
  • 网络usage and dosage;dosage and administration
  1. 结果:咨询内容以药物的用法用量居多(28。2%),其次是药品不良反应(20。

    RESULTS : It 's found that most attention has been given to usage and dosage of drugs ( 28.2 % ), followed by adverse drug reactions ( 20.8 % );

  2. 结果:526例记录完整的用药咨询问题中,排前三位的问题分别是药物的用法用量、药物不良反应、药物相互作用,所占比例依次为37.3%、22.6%、13.3%。

    Results : Among the problems in 526 consultations , the usage and dosage direction , adverse reaction and interaction were the first three elements , counting for 37.3 % , 22.6 % and 13.3 % respectively .

  3. 方法模拟临床用法用量,对配伍溶液在6h之内的外观、pH值及含量的变化进行研究。

    METHOD To observe the changes in appearance , the pH and the content in 6h .

  4. 本品针对化脓链球菌感染,建议用法用量为:肌内注射,每公斤体重50mg,三日一次。

    Above all , administration and dosage of recommendation for the formulation : Intramuscular , 50 mg per kg body weight for treatment of S.pyogenes infection , once every three day .

  5. 三组在治疗中药物治疗的用药用法用量相同。

    Usage and dosage of medication in the three groups were the same .

  6. 用法用量:用于保健沐足,一次一袋。

    Instruction and Dosage : used for footbath , one bag each time .

  7. 用法用量:每次取本品适量涂抹或酌情少量多次按摩。

    Usage : apply an appropriate quantity ointment or a little ointment and more massage .

  8. 中药注射剂的用法用量趋于规范。

    The usage and dosage of Chinese traditional medicine injection was tend to be normative .

  9. 用法用量为:局部外用,涂于患处,每日早晚各1次。

    Dosage is : topical , applied to the lesion , 1 day sooner or later .

  10. 是在泌尿宁颗粒处方组成、用法用量不变的基础上,将颗粒剂改为胶囊剂而制成。

    It is prepared by revising Keli to capsule and based on the same prescription and usage .

  11. 目的:为研究葛根的品种来源及传统功效主治、用法用量提供文献学依据。

    Objective : To provide further research with literature evidence of the variety origin , traditional effect and dosage .

  12. 不合理用药主要表现在不合理的联合用药、重复用药、用法用量不当、溶媒选择不当、药理药效拮抗、毒性相加。

    The irrational drug use problems mainly seen in unreasonable drug combination , repeated dosage , irrational dosiology and method of administration , menstruum incompatibility , pharmacodynamics conflict and combined toxicity .

  13. 每个批准产品的信息包括产品名称、生产厂家、活性成分、规格、适用动物、适用症状、用法用量、休药期、残留限量等。

    Approved animal drug information included product name , company name , active ingredients , specification , target animals , indications , amount of use , withdrawal time and residue limits .

  14. 结果:咨询药物中以抗感染药物最多(33%),咨询内容分类中药物用法用量最多(17.6%)。

    Results : The most frequent consulted drug was antimicrobials ( 33 % ) . Dosage and administration were the most frequent subject ( 17.6 % ) in classification of drug consultation .

  15. 质量标准草案内容包括:名称、处方、制法、性状、鉴别、检查、含量测定、功能主治、用法用量、规格、贮藏、有效期。

    The contents of protocol include name , prescription , method of preparation , characteristics , diagnosis , check , assaying , functions and indication , directions and dosage , specification , storage and expiration date .

  16. 方法:分析儿童药物治疗错误的种类,并对我院儿科药房中在用药品的数量、剂型、规格、用药安全性、用法用量、药物评价等方面进行分类比较。

    METHODS : The errors in administration of pediatric drugs were analyzed . The drugs under current use in the pediatric pharmacy of our hospital were classified and compared as per quantity , dosage form , specification , medication safety , direction and medicine evaluation .

  17. 方法:对院感鹅口疮患者的病例进行药历分析,对年龄、性别、疾病名称,抗生素、激素用法用量、疗程进行统计。

    During Sept to Oct , 2003 METHODS : To analyze case records and add up their ages , sex , names of the diseases , the usage and dosage of antibiotics and hormone and the course of treatment of 11 patients with mycotic stomatitis .

  18. 两个组CsA和Pred的用法和用量相同。

    Same dosages of CsA and Pred were used in both groups .

  19. 西瓜霜组使用桂林西瓜霜喷雾剂,用法、用量和疗程与bF-GF组相同。

    Mirabilitum praeparatum group used the same protocol as bFGF group .

  20. 用法与用量:开水冲服,用量详见说明书;

    Method & Dosage of using : Drink with boiled warm water , dosage as shown on the manual ;

  21. 不合理用药9例,发生率为31.03%,主要问题为用法、用量不当及合并用药不当。

    Cases ( 31.03 % ) were related with irrational drug use , mainly irrational drug regimen and irrational drug combination .

  22. 产品信息,包括用法,用量,药物相互作用,药物过量,保质期和储存条件的管理指标。

    Product information including indication for use , dosage , drug interactions , management of overdose , shelf life and storage conditions .

  23. 临床医师应当按照药品说明书中规定的药品适应症、药理作用、用法、用量、禁忌、不良反应和注意事项等开具处方。

    Doctors should give prescriptions according to the adaptability , function pharmacological , usage , dosage , warnings , adverse reactions and notes instructed by drug directions .

  24. 目的了解活性炭的性能,掌握其用法和用量,合理地应用在制药生产中以提高制剂质量。

    OBJECTIVE To understand the performance of activated carbon , master its usage and dosage , and apply reasonably to pharmaceutical production in order to improve the quality of preparation .

  25. 方法:以我院门诊患者麻醉处方为依据,对麻醉药品的品种、剂型、用法、用量、用途和所用科室进行统计和分析。

    Methods : According to the prescriptions of the out-patient clinic of our hospital , the varieties , the dosage forms and the usages of narcotic drug were analyzed statistically .

  26. 方法:以我院2003年全年住院病人麻醉药品管理的专用帐册为调查对象,了解常用药品及其用法、用量和具体应用。

    Methods : Regard special-purpose account book of inpatient 's narcotics management of the whole year of 2003 of our academy as respondents , we understand daily medicines , usage , consumption and concrete application .

  27. 不合理联合用药发生的频率最高,有17例,其次为药物选择与适应证、用法与用量、预防用药等方面不合理,分别为16例、16例、13例;

    The irrational antibacterial combination use happened most frequently and the cases were 17 , the other irrational aspects were antibacterial selection and indication , usage and dosage , preventive medication , the cases were 16,16,13 respectively ;

  28. 方法:统计该院2002年―2003年门诊麻醉药品处方,分别就用法、用量、药物利用指数等进行分析。

    Methods : To calculate the prescriptions of narcotics of outpatient department of that hospital during the period of 2002 - 2003 , then to analyze the rationality of administration , dosage , drugs utilization index ( DUI ), etc.