
  1. 这对初创公司的用工成本产生了巨大影响。

    That has had a dramatic effect on the cost of start-up labour .

  2. 《劳动合同法》的实施对企业用工成本的影响

    The Impact of Implementation of Labor Contract Law on the Labor Cost in Enterprises

  3. 《劳动合同法》实施后企业用工成本的增量分析与应对措施

    An Analysis of Labor Cost Increment of Enterprises after the Implementation of the Labor Contract Law

  4. 最近经济不景气已经为新产品打开了机会之门,同时用工成本低廉的熟练技工也大有人在。

    The recent recession has definitely opened up opportunities for new products , and skilled people at lower costs are abundant .

  5. 2007年,88%的受访者担心用工成本上升,2009年这个数字曾一度降至70%。

    In 2007 , 88 % of respondents were worried about rising labor costs , dropping to 70 % in 2009 .

  6. 近年来我国企业员工劳动用工成本逐年提高已经形成趋势。

    In recent years , the cost of labor and employment of employees has been a trend to improve year by year .

  7. 在纺织品生产过程中引入信息技术不但能降低用工成本,还能提高生产效率。

    Introduction of information technology in the textile production process , not only can reduce labor costs , but also improve production efficiency .

  8. 这种高速增长的势头正在为被劳动年龄人口增速减缓,局部地区出现民工荒现象,企业用工成本上升的问题所困扰。

    But slowing growth of working-age people , labor shortage in some areas and increased labor cost are hindering the Chinese high-speed economic growth .

  9. 从不增加企业用工成本的角度出发,本论文选取员工对企业薪酬政策的感知与工作价值观匹配度两个因素作为自变量。

    In order not to increase the labor costs of enterprises , we select pay policy and work value fit as the independent variables .

  10. 如果这些目前还处于试验阶段的机器人能够普及推广,将有可能降低消费类电子企业的用工成本,从而放缓发达国家将生产线移往低成本国家的趋势。

    If these experimental robots pan out , they may cut the labor costs of consumer-electronic product companies , reducing the allure of low-wage countries .

  11. 资源能源价格上涨、用工成本提高以及通胀带来的原材料价格提高,对传统的劳动密集型及资源密集型产业的发展提出了严峻的挑战。

    The prices of resources and the costs of labor and raw materials raised a lot , which put forward severe challenges to traditional labor-intensive and resource-intensive industry .

  12. 有些企业抱怨如此规章制度会减少劳工流,削弱企业的生命力并且增加用工成本,同时有人建议修改这项法律条文。

    Some companies complain that such regulations will reduce labor flow , weaken enterprise vitality and increase labor costs , while others even suggest revising terms of the law .

  13. 为减少纱线在人工落纱过程中所带来的损伤,减少用工成本,提高落纱效率,自动落纱已经成为当前发展的必然趋势。

    In order to reduce the damage to yarns and the cost of labor force , as well as to improve efficiency , automatic doffing has become an inevitable trend .

  14. 随着物价指数的上升,用工成本的增加,公房小区物业管理的支出也逐年剧增。

    Along with rise of the price index , the increase of labor employment cost , the disbursement of public building plot estate management also goes up sharply year by year .

  15. 虽然用工成本越来越高,但九成以上的受访者表示他们在中国的业务是盈利的,是自该商会对其会员开展这项调研以来的最高水平。

    Despite higher labor costs , more than 90 % of survey respondents report that their China operations are profitable , the highest percentage reported since USCBC began surveying its membership .

  16. 这种新型模式一方面对促进就业起到了良好效果,另一方面对于降低企业用工成本发挥了积极作用。

    As a high flexible labor model , on one hand it promotes employment , on the other hand , it has a good effect for enterprise to reduce labor costs .

  17. 在这次调查中,一家未透露名称的公司表示,用工成本,尤其是在主要大都市,正向中国失去全球竞争力的转折点逼近。

    One company in the survey , which was not named , said that , Costs , particularly in major metropolitan areas , are moving to a point that China is no longer world-competitive .

