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  • Mecobalamin
  1. 方法20名健康男性受试者随机交叉口服单剂量试验和参比甲钴胺片剂1500μg后,用微粒子捕捉酶免法测定血清中甲钴胺浓度,并评价2种制剂的生物等效性。

    Methods A single oral dose 1500 μ g of tested and referenced mecobalamin tablets were given to 20 healthy volunteers in a randomized cross - over .

  2. 结论赛莱乐与甲钴胺联合治疗DPN有较好疗效。

    Conclusions Buflomedil combined with Mecobalamin is an effective and valuable method for prevention of diabetic peripheral neuropathy .

  3. 维生素B(12)及其衍生物甲钴胺对低糖导致的视网膜神经元损伤的保护作用

    Neuroprotective effects of vitamins B_ ( 12 ) and its analog methylcobalamin on the hypoglycemia injured retinal neurons in vitro

  4. 组织胰岛素样生长因子1mRNA表达及其肽含量变化甲钴胺+胰岛素治疗组组织胰岛素样生长因子ⅠmRNA含量均不同程度高于胰岛素治疗组(P0.05~0.01)。

    IGF-1 mRNA / peptide changes : Tissue IGF-1 mRNA increased significantly in methylcobalamin + insulin treated groups than that in insulin treated groups , respectively ( P 0.05-0.01 ) .

  5. 背景:甲钴胺是维生素B12的一种衍生物,可促进核酸蛋白质代谢、神经轴浆的转运及轴突的再生。

    BACKGROUND : Methyl cobalamin , a derivative of vitamin B12 , can promote the metabolism of nucleic acid protein , axoplasmic transport and axonal regeneration .

  6. 甲钴胺+胰岛素治疗2组明显高于胰岛素治疗2组(P0.05),但低于正常对照组(P0.01);

    Similarly , tissue IGF-1 mRNA contents were obviously higher in methylcobalamin + insulin treated group 2 than that in insulin treated group 2 ( P 0.05 ), but lower than that in NC group ( P 0.01 );

  7. 联合治疗组治疗前后ET、TXB2、PGF1α值有显著差异(P<005),甲钴胺组差异不明显(P>005);

    With combined treatment , the differences of these value before and after treatment were significant ( P < 0.05 ) but not so in the patients treated with mecobalamin only ( P > 0.05 ) .

  8. 方法:对照组采用基础治疗,强的松1mg/(kg·d),1次/d,晨服,最大剂量≤60mg/d,每隔5d减半量,1个疗程15d,甲钴胺口服500μg,3次/d。

    METHODS : Basic treatment : 1 mg / kg per day prednisone ( the maximal dosage ≤ 60 mg / day ) was taken once every day and reducing dosage by half every 5 days , with a course of therapy for 15 days .

  9. 病程3个月时,甲钴胺+胰岛素治疗2组神经组织与胰岛素治疗2组无差异。甲钴胺对组织胰岛素样生长因子1肽含量变化的影响趋势与对胰岛素样生长因子1mRNA基本平行。

    By month 3 , IGF-1 mRNA level in methylcobalamin + insulin treated group 2 was not significantly different from that in insulin treated group 2 . The IGF-1 peptide levels in nerve tissue changed approximately parallel to IGF-1 mRNA level over time course .

  10. 糖尿病成模后2周时,坐骨神经甲钴胺+胰岛素治疗1组组织胰岛素样生长因子1mRNA含量显著高于胰岛素治疗1组(P<0.05),与正常对照组差异不明显;

    Two weeks after diabetic model was established , the sciatic tissue IGF-1 mRNA contents were obviously higher in methylcobalamin + insulin treated group 1 than that in insulin treated group 1 ( P < 0.05 ), but not significantly different from that in NC group ;

  11. 靶肌肉注射甲钴胺对大鼠周围神经损伤再生的作用

    Peripheral nerve regeneration in response to target muscle injection with Methycobal

  12. 依达拉奉与甲钴胺联合治疗糖尿病周围神经病变

    Combined therapy of edaravone and mecobalamin for diabetic peripheral neuropathy

  13. 甲钴胺在治疗急性脑干梗死中的临床效果

    Mecobalamin 's clinical effect in the therapy for acute brain stem infarction

  14. 大剂量甲钴胺对糖尿病周围神经损害的影响

    The Curative Effect of High-dose Mecobalamin Treating Diabetes Peripheral Neuropathy

  15. 度洛西汀联用甲钴胺治疗丘脑痛的临床观察

    Clinical study on combined treatment of thalamic pain using duloxetine and mecobalamin

  16. 叶酸和甲钴胺联合治疗血管性痴呆患者高同型半胱氨酸血症

    Effect of Folic Acid Combined with Mecobalamin on Vascular Dementia Patients with Hyperhomocysteinemia

  17. 甲钴胺联合黛力新治疗带状疱疹后神经痛临床观察

    Clinical observation on mecobalamine combined deanxit treating postherpetic neuralgia

  18. 甲钴胺穴位注射结合针刺治疗顽固性面瘫的疗效观察

    Clinical observation of mecobalamin acupoint injection with acupuncture for treating intractable facial paralysis

  19. 目的:研究甲钴胺片在健康志愿者体内的相对生物利用度。

    OBJECTIVE To study the relative bioavailability of mecobalamin Tablets in healthy volunteers .

  20. 甲钴胺血清浓度的测定及生物等效性研究

    Determination of Mecobalamin in Serum and its Bioequivalence

  21. 银杏叶提取物与甲钴胺联用治疗糖尿病周围神经病变

    The Effect of Extracts of Gingko Biloba Combined with Mecobalamin on Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

  22. 甲钴胺对钳夹伤大鼠视神经的保护作用

    The ability of mecobalamin to protect the rat optic nerve from injury by crushing

  23. 甲钴胺联合丁咯地尔治疗糖尿病周围神经病变的疗效观察

    Curative Effect Observation of Mecobalamine and Buflomedil for the Treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

  24. 甲钴胺早期穴位注射治疗面神经炎疗效观察

    The study of treatment of facial neuritis of early acupoint injection therapy with mecobalamin

  25. 神经缝合口周围应用甲钴胺的实验研究

    Effect of local administration of mecobalamin at the nerve suture site : an experimental study

  26. 微粒子捕捉酶免法测定极微量甲钴胺人体血药浓度及药代动力学研究

    Microparticle enzyme immunoassay for determination of very slight mecobalamin in serum and its pharmacokinetics investigation

  27. 目的:观察甲钴胺治疗肘管综合征的效果。

    AIM : To observe the effect of in mecobalamin in treating cubital tunnel syndrome .

  28. 银杏达莫联合甲钴胺注射液治疗糖尿病周围神经病变疗效观察

    Clinical observation for Ginkgo-dipyridamole combined Mecobalamin injection in treating patients with diabetic peripheral nerve diseases

  29. 甲钴胺联合得宝松局部封闭治疗带状疱疹神经痛的疗效观察

    Therapeutic Effect of Local Nerve Blockage with Mecobalamin Plus Diprospan on Neuralgia Resulting from Herpes Zoster

  30. 甲钴胺注射液联合高压氧治疗新生儿臂丛神经麻痹

    Curative effect of association of mecobalamin injection with hyperbaric oxygen in treating neonatal brachial plexus paralysis