
shēn bào dān
  • declaration;customs declaration form
  1. 海关凭原入境申报单查验放行。

    Customs clearance shall be based on inspection of the original declaration made at the time of entry .

  2. 我可以看一下您的入境申请表和海关申报单吗?

    Can I see your disembarkation card and customs declaration from ?

  3. 她填写了一张费用申报单,她的经理批准了。

    She filled in an expenses claim and her manager OK 'd it .

  4. 他没有呈报1982年的纳税申报单。

    He failed to file tax returns for 1982

  5. 此外,伦敦财政研究所(InstituteforFiscalStudies)对纳税申报单的分析显示,0.1%最富裕成年人的收入增幅是中等收入者的两倍。

    Moreover , the incomes of the richest 0.1 per cent of adults had risen at twice the rate of those on middle incomes , according to analysis of tax returns by the Institute for Fiscal Studies .

  6. 而在美国国税局(IRS),一套用于过去纳税申报单的数学排序系统“让IRS的分析师在不增加调查的前提下,能发现比以前多25倍的逃税情况。”

    At the IRS , a mathematical ranking system applied to past tax returns " empowered IRS analysts to find 25 times more tax evasion , without increasing the number of investigations . "

  7. 丽塔:你对联合纳税申报单有什么看法?

    RITA : What do you think about joint tax-return forms ?

  8. 请给我出入境登记卡及海关申报单。

    Plese give me an embarkation card and custom declarario form .

  9. 请准备海关申报单接受行李通关检查。

    Please have your customs form ready for your baggage clearance .

  10. 妈妈负责处理纳税申报单,爸爸修理汽车。

    Mum handles the tax returns while Dad fixes the car .

  11. 我可以现在重新填一份海关申报单吗?

    Can I fill in a new customs declaration form now ?

  12. 你可以给海关官员看一下你的关税申报单。

    You should first show your Customs declaration to the officer .

  13. 请填写入境卡及行李申报单。

    Please fill in the disembarkation card and the baggage declaration form .

  14. 请让我看一下你的申报单好吗?

    Let me see your customs declaration form , please .

  15. 请出示护照和申报单。

    Waiting list Your passport and declaration card , please .

  16. 在抵达前请填好这张海关申报单。

    Please fill out this customs form before you arrive .

  17. 通常你得出示关税申报单和外币申报单。

    Usually you need to show your customs declaration and currency declaration .

  18. 请把这份海关行李申报单填好。

    Fill in this Customs Baggage Declaration Form , please .

  19. 你得填一份海关申报单。

    You 'll have to fill out a customs declaration .

  20. 我写错了,可以另外给我海关申报单吗?

    I made a mistake . May I have another customs form ?

  21. 你首先得填写出境旅客申报单。

    First , you should fill out the declaration form .

  22. 我已经在护照里准备好申报单了。

    I have this form ready in my passport .

  23. 那么请填写这张货币申报单。

    Then fill out this currency declaration form please .

  24. 他帮助我填写所得税申报单。

    He assist me with my income tax return .

  25. 请填写入境旅客物品申报单。

    Fill in the baggage declaration for inward passengers .

  26. 免消费税输入申报单他在税单上申报他的收入为六千镑。

    Free consumption entry He returned his earnings as & 6000on the tax declaration .

  27. 这种新的纳税申报单形式只会把人弄糊涂。

    The new tax return forms only confuse .

  28. 我要把申报单给谁?

    Whom do I give this form to ?

  29. 那是给美国移民局的申报单。

    It 's a form for the U.S.immigration .

  30. 他在所得税申报单上填上了失业。

    He put himself down on the Income Tax Return as " unemployed " .