
  • 网络the film industry;movie industry
  1. 其电影产业以它奇特的与世隔绝的方式运作。

    Its film industry operates in its own curiously hermetic way

  2. 政府已经公布了帮助英国电影产业的一揽子措施。

    The government has announced a package of measures to help the British film industry

  3. 奥尔特曼戳穿了电影产业的虚伪面具以及普遍存在的一些错误认识,揭露了其作为一个产业,跟其他任何一个产业都一样。

    Altman strips away the pretence and mythology to expose the film industry as a business like any other .

  4. 现在政府在中国电影产业上投资了大量的人力物力,力求让中国电影“走出去”。而这些高水准的影视作品自然而然也会吸引国际上的影视公司与中国演员或公司签约,进行出国巡演。

    The government now spends a lot of money and effort on promoting Chinese productions abroad , and these high-quality productions will naturally attract agencies to book actors and companies to tour abroad .

  5. 《好莱坞报道》(TheHollywoodReporter)形容,该公司是在向电影产业勇敢地打招呼。

    The Hollywood Reporter called it an audacious hello to the movie industry .

  6. 《好莱坞报道》(TheHollywoodReporter)形容,该公司是在“向电影产业勇敢地打招呼”。

    The Hollywood Reporter called it " an audacious hello to the movie industry . "

  7. 不过梦工厂动画(DreamWorksAnimation)首席执行官杰弗里•卡森博格却对电影产业发起了牢骚。

    But DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg has some beef with his industry .

  8. 中国魔幻大片《画皮II—复活》自登陆各大院线仅4天就创造了3亿人民币的票房收入。《画皮2》的成功票房令中国电影产业倍受鼓舞。

    Chinese supernatural fantasy film " Painted Skin : the Resurrection " took in 300 million yuan in just four days.The success brought new encouragement to China 's film industry .

  9. 随着中国加入WTO,中国电影产业化态势已经日趋明朗,电影产业化道路成为中国电影发展的必由之路。

    As China joined into WTO , the tendency of industrialization for China film becomes obvious day by day . The path of industrialization for films has been the only way to develop China Film .

  10. 1995年11月22日,遍布美国的观众争相排队等候观看这部刚刚问世但却永远改变电影产业的电影。它的名字就是大名鼎鼎的《玩具总动员》。词语解释:1.sobv.抽泣,哭泣

    November , 22 , 1995 , audiences across America are lining up for a ground-breaking movie that will change the film industry forever .

  11. 在此基础上,运用SCP范式对我国电影产业的现状进行了描述,并深度剖析了发展中存在的问题及其原因,抓住了中国电影和美、韩等国电影产业发展的差距。

    On this basis , SCP paradigm is used to describe the status quo of Chinese film industry , and to find the problems and their causes in the rapid development .

  12. 好莱坞正在为今年DVD收入的大幅缩减做准备,因为消费者日渐疏远这种过时的家庭娱乐模式。而在过去10年里,DVD一直是电影产业最大的赚钱机器。

    Hollywood is bracing itself for a steep decline in DVD revenues this year as consumers turn away from the ageing home entertainment format that has been the film industry 's biggest cash generator for the last decade .

  13. 音乐和电影产业将他们电子版和实物版的产品捆绑在了一起——比如,给购买电影DVD光盘的消费者提供可以免费从网上下载电子版的代码的方式。

    The music and film industries have started to bundle electronic with physical versions of their products - by , for instance , providing those who buy a DVD of a movie with a code to download it from the internet .

  14. 在这八年中,中国电影产业借助经济增长和产业改革的加速度迅猛发展,年均增长速度超过GDP增速数倍,成为拉动中国经济增长的新引擎。

    In those eight years , with the acceleration of the economic growth and the industrial reform , Chinese film industry has become a new engine of Chinese economic growth . The average annual growth rate of Chinese film industry has been faster than that of GDP several times .

  15. 虽然在大制作影片《魔境仙踪》和《与梦露的一周》都非常成功,但Michelle还是要回到独立电影产业中去,她正着手重拍2009年的意大利惊悚片片《双重时间》。

    Though she 's had success with major films like Oz and My Week With Marilyn , Michelle will soon be getting back to her independent-movie roots as she begins filming a remake of the 2009 Italian film The Double Hour .

  16. 北京咨询公司易观国际(AnalysysInternational)的电影产业分析师黄国锋表示,本片首周末表现相当好,对未来成功至关重要,它将决定影片能上映多久。

    Huang Guofeng , a film industry analyst with Analysys International , the Beijing consultancy , said having a pretty good opening weekend would be critical for the film 's future success . It would determine how much further screening time it received .

  17. 就表现形态来看,数字艺术产业主要有七种形式,即:互联网艺术产业、手机媒体艺术产业、数字电影产业、动漫产业、数字电视产业、游戏产业、DV艺术产业。

    Seen from its representational condition , digital art industry mainly can be divided into seven kinds , namely , internet art industry , mobile media art industry , digital film industry , animation and comic industry , digital television industry , game industry , DV art industry .

  18. CMC董事长黎瑞刚表示,此类合作有利于中国电影产业的发展。CMC是一家国有传媒产业基金,不久前刚与精品投资银行Raine集团结成了合作关系,这家美国银行拥有数位好莱坞以及硅谷大佬的支持。

    Such tie-ups are good for China , says Li Ruigang , chief executive of China Media Capital , a state-owned media fund , which recently formed a partnership with Raine , a US merchant backed by some of the biggest names in Hollywood and Silicon Valley .

  19. 二十世纪三十年代中国电影产业研究

    Research of the Film Industry in 30s of the 20th Century

  20. 全球金融危机下中国电影产业的发展

    The Development of Chinese Film Industry under the Global Financial Crisis

  21. 在她很年轻的时候,她就加入到电影产业中。

    She entered the film industry at a very young age .

  22. 雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越&对中国电影产业化发展的思考

    A Reflection on the Industrialization of the China 's Film

  23. 中国电影产业化进程中的制片人定位

    The Placing of Producer in the Course of Industrialization of Chinese Film

  24. 电子游戏已经远超电影产业成为文化产业的支柱。

    Video game has overwhelm film become the pillar of culture industry .

  25. 香港电影产业:亟待拯救

    Hong Kong Film Property : Waiting for An Urgent Rescue

  26. 归去来兮&对中国电影产业化发展现状的思考

    On the State of the Development of China Film Industry

  27. 基于供应链的中国电影产业融资模式研究

    Research on Financing Model of Chinese Movie Industry Based on Supply Chain

  28. 因为美国的电影产业非常发达。

    Because of the American film industry was developed .

  29. 在娱乐圈和电影产业中是否也有很多女同呢?

    Is it like what you find in the entertainment and film industries ?

  30. 他的加盟意味着,我们打入了电影产业。

    When he joined it meant that we were in the movie business .