  18. 由于会对企业的用工成本和管理机制产生重大的影响,无固定期限劳动合同始终是企业关注的重点问题,也是劳资纠纷的高发地带。

    As a result of labor costs on business and management mechanisms have a significant impact , flexible-term labor contract is always the focus of attention , but also a high incidence of labor disputes Strip .

  19. 在这次调查中,一家未透露名称的公司表示,“用工成本,尤其是在主要大都市,正向中国失去全球竞争力的转折点逼近。”

    One company in the survey , which was not named , said that , " Costs , particularly in major metropolitan areas , are moving to a point that China is no longer world-competitive . "

  20. 劳动合同本身的隶属性,决定了劳动者的弱势地位,用人单位更利用自己的优势地位,极力降低用工成本,使之能获得更大的经济效益。

    The membership of the labor contract itself to determine the weak position of workers , employers also use their dominant position , strongly reduce labor costs , so that it can obtain greater economic benefits .

  21. 成千上万的鞋类、玩具类及服装类工厂被迫关闭。部分原因源于导致用工成本上升的新劳动法,而外销疲软也是原因之一。

    Thousands of firms making shoes , toys and clothing have been forced to close this year , partly as a result of a new labour law that has lifted wage costs , as well as weaker foreign sales .

  22. 劳务派遣在降低用工成本、满足灵活用工方面起到重大作用,但是它也造成了被派遣劳动者缺乏职业安全感、对企业没有归属感的问题,这些最终也会影响企业的长期发展。

    It plays an important role in low-cost and flexible wok , at the same time the labors are lack of security and the sense of belonging , which will do harm to the enterprises in the long term .

  23. 用工成本高企、对知识产权保护不力、与中国企业的竞争以及在执照和业务审批流程中遇到的种种困难一直是国外企业在中国经商面临的最主要问题。

    Rising costs for labor , lax intellectual property rights enforcement , competition with Chinese companies , and challenges with the licensing and business approval process continue to rank as the top issues of concern to foreign companies doing business in China .

  24. 当一名技能水平不高的员工从事生产作业时,很有可能就会出现质量方面的问题,造成质量水平的下降,同时,生产效率也比较低,提高了综合用工成本。

    When a staff of not high skill level engaged in production , probably will have quality problems , causing a decrease in the level of quality ; at the same time , the production efficiency is low and improve the comprehensive labor costs .

  25. 换言之,企业劳动关系的稳定性,不仅影响到企业的用工成本和劳动者的自身利益,也会影响到社会稳定、投资大环境及企业的市场竞争力。

    In other words , that the stability of labor relations in enterprise is not only affect the labor costs of enterprise and workers ' their own interests , but also affect social stability , the big investment environment and the market competitiveness of enterprise .

  26. 同时,由于城市人口年龄结构恶化,农民工用工成本提高,目前的人口城市化模式面临减速。过去房价对人口城市化率预期的过度透支也面临修正的风险。

    At the same time , the urbanization process is slowing as the age structure of urban population is deteriorate and the wage for rural worker is rising , which means the over-reaction of housing price on this factor will face the modification as well .

  27. 现代生产方式正向自动化及智能化生产转变,传统土织布机生产已经远远偏离了社会生产发展的趋势,土织布机全部手动操作,生产效率低、用工成本高。

    Modern producing mode is transforming into automation and intelligence , therefore using the traditional looms is far from the trend of the development of social production . The old traditional loom is not only operated by hands but also has low efficiency and high cost .

  28. 劳务派遣用工的成本优势与风险防范

    The cost superiority and risk precautions of labor dispatching-recruiting-using service

  29. 劳务派遣在国内外发展迅速,尤其这两年在国内更为明显;劳务派遣的特点是用工灵活、成本低,但随着这个群体数量的迅速增加,员工与组织之间出现了一些问题。

    Dispatch service is get rapidly developed at home and abroad , especially in the domestic recently ; labor leasing is characterized by Employment flexibility , low cost , but with the rapid increase of this group , there have some problems between employees and the organization .

  30. 弹性用工成为企业降低成本追逐利润的最好途径,非全日制用工制度应运而生。

    It becomes the best way to reduce labor costs for profit-driven . Part-time employment system came into being .