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jiǎ gǔ bǔ cí
  • oracular inscriptions on tortoise shells and bones
  1. 甲骨卜辞是商朝的国家档案。

    Oracle-bone inscriptions are the important state archives .

  2. 甲骨卜辞中还有奇数、偶数和倍数的概念。

    The notions of odd , even , and multiple also appeared on the oracle inscriptions .

  3. 甲骨卜辞中的晚商体育文化

    Sports Culture of Late Shang Dynasty Reflected by the Oracle Inscriptions on the Tortoise Shells and Animal Bones

  4. 贞旬卜辞在甲骨卜辞中是比较常见的一类卜辞,数量众多。

    There exit comparatively a large number of " Zhen Xun " in the bone shell oracle inscriptions .

  5. 从甲骨卜辞说到中国古代的“?”晕“观念”

    From the bones or tortoise shells BOCI to the ancient concept of " jin " and " yun "

  6. 铜器铭文的叙事较之甲骨卜辞有了明显的变化,有些铭文已经可以看做为规范的记叙文。

    Compared with inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells , some bronze vessel inscriptions can be seen as standard narratives .

  7. 商朝具有高度发展的青铜器时期城市文化,并且是中国已知第一个留下有文字记载一一甲骨卜辞的朝代。

    The Shang achieved a high level of bronze-age urban culture and is the first known state in China to leave written records-the oracle bones .

  8. 在出土的商代甲骨卜辞中,被认定的日食纪事有5次。这是发生在公元前14世纪至12世纪之间的日食纪事。

    Excavated bone and tortoise shell inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty recorded five solar eclipses that took place beiween the 14th and 12th centuries BC .

  9. 摘要里耶秦简是21世纪最重大的考古发现,其学术价值,足以与敦煌文献、甲骨卜辞媲美。

    Liye strips of Qin are the greatest archaeological discovery in the21st century , whose academic value is enough to match Dunhuang documents and Jiagu documents .

  10. 甲骨卜辞所见之巫者的建筑巫术活动本厂技术力量雄厚,生产经验丰富。

    The Shaman 's Work on Architecture , as Seen on the Shang Dynasty Oracle Bones Our factory has strong technical power and is rich in production experience .

  11. 第一章以甲骨卜辞中“西母”为研究重点,对西王母原生态神格中的太阳文化进行分析;

    The first chapter makes an analysis of the solar culture about the original godhood of Hsi Wang Mu , which put special emphasis on " Hsi Wu " .

  12. 第四部分利用大量考古发掘资料、文献记载及部分甲骨卜辞资料,论证了商城时期人们已经懂得对生态环境的保护及治理,并采取了有效措施。

    In the fourth part , I prove that the people in the Shang city in Zheng Zhou knew how to protect the ecological environment and took some good measures .

  13. 甲骨卜辞虽属萌芽状态的散文,但在用词、句式以及记事等方面为散文的发展奠定了基础。

    Divine remarks on Jiagu , which are the proses in the bud , lay the foundation of prose development in the sense of diction , sentence patterns and narration .

  14. 我国淡水养殖历史悠久,根据殷墟出土的甲骨卜辞,证明我国早在殷商末年就开始养殖鱼类。

    China has a long history in freshwater fish culture . The oracle bone inscriptions excavated from Yin ruins prove that the fish culture of China appeared as far back as at the end of the Shang or Yin Dynasty .

  15. 兼语式,是汉语中的一种结构很特殊的句式。它在甲骨卜辞中就已经开始应用,先秦两汉时期成了书面语言中的主要句式。

    Jianyu Sentences , a special kind of sentence pattern in Chinese , which had already been found in the Oracle Bone Inscriptions , became a main type of sentence structure in the written language from the Pre-Qin Period to the Han Dynasty .

  16. 本篇论文在马克思主义史学观的指导下,依据文献资料,考古学材料及甲骨卜辞,在前人研究成果的基础上,对商代的继承制度进行了较为全面的探讨。

    Guided by the historical value of Marxism and based by the documents , archaeological materials and oracle inscriptions , this thesis probes comparatively comprehensively into the system of succession of the Shang Dynasty on the base of the research achievements of the predecessors .

  17. 在文章最后,对甲骨卜辞知识库的应用给出了一些解决方案,并考虑在后续工作中实现对整个语料库进行基于标注信息的信息抽取的算法设计及其系统开发。

    At the end of this thesis , there are some advices given on the application of intellectual corpus in oracle bone inscriptions , arithmetic design of informational extraction which based on marking information and systematic development for corpus will be achieved in later works .

  18. 殷墟甲骨卜辞是现存最早的成系统的汉字,是殷商晚期历史的记载,也是中国文化、语言、历史可追溯的最早源头。

    Oracle bones inscriptions of the Yin Ruins , it is the earliest existing Chinese characters , and the history of the late Shang Dynasty is recorded by it , but also it can be traced back to the earliest source for Chinese language , culture , history .

  19. 在殷墟发现的甲骨卜辞约有10万多片,所记甲骨文单字总数约有4500左右,今已确认者约有2000千字左右,基本上具备象形、指事、会意、形声等造字方式。

    One hundred thousand of pieces of oracle-bone in-scriptions have been found in the ruins of Yin , which contains about 4500 characters and about 2000 have been deciphered . The written characters were already formed in four different ways : pictographs , ideographs , associative compounds and phonetic compounds .