
  • 网络montage
  1. 论立体主义思维在电影蒙太奇中的体现

    On the Reflection of Cubism Thinking on Film Montage

  2. 电影蒙太奇手法与诗词创作

    The Means of Montage and the Creation of Poems

  3. 数字时代电影蒙太奇在像素上的延伸

    Extension of Montage on Pixels in Digital Times

  4. 电影蒙太奇手法在诗歌中的运用

    The montage technigues in poetry

  5. 本论文的创新之处在于:把电影蒙太奇理论与动画片技巧结合起来。

    The creative of this thesis is : Putting together the Movie Montage theories and animation technique .

  6. 声音是电影蒙太奇的一个重要元素,对于强化电影的主题和塑造人物形象有十分重要的作用。

    A key element in montage , sound plays a vital role in motif reinforcement and characterization .

  7. 电影蒙太奇与诗词意境

    Montage and Poetry Mood

  8. 本文首先通过分析电影蒙太奇于非电影艺术中的表现,提出蒙太奇具有普遍性。

    At first , this paper through analyzes the behavior of film montage on art of no-film and proposes the universality of montage .

  9. 电影蒙太奇借助声音的造型功能,能形成电影艺术新的时间与空间的向度。

    By virtue of the modeling function of sound , montage can constitute new temporal and spatial dimensions in the art of films .

  10. 在诸多小说的结构上,显示出一种多层面的复调性;电影蒙太奇手法在诗歌中的运用

    Such methods as montage that are used in filming can also be found in the structure of novels . The montage technigues in poetry

  11. 本文将具体通过以建筑剖面为单元镜头,以电影蒙太奇的逻辑为组织方法研究建筑的超时空链接。

    With the specific architectural section being the unit camera shot , the ultra-space-time linkages in architecture are discussed with the logic of film montage in this article .

  12. 诗歌语言蒙太奇在以下三个特征上类似于电影蒙太奇:第一,意象直接组接;

    The montage of poetic language is similar to the montage of film in the following three features : Firstly , poetic idea - images are directly connected with each other ;

  13. 因此笔者认为电视蒙太奇理论不仅仅只继承电影蒙太奇,于是论文的第二部分主要探索了电视蒙太奇的其他理论源头。

    Not only therefore the author thinks the television montage theory only to inherit the movie montage , therefore the paper second part has mainly explored the television montage other theory sources .

  14. 当然,诗歌语言蒙太奇还具有自身的特点,即它比电影蒙太奇更加具有跳跃性、超脱性、理性以及多义性。

    Of course , the montage of poetic language has its characteristics yet , that is , it is more jumping , exceeding , rational and poly - meaningful than the montage of film .

  15. 尽管建筑理论不曾有完整的蒙太奇学说,但城市空间的构成方法与建筑空间的组合特征与电影蒙太奇有着惊人的相似之处。

    Though it have never had intact " montage " theories in the theory of the building , but there are surprising similarity between the composition method , the association characteristic in the building space and film montage of the urban space .

  16. 做为姐妹艺术的电影手法蒙太奇运用在舞蹈作品中的观念和意识,通过对创作思维意识的改变,把蒙太奇手法与舞蹈相结合。

    As the sister arts film techniques using montage in dance works the idea and consciousness , through the creative thinking consciousness change , the montage and dance combination .

  17. 从结构方式的角度看,李商隐七律多典组合情况大致可分为两类:有序的并列铺排式和无序的电影“蒙太奇”式。

    From the view of its construction ways , to study the formation of multi-allusions combination of Li Shangyin s Qilv , there are two kinds : orderly parallel style and disorderly montage style .

  18. 再次,对系列电视电影的镜头蒙太奇语言进行了分析,提出其镜头语言是指示物、意象与情感的延伸。

    Third , analyze montage to present that montage is objects , images and emotions extension .

  19. 解释如何更好运用电影中的蒙太奇、平行蒙太奇和其他电影语言。

    This paper explains how to employ the montage , parallel montage and other movie languages better .

  20. 意象的组合上诗人更加超前,有些手法类似于现代电影中的蒙太奇手法。

    In the image of the poet more advanced composition , and some practices similar to the modern film Montage practices .

  21. 借用电影理论的词汇蒙太奇,阐述一种与城市和建筑设计有关的思维状态和创作技巧,以及蒙太奇在城市和建筑设计中的运用。

    This article expounded the thought state and write skill relating to city and architecture desigen by using the movie academic word " montage ", as well as it 's utilizing in these two field ?

  22. 在使用电影动感,电影结构和蒙太奇手法探索电影艺术更广阔外延方面他是开路先锋。

    He was a pioneer in using camera movement , camera set ups and montage to explore the outer reaches of cinematic art .

  23. 电影自身的诸多局限是蒙太奇产生、发展的重要因素,电影蒙太奇具有节奏性、感染性和时间性,其种类可概括为叫板蒙太奇、对话蒙太奇、平行蒙太奇、物件蒙太奇、象征蒙太奇和音响蒙太奇等。

    The various limits of movie itself are the key to the existence and development of montage . Montage has the features of rhythm , influence and time and it can be classified as conversational montage , parallel montage , article montage , symbol montage and stereo montage .

  24. 这种电影修养影响到她的文字创作,她的写作技法有强烈的电影镜头感与蒙太奇效果,对话、情节有些拿来就是精彩的剧本片段。

    This had a great influence on her writing , in which the montage method was often used and the dialogues and plots were just created for plays .

  25. 第一部分电影文学论主要从王平陵的专著《电影文学论》出发,对电影剧本的特质、电影艺术中的蒙太奇、电影的诸多技术性问题和与其它文学体裁的比较四个方面进行了介绍。

    The first part " film literature " introduces the characteristics of scenario , montage , and technique comparison between movies and other literature types .