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shēng shū
  • rusty;unfamiliar;not familiar;not as close as before;disacquaintance;have less contact
生疏 [shēng shū]
  • (1) [unfamiliar]∶不熟悉

  • 咱们初到江北,那真是人地生疏,语言不通。--姚雪垠《李自成》

  • (2) [rusty]∶不熟练

  • 他的英语有点生疏了

  • (3) [not as close as before]∶疏远,关系不亲密

  • 多年不来往,我们的关系生疏了

生疏[shēng shū]
  1. 工作分析是人力资源管理中重要的基础性工作,但是相当部分的护理管理者对这项工作还比较生疏。

    Work analyzing is an important and basic part in the management of personnel resources , but a lot of nurse managers are not familiar with it .

  2. 可别让我讲法语!我已经生疏了。

    Don 't ask me to speak French ! I 'm out of practice .

  3. 她去年退休了,但偶尔还上课,以免技巧生疏。

    She retired last year but still teaches the odd class to keep her hand in .

  4. 我很久没有弹钢琴,可能会有点生疏。

    I haven 't played the piano for ages ─ I may be a little rusty .

  5. 金尼试图重拾生疏了的打字技术。

    Ginny tried to sharpen up some rusty typing skills .

  6. 他仍在一个本地乐队里担任键盘手,以免技艺生疏。

    He still plays keyboards for a local band to keep his hand in .

  7. 你可能有一点生疏,但是过去的经验和教学技巧是不会丢的。

    You may be a little rusty , but past experience and teaching skills won 't have been lost .

  8. 我对这项工作很生疏。

    I don 't know much about the job .

  9. 对于这种生疏的工作,我感到心虚。

    I don 't know much about the job , and I 'm diffident about my ability to do it properly .

  10. 多年不来往,我们的关系生疏了。

    We haven 't been in touch with each other for years , so we 're not as close as we used to be .

  11. 在Internet日益孕育新应用和新技术的同时,交互实体问的生疏性以及共享资源的敏感性成为跨安全域信任建立的屏障。

    When the new applications and new technologies are developing in the Internet , the interaction between entities and the sensitivity between the shared resources has became confidence-building barrier .

  12. 实际上对于没有亲自构建过对象的许多JavaScript开发人员来说,这些代码同样看起来有点生疏和奇怪。

    Heck , to most JavaScript developers , who don 't build their own objects , that code looks unpredictable and strange .

  13. InfoQ:在您的书里面提到了:经验丰富的微软开发人员可能对TDD的重要性觉得生疏。

    InfoQ : In your book you mention that experienced Microsoft developers might be unfamiliar to the emphasis on TDD .

  14. 这次回国我差不多都在玩dota,我回新西兰肯定会被我的同学喷,如此长时间不玩肯定生疏了。

    Maybe it is just that I have pretty much played no FPS since I arrived here and when I 'm back in New Zealand my friends are going to laugh at me noobishness .

  15. 他刚起步,对一切都很生疏。

    As a beginner , everything is very new to him .

  16. 所以你觉得这本书的语言太生疏了。

    So , you feel the language is out of practice .

  17. 我回到母校有一种生疏的感觉。

    It felt strange to be back in my old school .

  18. 她对这个工作还很生疏,但很快就会学会的。

    She is strange to the work but will soon learn .

  19. 我现在对政治情况已经生疏了。

    I 'm out of touch with political situations now .

  20. 你今早看起来有点生疏。

    Look , you seemed a little distant this morning .

  21. 那天早上,他在教室里看到了一张生疏的面孔。

    That morning , he saw a strange face in the classroom .

  22. 排球队在圣诞节日期间球技生疏了。

    The volleyball team got out of practice during the Christmas holidays .

  23. 继续学习你的德语,否则你的德语不久即会生疏。

    Keep up your German , else it will soon grow rusty .

  24. 他对电子计算机的操作是生疏的。

    He is a stranger to the operation of the electronic computer .

  25. 恐怕我现在生疏了。

    I 'm afraid I 'm out of practice now .

  26. 但是红星牌对我们的顾客来说还是生疏。

    But Red Star Brand is new to our customers .

  27. 不管是老师还是学生的作品都显得很生疏。

    Whether a teacher or student work seem so strange .

  28. 我对希腊历史有点生疏了。

    I 'm a bit rusty on Greek history .

  29. 我们都知道技巧不用很快变生疏。

    We all do well to recognize that unused skills will soon erode .

  30. 他带着生疏感和距离感面对死亡。

    He faces his death with a feeling of alienation and being alone .