
  • 网络Dielectric Physics;physics of dielectrics
  1. 电介质物理研究进展述评

    Review of Research Advance in Dielectric Physics

  2. 从物理学史角度评论了电介质物理的发展和现状;

    ,, A review is given of the development of dielectric physics from the historical viewpoint .

  3. 电介质物理中的慢效应

    Slow Effects in Dielectric Physics

  4. 用电介质的真空物理图像与电介质边界上的边值关系结合叠加原理巧妙求解了点电荷和介质球静电问题。

    Superposition method for solving electrostatic problem of point charge and spherical medium is obtained by the vacuum physical picture of medium and the superposition principle of electrostatic field .

  5. 建立了电介质极化过程的物理模型,并讨论了均匀电场与各向同性电介质极化的相互作用。

    A physical model describing the process of polarization of electric medium is built up , and the interactions between symmetrical electric field and the polarized electric medium are discussed .