
shēnɡ wù tǒnɡ jì
  • Biostatistics;biometry
  1. 生物统计分析平台的WinHelp工程文件编写与编译

    Editing and compiling Win Help project of biological statistic analysis platform

  2. 生物统计分析平台的WinHelp主题文件初探

    Preliminary study on Win Help topic file of biological statistic analysis platform

  3. HTML帮助系统在生物统计分析平台中的应用

    Application of HTML help system in biological statistic analysis platform

  4. 应用EXCEL进行农业生物统计分析

    The use of Excel on the biostatistical analysis

  5. SAS软件在生物统计应用中的问题探讨

    Some Issues on the SAS Software in Application on Biostatistics

  6. 5.biometricn.计量生物学然而,生物统计系统现在还没有广泛使用。

    Nevertheless , biometric systems aren 't widely used .

  7. Meta分析及生物统计模型在PAHs致人群健康损害危险度评价中的应用研究

    Application of Meta-analysis and Biostatistical Models for the Risk Assessment of Population Health Hazard Exposed to PAHs

  8. 公共卫生中的统计数据推论II,藉由上课、实习和布告栏讨论的方式,介绍我们所挑选的关于生物统计概念方面的重点主题。

    Statistical Reasoning in Public Health II provides an introduction to selected important topics in biostatistical concepts and reasoning through lectures , exercises , and bulletin board discussions .

  9. 该文讨论了生物统计分析平台以构件为基础的重要性和制作自定义构件的必要性,介绍了在开发工具Delphi中制作自定义构件的步骤和方法。

    This paper discusses the importance of biological statistic analysis platform based on components and necessity of making custom components , and introduces procedure and methodology of making custom components in programming tools Delphi .

  10. Excel2000在生物统计中是一个非常有用的应用软件。

    Excel 2000 is a very useful application soft-ware in Biometrics .

  11. 生物统计方法课程题库建设与测试评价

    Item bank construction and test evaluation for course of biometrics

  12. 拥有多样的,超前的,支持多形式生物统计和多因素鉴定协定。

    Versatile , forward-looking , supports multi-modal biometric and multi-factor authentication protocols .

  13. 常用统计软件在生物统计中的应用比较

    Comparison of Statistical Software in Application of Biological Statistics

  14. 科技期刊中生物统计方法的正确表达

    The correct expression of biological statistics in sci-tech periodicals

  15. 可视化生物统计软件的研建

    Research and Development of the Visual Bio-statistics Analysis Software

  16. 低分子肝素活性测定中生物统计的应用

    Evaluation the potency of low-molecular-weight heparin by bio-statistical methods

  17. 实现了生物统计、遗传参数估计、育种值估计的算法设计;

    Another , completed arithmetic design of biostatistics , heredity parameter , breeding value ;

  18. 农业生物统计分析是农业生产、科研的重要手段,通过对田间试验数据的分析后可得出科学的结论,揭示事物的原有规律。

    Agrobiology statistics analysis is an important means for agricultural produce and science study .

  19. 《生物统计及应用》教学方法、手段的改革与探索

    Reform and Exploration of Teaching Methods in Biostatistics

  20. 影响地高辛血药浓度的生物统计因素

    Influences of Demographic Factors on Serum Digoxin Concentration

  21. 采用生物统计法中常用的双变量分析,研究腕足类种一级分类单位。

    A bivariate analysis has been conducted to study the classificatory units of brachiopod species .

  22. 运用现代教育技术改革《生物统计与田间试验》课程的教学手段

    Innovation of Teaching Measure in Bio-statistics and Field Experiment By Application of Modern Education Technology

  23. 打造精品课程积极推进《生物统计与田间试验》课程体系建设

    Making Top Quality Courses to promote Curriculum System Construction in Bio-statistics and Field Experiment Actively

  24. 从美国植物药批准案例看数据管理和生物统计分析

    Consideration about Data Management and Biostatistics Analysis from A FDA 's Botanical Drug Approval Case

  25. 生物统计中心完成对病人的随机分配后通过传真通知病人所在的研究中心。

    The biostatistics centre assigned patients to treatment groups and informed local centres by fax ;

  26. Excel2000在生物统计中的应用

    Applicaton of Excel 2000 in Biometrics

  27. 生物统计身份证实是一个两阶段的过程。

    Biometric authentication is two-phase process .

  28. 方法采用四因素二次回归正交旋转组合设计和生物统计方法。

    Methods : Four factors quadratic regression rotation combination design and agricultural biological statistics were applicated .

  29. 在生物统计以及数据挖掘中,分类预测是最基本的任务之一。

    Classification is one of the most basic tasks during the biological statistics and data mining .

  30. 根据3个分簇生物统计的共有指纹型,143个菌系被构成3簇。

    On the basis of the consensus of three clustering statistics , the 143 strains constituted three clusters .