
  • 网络motor efficiency
  1. 在发动机油耗测试数据和电动机效率试验数据的基础上,建立了动力源效率模型,提出了轻度混合动力AMT车辆电动机部分助力时的能量分配策略和经济性换挡规律。

    Efficient model of power source is built up according to test data of engine fuel consumption and ISG motor efficiency . Power distributing strategy and economy shift rule are brought out on the condition that vehicle is driven by both engine and motor .

  2. 节能宝使异步电动机效率提高研究

    Economizing energy appliance makes the search of electric motor efficiency being improved

  3. 综合考虑发动机节气门开度、车速、ISG电动机效率以及电池荷电状态对动力性换挡规律的影响,提出轻度混合动力AMT汽车动力性换挡规律及换挡控制方法。

    The shift schedule and its control method for a mild hybrid electric car ( MHEC ) with automatic manual transmission ( AMT ) is put forward , considering the effect of factors like throttle opening , vehicle speed , ISG efficiency and state of charge of NiMH batteries .

  4. 高效率三相异步电动机效率分析与应用的可行性

    Efficiency Analysis and Applicational Feasibility for High Efficiency 3-phase Non-synchronous Motor

  5. 变频调速异步电动机效率优化控制的研究进展

    Advances in Efficiency Optimization Control of Inverter-Fed Induction Motor Drives

  6. 提高异步电动机效率的研究

    Study on Improving the Efficiency of the Synchronous Electric Motor

  7. 变频电动机效率的测试方法

    Method for Measuring the Efficiency of Variable - Frequency Motor

  8. 超声波电动机效率问题的研究现状与进展

    Review on the Research of the Ultrasonic Motor Efficiency

  9. 提高无刷双馈电机效率的方法和途径发动机效率电动机效率

    The Method and Way to Improve the of Efficiency for Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine

  10. 本文着重论述了在周期性负载下,稀土永磁同步电动机效率与参数之间的相关性。

    This paper mainly deals with the relation between energy efficiency and parameters of rare earth permanent magnet synchronous motor ( REPMSM ) operating under periodical load .

  11. 通过应用稀土永磁高效节能电动机替代效率低的80余台JO2系列电动机,取得了在浮选机上应用的可喜成效,从而降低了浮选工序的电耗,这也是选矿生产节电的一种有效途径。

    A good result in power saving of flotation machine has been brought since replacing 80 JO_2 motors of low-performance by the energy-saving motor .

  12. 提高同步电动机运行效率的一种励磁方案

    The scheme of controlled excitation for advancing operation of synchronous motor

  13. 异步电动机的效率优化快速响应控制研究

    Study on efficiency optimization and high response control of induction motor

  14. 采用单双层绕组提高小型异步电动机的效率

    Improvement on Efficiency of Small-Sized Induction Motor by Single-and Double-Layer Winding

  15. 变频调速异步电动机运行效率的研究

    Research on Efficiency of Variable-Frequency Adjustable-Speed Induction Motor at Operation

  16. 电动车用异步电动机最大效率控制的仿真研究

    Simulation Study on Efficiency Optimization Control for Asynchronous Motor Used in Vehicle

  17. 电流源型逆变器供电的感应电动机最佳效率运行的研究

    Research of Optimal Efficiency Induction Motor Drive Fed by a Current Source Inverter

  18. 提出了一种异步电动机最佳效率的控制方法。

    This paper present a new method for the optimal efficiency control of asynchronous motor .

  19. 通常,同步电动机的效率比相应的感动电动机的效率高。

    A synchronous motor usually has a higher efficiency than that of a comparable induction motor .

  20. 无铁心电动机具有效率高、噪声低等特点,引起了广大学者的关注。

    Ironless motor has higher efficiency and lower noise , and has attracted more scholars ' attention .

  21. 本文介绍了异步电动机的效率、功率因数和其他参数的特性。

    This paper describes the efficiency , power factor and other parameter features of the synchronous electric motor .

  22. 所以,提高电动机的效率对节约资源,保护环境有着重要的意义。

    Therefore , improving the efficiency of the motor has great significance for saving resources and protecting the environment .

  23. 有限能量电源变工况条件下感应电动机最大效率控制的仿真

    Simulation of Induction Motor in Energy Optimization Control under the Condition of Finite Power Supply and Variable Running Condition

  24. 该系列电动机具有效率高、节能、噪声低、振动小、起动转距高、可靠性高、安装维护方便等特点。

    This series motor has characters of high efficient , high class , low noise , small vibration , large starting torque , high reliability , convinent installation maintenance and so on .

  25. 本文从理论上分析了恒转矩变频调速对三相异步电动机的效率及各项损耗变化、影响,提出了自己的观点。

    The paper theoretically analyzes influence of the constant torque frequency speed adjustment on the efficiency and all kinds of loss of the three-phase electrical motor . The author puts forward own view .

  26. 在设计研究的过程中,考虑到了电动机的效率及体积会受到设计参数(如:转子外径,同步电抗)的影响,进而得出了电动机的基本设计方案。

    In the design studies of these motors , the fundamental design has been determined by considering the efficiency and the motor volume affected by design parameters such as rotor outside diameter , and synchronous reactance .

  27. 永磁同步电机由于用永磁体代替了励磁绕组,省去了励磁损耗,降低了加工和装配费用,提高了电动机的效率和功率密度,因而它正得到越来越广泛的应用。

    Permanent magnet synchronous motor ( PMSM ) with permanent magnets instead of excitation windings , eliminating the excitation loss , reducing the processing and assembly costs , improve motor efficiency and power density . So it is being more and more widely used .

  28. 通过实验和仿真结果可以看出,这种基于遗传算法的异步电动机机械效率的优化控制方法明显地提高了异步电动机在轻载或空载时的机械效率,具有极高理论和实际意义。

    From the experiment and simulation results , we can see that the optimal method based on genetic algorithms has significantly improved the mechanical efficiency of three-phase asynchronous motor at light load or no load , and it has a high theoretical and practical significance .

  29. 结果表明二次平衡装置可以有效的降低减速箱输出扭矩波动,提高电动机工作效率,其中均方根扭矩降低率可达23.8%,电动机平均工作效率提升率可达29.8%。

    It turned out that secondary balancer appliances could effectively decrease reduction gearbox output torque fluctuations and improve the electric motor work efficiency . The root-mean-square torque has a decrease of 23.8 percents , meanwhile the average electric motor work efficiency has a increase of 29.8 percent .

  30. 基于MATLAB的电动车辆用电动机控制器系统效率测试分析

    The Efficiency Research on the Electromotor and Controller System based on MATLAB