
  • 网络user mode;user-mode;user state;userspace
  1. 同时,运行在用户态的外围数控软件可以获得所有Linux系统的支持。

    At the same time , other NC software that runs in the user mode can get all support of Linux system .

  2. 分析了基于Linux平台的电火花数控系统软件结构,提出了数控系统软件在Linux内核态和用户态同时运行的设计方案。

    A new EDM numerical control system based on the Linux platform that runs in both the kernel mode and the user mode is implemented .

  3. 当我们和用户态的应用程序通讯的时候,这些API调用会直接把参数传入驱动!

    When communicating with the user-mode application , certain APIs call directly to the driver and pass in parameters !

  4. 最后通过编写用户态应用程序经由HID类驱动程序直接读取位置传感器的位置信息,为本套检测系统服务。

    Finally , to read position information which can serve for inspection system from new position sensor by programming user mode application .

  5. VIArchitecture(VIA)通过消除数据传输过程中用户态和核心态之间上下文切换、将应用程序空间直接作为网络数据缓存来降低通信开销。

    VI Architecture ( VIA ) reduces the communication overhead by eliminating the context switch between the user mode and the kernel mode and using the application space as the network data buffer .

  6. 用户态的缓冲区在IRP请求完成之前是被锁定的,这是使用直接输入输出的不利方面。

    The user mode buffers are locked in memory until the IRP is completed which is the downside of using direct I / O.

  7. 实时性保证通过基于分隔符的TCP实时传输方法、基于地址映射的内核态与用户态间的阻塞式数据交换机制两个关键技术来实现。

    We guarantee its real time character through two vital technologies which named " real time TCP transfer method based on separator " and " block data exchange mechanism between kernel space and user space based on address mapping " .

  8. 用户态文件系统(FUSE)接口的引入使LeeFS分布式文件系统的结构对用户透明,极大的降低了系统接入成本。

    With the user mode file system interface , the LeeFS distributed file system architecture transparent to the user , which greatly reduces the system access costs .

  9. 另一是工作在用户态下的应用程序,用于为远程访问提供TCP链接服务,并能沟通远程管理员和转发模块,实现远程控制转发模块的功能。

    Another is application software which is working in the user mode . The application software provides links for remote access service . Besides , it is able to connect remote administrator and kernel module . So , the application software realizes the remote control of the kernel module .

  10. Tanenbaum指出其中的主要区别是令设备驱动运行在用户态能提高安全性

    The main difference pointed by Tanenbaum is having the drivers run in user mode conferring higher security

  11. 内核态或用户态程序访问设备时都必须使用设备名,本文分析了WDM驱动程序中采用的两种设备命名方案,并详细讨论了驱动程序及测试应用程序中通过设备接口实现设备访问的方法。

    The device-name must be used when kernel-mode or user-mode prog ram access device . This paper analyzed two methods of naming a device in WDM driver , and discussed in detail the realizing method of accessing a device by the device interface in a driver and an application .

  12. HiPF实现了事件通知功能,防火墙在发现期望事件后,将消息反馈给用户态进程,以达到应急、报警、联动的目的。

    The function of event notification is implemented in HiPF , HiPF will send notification to user-space processes while finding expected events to achieve emergency , alarm , association . 2 .

  13. 实验表明,基于内核态的请求分发算法的性能远优于基于用户态的算法,而且在内核态下,ACARD相对加权最小连接算法的系统平均吞吐量可提高204%。

    Experimental results show that the performance of the distributing algorithms in kernel level is much better than that in user level and ACARD can increase the average throughput of the system by 20.4 % compared to weighted least-connection .

  14. 上面的步骤演示了如何设定核心态调试,如何重定向用户态调试。

    Above example shows how to setup user mode redirection debug .

  15. 基于用户态感知的个性化服务推荐模型研究

    Study of Personalized Recommendation Model Based on the User-State Awareness

  16. 数据传输模式对用户态通信的性能影响分析

    Effect of Data Transfer Modes on User-level Communication Performance

  17. 用户态应用程序特权级转换的研究与实现

    Research on privilege level transformation of the application in the user mode and its implementation

  18. 软件体系结构包括处于内核态的驱动程序和处于用户态的数据处理部分软件。

    The software structure consists of device driver in core-state and data processing program in user-state .

  19. 开发者自己决定用户态下的输入命令,并且支持多内核模块的调试。

    Developers can decide the command that user can enter and at the same time VTLS supports multi-kernel module debugging .

  20. 所有的监控驱动为用户态的监控工具提供统一的监控接口,从而实现了监控机制的通用性。

    All monitoring drivers provide the unified interface for monitoring tool in user mode , which realizes the generality of security monitoring .

  21. 取消可能是特定的用户态请求的结果,或者在清理已经退出的进程时进行。

    Cancellation may occur as the result of a specific user-mode request , or during the cleanup of a process which has exited .

  22. 中断处理模块完成设置隐蔽断点的功能,从而为用户态行为分析模块提供系统调用断点处的上下文信息。

    Interrupt handling module sets the hidden breakpoint and provides the context of the breakpoint for the module which analyses the behavior of user state .

  23. 本文详细介绍了数据报文如何从内核态转化为用户态,以及如何应用特定的知识库对网络流量进行识别。

    This paper alos describes how packets turn from kernel mode into user mode , and how to identify the network traffic by specific knowledge library .

  24. 本文采用零拷贝技术,通过修改网卡驱动使数据包直接存储到用户态缓冲区。

    In this paper , we use zero-copy idea and modify the NIC driver , which can transfer packets directly to the user space from NIC .

  25. 论文从内核态和用户态两方面入手,研究了入侵检测系统中数据过滤的原理。

    A High Performance User Level Packet Capture System Start with user level and kernel level , the paper study the principle of data filter in IDS .

  26. 系统还采用了用户态&内核态通信、内核态发包、内核模块隐藏等技术。

    This system also adopts some technologies such as communications between user space and kernel space , sending package from kernel mode , kernel module hiding , etc.

  27. 该方案消除了TCP/IP协议栈的软件开销,也减少了核态与用户态的数据拷贝和上下文切换的开销。

    The scheme removes the software overheads of TCP / IP protocols and reduces the overheads of context switching and data copying between the kernel and user levels .

  28. 该网络协议栈具有以下优点:既可以运行在内核态,又可以运行在用户态,开放式的网络协议栈架构可以方便添加新的网络协议。

    It has the following merits : it can run both in kernel mode and in user mode , and it is convenient to add a new network protocol .

  29. 对过滤驱动和用于管理的用户态应用程序做一些完善即可作为一个有效的安全文件系统,具有实用价值。

    The system can be an effective security file system by supplying improvement to the filter and the user mode application , and therefore , it is of great practicability .

  30. 32位操作系统的保护机制限制了用户态应用程序对端口的直接访问。

    The user applications can 't directly access I / O ports for the limitation of protection mechanism under win32 . The structure of I / O manager is discussed .