
  • 网络nose;electronic nose;e-nose;enose
  1. 基于遗传RBF网络的电子鼻对苹果质量的评定

    Quality Evaluation of Apples Using Electronic Nose Based on GA-RBF Network

  2. 猪舍有害气体NH3、H2S的电子鼻定量识别

    Quantitative identification of pernicious gases NH_3 and H_2S in piggery using electronic nose

  3. 基于独立分量分析和BP网络的电子鼻模式识别

    Study on electronic-nose recognition method with independent component analysis and back-propagation neural network

  4. MSP430单片机在电子鼻系统中的应用

    The Application of MSP 430 in the Electronic Nose System

  5. 此外,本系统对于采用传感器阵列和BP网络模式识别算法的电子鼻系统具有一定的通用性。

    In addition , the system has a certain degree of generality for electronic nose system which using sensor arrays and BP network pattern recognition algorithm .

  6. 研究表明:电子鼻在可挥发有机物(VOCs)定量分析中有潜在的应用前景。

    This study shows the potential application of the electronic noses for quantifying VOCs .

  7. 该电子鼻主要由一组厚膜金属氧化锡气体传感器阵列和RBF神经网络组成。

    It mainly consists of a thick tin oxide gas sensor array and radial basis function ( RBF ) neural network .

  8. 将快速独立分量分析算法和BP网络相结合用于电子鼻的模式识别可以有效地改善这一问题。

    This problem can be improved while fast independent component analysis ( FastICA ) and back propagation neural network ( BP NN ) were used for pattern recognition of electronic nose .

  9. 采用逐步回归、二次多项式逐步回归和BP网络建立大白桃坚实度、糖度和pH与电子鼻信号之间的关系模型。

    The relationship between sensor signals and the firmness , sugar content and acidity of " dabai " peach were developed using multiple linear regressions with stepwise procedure , quadratic polynomial step regression and BP network .

  10. 另一种是基于DSP和MCU的便携式网络化电子鼻系统,此套系统较上述系统具有成本低、小型化、低功耗等特点,但需要对其软/硬件系统进行开发,开发过程较为复杂。

    In the other portable networked system with advantages of low price , miniaturization and low-energy consumption is based on DSP and MCU , whose hardware structure and software design are mainly presented .

  11. 其中数据预处理和归一化算法均在DSP上采用软件的形式实现其功能,达到了提高便携式电子鼻系统整体性能和降低成本的效果。

    The data preprocessing and normalization algorithms are done by the form of software to realize its functions instead of hardware . This design also reached a portable electronic nose system to reduce overall price effects .

  12. 利用MEMS工艺制作的电子鼻是一种由具有部分选择性的微传感器阵列和适当的模式识别系统组成、能够识别简单或复杂气味和浓度的仪器。

    Electronic nose manufactured by MEMS is an instrument , which comprises an array of chemical sensors with partial specificity and an appropriate pattern-recognition system , capable of recognizing simple or complex odors .

  13. 为了提高电子鼻对混合气体的识别率,针对气体传感器阵列的交叉敏感特性,探讨了在电子鼻系统中基于独立分量分析(ICA)算法与BP神经网络相结合进行模式识别的可行性。

    Independent component analysis ( ICA ) and back propagation ( BP ) neural network are used for pattern recognition of Electronic-nose . Considered the cross sensitivity of gas sensor array for improving the identify ratio to electronic-nose .

  14. 本论文开发了两套软件,一套是与基于MOS传感器的CNe-NoseⅡ呼吸检测电子鼻配套的检测分析软件,该软件主要完成对仪器的控制和对传感器数据的处理分析。

    This paper developed two sets of software . One is for the CN e-Nose ⅱ breath detecting e-Nose based on the MOS sensors . This software can control the e-Nose and dispose the data of sensors .

  15. 首次使用电子鼻技术建立野生和栽培防风样品的DFA模型,用以鉴别防风不同的生长方式。

    For the first time using electronic nose technology to build wind DFA models with different growth patterns of the sample , the models distinguish wild and cultivated Fangfeng samples . 3 .

  16. 在室温条件下(10±3℃)进行了不同新鲜度鱼粉样本的电子鼻数据采集以及挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)和酸价含量的化学测定。

    Different freshness samples of fishmeal were acquired by electronic nose and volatile basic nitrogen ( TVB-N ) and acid content were determined by chemical method .

