
  • 网络E-Banking;e-bank;electronic banking;Electronic Bank
  1. 电子银行系统、数据库、应用功能间恰当的授权控制。

    Proper authorisation controls within e-banking systems , databases and applications .

  2. 基于客户体验管理的电子银行营销推广研究

    Based on Customer Experience Management Study of the E-Banking Marketing

  3. 一种基于WEB方式的企业电子银行系统的安全设计方案

    A Safety Design of Enterprise Electron Bank Based Upon WEB Model

  4. 一个基于MobileAgent的分布式电子银行模型及协议

    A Model and its Protocols of Distributed Electronic Bank Based on Mobile Agent

  5. 本文的创新之处主要有:运用客户关系管理理论对电子银行实施CRM管理进行了探讨;

    Firstly , the paper discussed CRM management in E-banking .

  6. ABC商业银行电子银行业务经营管理研究

    Study on Management of ABC Commercial Bank and Electronic Banking

  7. 基于J2EE和J2ME的安全移动电子银行

    Security solution for mobile E-bank based on J2EE and J2ME

  8. 随着电子银行、电子商务等在Internet上的广泛应用,对高速率和高带宽的网络需要越来越迫切。

    As long as electronic applications such as e-commerce , e-banks etc are widely used on the Internet , a high-speed and high-bandwidth network will be in great demand .

  9. 最后,本文利用CORBA技术研制了一个电子银行系统,并结合该系统的开发过程,详细介绍了构建Java/CORBA中间件应用系统的思想、方法和步骤。

    With developing this system , we introduce the thoughts , methods and steps of constructing a java / CORBA middleware application system in detail .

  10. 中国工商银行电子银行中心成都分中心致力于个性化的“分层服务”为高端客户开通VIP专线。

    Chengdu Branch Centre tries to set up individuation Layered Service , opening up the VIP special line for the high-end client .

  11. 同时运用PEST分析、竞争力分析、SWOT分析等方法,对辽宁农行电子银行业务的发展环境、战略定位分析。

    Also , the development environment and strategic positioning of e-banking services in ABC Liaoning branch are analyzed with the usage of PEST approaches , Contest approaches and SWOT approaches .

  12. 第三部分主要阐述为什么ABC商业银行必须建立以客户为中心的电子银行经营管理体系,以解决其电子银行业务发展中的问题,促进电子银行业务的发展。

    At the third part , we expatiate the reason on ABC banks constituting a electronic banking management system which take clients as central in order to accelerate the development of electronic banking operation .

  13. 从网点规划到ATM机投放和自助银行网点的布局,从传统储蓄业务到信用卡业务,从电子银行到理财计划,商业银行投入大量资源,以便在激烈市场竞争中站稳脚跟并取得发展。

    The business from savings to credit card business , from electronic banking to financial planning , from network planning to launch ATM machines , commercial banks have put a lot of resources to the fierce market competition foothold .

  14. 基于J2ME和J2EE,结合AES算法设计一个移动电子银行安全技术方案,通过移动用户与银行服务器之间的数据加密、身份认证和数据完整性实现端对端数据安全技术。

    Based on J2ME and J2EE , the security solution is designed for mobile E-bank combined with AES algorithm . The security technology between the mobile user and server of E-bank is implemented by data encryption , identification and data integrity .

  15. 电子银行操作风险的法律防范研究

    Research on Legal Prevention and Regulation of Operational Risk of E-banks

  16. 研究电子银行对监管政策的影响。

    II study the impact of electronic banking on supervisory policy ;

  17. 中国工商银行电子银行业务发展战略研究

    A Study on the Development Strategies for ICBC Electronic Banking Service

  18. 上海浦东发展银行电子银行业务营销组合策略研究

    Research on Marketing Mix Tactics of SPD Bank 's E-banking Business

  19. 电子银行系统的通讯安全问题研究

    The Communication Security of Electronic Banking Systems in Our Country

  20. 对电子银行业务可持续发展的思考

    Thoughts on the Sustainable Development of E - banking Bussiness

  21. 国际监督机构(监督机构)对电子银行活动有效地管理监督。

    International Control Mechanism Effective management oversight of e-banking activities .

  22. 以客户为中心构筑电子银行的经营管理体系

    Establishing an Operation and Management System of a Customer-Centered E-Bank

  23. 试论我国电子银行业务的发展战略

    A Try to Discuss Development Stategy of Electronic Bank Business in China

  24. 我国电子银行业务发展战略及对策研究

    Research on the Development Strategy and Measure of Electronic Banking in China

  25. 电子银行业务必将成为银行争抢的蓝海。

    Electronic banking proves to be a blue ocean for the banks .

  26. 电子银行的市场准入监管立法探析

    Legislation Analysis on Market Access Supervision for Electronic Banking

  27. 发展电子银行,提高我国商业银行竞争力

    E-banking and its role in enhancing the competitiveness of China 's commercial banks

  28. 模糊综合评判在电子银行风险控制中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation in E-Banking and Risk-Control

  29. 为电子银行交易建立清晰的核查记录。

    Establishment of clear audit trails for e-banking transactions .

  30. 对建行安徽省分行电子银行发展问题的研究

    Anhui Branch of China Construction Bank E-banking Development Research