fe_4N on the physical , dielectric and piezoelectric properties for PZT piezoelectric ceramics were investigated in this report .

  14. GB/T3655-1992电工钢片(带)磁、电和物理性能测量方法

    Magnetic sheet and strip-Methods of measurement of magnetic electrical and physical properties

  15. 电迁移物理模型参数统计特性提取新方法

    A Novel Method for Extracting the Statistic Property of Parameters in Physical Model of Electromigration

  16. 温差电现象物理教学演示仪

    Thermoelectricity phenomenon demonstrator for Physics Teaching

  17. 固溶三元系压电陶瓷物理性质的研究

    A Study on Physical Properties in a Solid-solution System Pb ( Sb_ ( 1-x ) Nbx ) O_3 - PbZrO_3-PbTiO_3 Piezoelectric Ceramics

  18. 根据岩石电性物理分析可知,不同频率范围,岩石复电阻率频散的物理机理不同。

    Physical analysis of rock electrical properties show that the physical mechanism of dispersion of rock complex resistivity in different ranges of frequency .

  19. 这个课程只想被当成初级的电浆物理课程,但包含了进一步学习所需要的重要观念。

    The course is intended only as a first plasma physics course , but includes critical concepts needed for a foundation for further study .

  20. 所谓主动元件是指通电后物理或者化学特性发生变化的元件,主动元件主要是半导体元件和显示屏。

    The so-called active components , mainly composed of semiconductor and display , refer to those whose physical and chemical properties change when electrified .

  21. 雷电是发生在大气层中的声、光、电等物理现象,它给人类的生活带来了很大的影响。

    Lightning occurs in the atmosphere of physical phenomena , such as sound , light , electricity , etc. It brought great influence to human life .

  22. 将金属与压电陶瓷物理复合的钹式换能器具有体积小的优点,使得其对于低频换能器设计具有重要意义。

    Cymbal transducer as a result of composite of metal and piezoelectric ceramic has the less volume which is significant in application to low frequency transducer .

  23. 本文通过计算机模拟、理论分析和实验等手段,研究了几种金属丝的电爆炸物理过程,以及金属丝作为断路开关的工作规律。

    This paper has studied the physical process of electric exploding wires and the different performance of electric exploding opening switch ( EEOS ) under different experiment parameters .

  24. TiO2掺杂Ag/SnO2电接触材料物理性能的研究

    A Research on the Physical Properties of Electronic Contact Material of TiO_2 Mixed with Ag / SnO_2

  25. 观察了细小神经轴突膜电生理和物理特性参数。

    Physiologic and physical parameters of small nerve fiber were measured .

  26. 结型光电二极管等效电参数的物理分析与测量

    Physical Analysis and Measurement for the Equivalent Electrical Parameters of Junction type Photodiodes

  27. 气溶胶粒子在云雾、降水、大气辐射、大气光、电等大气物理过程中起着重要作用。

    Atmospheric aerosol plays a very important role in physics and chemistry processes of atmosphere .

  28. 与电有关的物理现象。

    A physical phenomenon involving electricity .

  29. 介绍压电陶瓷的物理特性,介绍有关换能器和基阵的性能参数和试验原理。

    The physical property of piezoelectric ceramic ; performance reference and empirical principle about transducer and array .

  30. 本文介绍了一种新型的国外在军事电子学及航天飞行器上广泛应用的涂敷材料、制备过程,它的电性能、物理化学性能。

    Introduce a new coating material in military electronic and airspace crafts , including its preparation , electronical properties , physical and chemical properties .