
  1. 美国联邦教育部(departmentofeducation)也可以为制定共同评估体系和评分工作出资,这样就可以解放维持50个不同标准和考试制度所需的管理费用所占用的大笔资金。

    The Federal Department of education could also pay for the development and scoring of common assessments , thereby freeing the significant amount of money tied up in the overheads needed to maintain 50 different standards and testing regimes .

  2. 联邦教育协会(NEA)和它的会员一直到1985年都坚持在3月份的第一个星期二作为国家的教师节。

    NEA and its affiliates continued to observe Teacher Day on the first Tuesday in March until 1985 , when NEA and the National PTA established Teacher Appreciation Week as the first full week of May .

  3. 这项研究所用的拉曼显微镜由联邦教育与研究部资助(BMBF05KS7PC2)。

    The funding for the Raman microscope used in this study was supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research ( BMBF05KS7PC2 ) .

  4. 美国联邦教育项目管理模式研究

    Study on Federal Education Project Managing Mode in the United States

  5. 美国近年联邦教育资助述评

    A Review of American Federal Financial Support for Education in Recent Years

  6. 在这一新提案下,各州和学校系统需要竞争获得联邦教育拨款。

    Under the new proposal , states and school systems would compete for federal grants .

  7. 俄罗斯联邦教育发展的主要任务

    The Main Tasks for Russian Education Development

  8. 本周,奥巴马总统向国会呈送了修改联邦教育法主体内容的提案。

    President Obama sent Congress a proposal this week to rewrite the main federal education law .

  9. 一些学校表示,上届政府的联邦教育法损害了语言教学。

    Some schools say a federal education law from the last administration has hurt language teaching .

  10. 英联邦教育管理理事会

    Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration

  11. 英联邦教育联络委员会

    Commonwealth Education Liaison Committee

  12. 从《联邦教育发展纲要》看俄罗斯教育发展新态势

    The New Developmental Situation of Russian Education by Perspective on The Outline of Educational Development in Russian Union

  13. 以往,联邦教育官员们卸任后,经常从政或者在大学和研究机构任职。

    Former federal education officials often used to enter politics or take up positions at universities and research groups .

  14. 这些机构或者经过民间的高等教育鉴定委员会认可,或者经过官方的联邦教育部认可,或获双方认可。

    They are recognized by non-governmental Council for Higher Education Accreditation , or by US Department of Education , or by both .

  15. 在近期美国联邦教育计划中,择校制度已成为基础教育改革中引人注目的话题。

    In the recent federal educational plan of America , school choice institution has attracted much more attention in basic educational reform .

  16. 联邦教育贷款是政府提供担保、以学生预期收益为基础的信用贷款。

    Federal Student Loans are the credit loans which the goverment supplies the warranty , basing on the anticipation revenue of the students .

  17. 哈佛大学校长德鲁•福斯特于本周一称,由于经济危机可能会导致联邦教育拨款和捐赠基金减少,学校目前正考虑缩减开支。

    Harvard University is considering spending cuts because the economic slowdown may reduce federal grants and the school 's substantial endowment , President Drew Faust said Monday .

  18. 国家统一考试(全国统考)是由俄罗斯联邦教育部为公共教育机构11或12年级的学生组织的完全中等教育阶段的毕业考试和升入高等学校的入学考试。

    Examination of national unity ( national examination ) by the Russian Federation Ministry of Education is graduation examination and entrance examination of eleventh-grade or twelfth-grade students in public educational institutions .

  19. 联邦教育部长称,现在是各州及各领地交出部分教育职责,来由全国委员制定统一课程的时候了。

    The Federal Education Minister Julie Bishop says it 's time for states and territories to hand over some of their education responsibilities and have curricula set by a national board .

  20. 去年秋天,联邦教育部的公民权办公室做出了有利于她的裁决,随后双方达成了协议:学生A可以使用女更衣室,而学校将设置私密的更衣区。

    After the federal Department of Education 's Office for Civil Rights ruled in her favor last fall , the two sides cut a deal : Student A could use the locker room and the school would install private changing areas .

  21. 奥迪发布新闻公告称,德国联邦教育和研究部长约翰娜·万卡还试驾了使用该燃料的汽车,称之为“对气候保护的重要贡献,以及对资源的高效利用”。

    Johanna Wanka , Germany 's Federal Minister of Education and Research , even test drove the fuel and called it , " a crucial contribution to climate protection and the efficient use of resources , " according to an Audi press release .

  22. 据俄罗斯联邦教育和科学监督局的数据显示,截至目前,中文作为一门科目,已经在俄罗斯123个州立小学和中学中被教授,超过17000名学生正在学习这门语言。

    The data from Federal Service for the Supervision of Education and Science ( Rosobrnadzor ) shows that as of now , Chinese language is being taught as a subject in 123 state primary and secondary schools in Russia , with a total of more than 17000 students studying the language .

  23. 一则报道称,俄罗斯联邦教育和科学监督局(该部门是一个监督俄罗斯教育和科学的联邦机构)的主任表示,在2020年,中文将会作为一门外语纳入俄罗斯国家统一考试体系之中。

    Chinese language will be included in the Russian Unified State Exam by 2020 as a foreign language subject , said the director of the Federal Service for the Supervision of Education and Science ( Rosobrnadzor ) , a federal executive body overseeing education and science of Russia , according to a report .

  24. 美国民间协会组织对联邦高等教育立法的参与

    American Private Associations ' Participation in Federal Higher Education Legislation

  25. 德国联邦职业教育的行政管理机构

    The federal administration organs of vocational education in germany

  26. 国际肖邦协会联合会美国民间协会组织对联邦高等教育立法的参与

    International Federation of the Frederic Chopin Association American Private Associations ' Participation in Federal Higher Education Legislation

  27. 联邦政治教育中心在德国联邦内务部的直接领导下履行其管理、教育、科研、服务和协调等职责。

    The institution fulfils the responsibilities of management , education , scientific research , service and correspond etc.

  28. 英联邦法律教育协会

    Commonwealth Legal Education Association

  29. 它不仅扩大了联邦控制教育的范围,还增加了残疾儿童的受教育机会。

    It made the federal expand the scope of controlling the education . It also raised the inequality of education of children with disabilities .

  30. 这个国家大约有四分之三的大学生贷款是通过一个私人项目来完成的,这就是有名的联邦家庭教育贷款项目。

    About three-quarters of this country 's college lending is carried out through the private program , known as the Federal Family Education Loan Program .