  17. 方法:用PentaxVNL-1530T型电子鼻咽喉镜对876例有耳鼻咽喉症状的患者行检查和治疗。

    Methods : Pentax VNL-1530T video laryngoscope were used in diagnosis and treatment of 876 cases with ENT symptoms .

  18. 电子鼻的类型繁多,主要介绍了离子迁移检测器、分子链荧光检测器、光纤传感器、MIME型化学传感器、聚合物薄膜传感器、声表面波传感器、微机电系统。

    There are many kinds of electronic nose ( EN ) . IMS , amplifying chromophore quenching , fiber-optic sensor , MIME-type chemical sensor , polymer thin film , SAW sensor , MEMS are described .

  19. 本文介绍近年来在电子鼻开发中取得的重大进展,以及模块式传感器系统(MOSES)的电子嗅觉在许多领域的应用前景。

    In this paper , significant progress in the development of " electronic noses " has been made during the last few years and electronic sniffing with modular sensors systems ( MOSES ) will soon become reality for many application .

  20. 建立了电子鼻数据和理化指标之间的PCR(主成分回归)、MLR(多元线性回归)、BP-ANN(误差反向传播网络)和SVR(支持向量回归)模型。

    Models of PCR ( Principal Component Regression ), MLR ( multiple linear regression ), BP-ANN ( back propagation network ) and SVR ( support vector regression ) between electronic nose data and chemical indicators of freshness were established .

  21. 利用电子鼻PEN3系统对不同酿酒酵母酿制葡萄酒的芳香成分进行检测分析。

    An electronic nose ( PEN3 ) was used to characterize and classify wines fermented by different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae .

  22. 提出一种在自然态下采用PEN3电子鼻鉴别不同产地和采收期中药材的方法。

    An electronic nose ( E-nose ) PEN3 was used to discriminate the CHMs with different growing areas and harvesting dates under natural state .

  23. 以它为例,研究了3种人工神经网络,即反向传输网络(BPN)、学习矢量量化网络(LVQ)和概率神经网络(PNN)对电子鼻性能的影响。

    As an example , the effect of three type of ANN including back propagation network ( BPN ), learning vector quantization network ( LVQ ) and probabilistic neural network ( PNN ) on the performance of the electronic nose was investigated .

  24. 利用电子鼻PEN2系统对不同储藏方式及时间下柑橘芳香成分进行检测分析。

    In the present study , an electronic nose ( PEN2 ) was used to characterize and classify two types of oranges coming from different storage times and methods .

  25. 在此基础上进行了传感器响应影响参数和模式识别影响参数研究,分别建立了鱼粉中挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)和酸价含量与电子鼻采集数据之间的回归模型以及鱼粉新鲜度判别模型。

    On this basis , the impact parameters of sensors response and pattern recognition were studied , and the regression models between volatile basic nitrogen ( TVB-N ) and acid value content and electronic nose data were established , as well as freshness discriminant models .

  26. 本文还将嗅觉识别系统应用到多种气体检测中,实验结果表明基于HTM算法的嗅觉识别系统具有优秀的性能,适合电子鼻信息处理。

    Furthermore , the olfactory recognition system is applied to gas detection . The experimental results show that the algorithm based on the HTM has excellent performance in classification of gases . Its robust generalization capability is suitable for electronic nose applications to process the signals of electronic nose .

  27. 运用PEN2便携式电子鼻对掺假牛奶进行检测,用方差分析、主成分分析和聚类分析对信号进行分析,得到由8个传感器组成的用于检测掺假牛奶的最佳传感器阵列。

    The adulterate milk were identified by electronic nose , and the signals were analyzed by variance analysis , PCA ( principal component analysis ) and clustering analysis . The best sensors array made up of 8 sensors was obtained .

  28. 采用UM16(167)的配方均匀设计,通过感官评定确定出烟熏液的配方,并进一步通过电子鼻测定结合主成分分析以及聚类分析验证感官评定的结果。

    The formula uniform design UM16 ( 167 ) was used to determine the formulation of liquid smoke flavoring through sensory evaluation . The sensory evaluation results were further verified by electronic nose combined with principal component analysis and cluster analysis .

  29. 基于电子鼻的西红柿与黄酒的检测与评价研究

    Inspection and Evaluation of Tomato and Rice Wine by Electronic Nose

  30. 最小二乘法在电子鼻动态信息融合中的应用

    Application of Least-Square Algorithm to Dynamic Data Fusion of Electronic Nose