
  1. 有关部门要落实好防护物资、生活物资保障,落实好工资待遇、临时性工资补助、卫生防疫津贴待遇,尽快出台关心关爱一线医务人员的政策措施。

    The relevant authorities should guarantee the supply of protective materials and daily necessities , implement payment and subsidy policies , and take measures to protect medical workers ’ interests as soon as possible .

  2. 生活物资保障要适应地震特点的要求;

    Such guarantees should meet the characteristics of the particular earthquake ;

  3. 玛丽亚?奥尔特加表示,基本生活物资不会出现短缺。

    Ana Maria Ortega , deputy director for retail conglomerate TRD Caribe , said there will be no shortage of basic goods .

  4. 这些地带是全球水塔,而且通常也是珍稀野生动物的栖息地,时常也是当地人的食物来源、药物或其他重要生活物资来源。

    These are the water towers of the world and often home to unique wildlife species upon which local people depend for food , medicines and other important materials .

  5. 向城市贫困人口提供廉价的生活物资和基本服务是发展中国家面临的一个主要问题,尤其是在工业化的早期。

    One of the main problems facing any developing nation , particularly those at early stage of industrialization , is that of providing cheap subsistence goods and basic services to its poor urban population .

  6. 美国人民似乎在最艰难的年代也信心十足,因为他们坚持让市场而不是政府去分配生活物资奖励,打击了很多共和党人的不可思议事情发生了——当20世纪30年代经济大衰退向政府寻求救援时,所发生的一切的光辉对立面。

    That the American people appear to have kept faith in the hardest of times with the idea of leaving it mainly to markets rather than governments to allocate life 's material rewards strikes many Republicans as a marvellous thing - the glorious opposite of what happened in the 1930s , when the economically stricken turned to government for succour .

  7. 要共同维护全球产业链供应链稳定,中国将加大力度向国际市场供应原料药、生活必需品、防疫物资等产品。

    We need to jointly2 keep the global industrial and supply chains stable . What China will do in this regard is to increase its supply of active pharmaceutical3 ingredients , daily necessities , and anti-epidemic and other supplies to the international market .

  8. 木材是人类生产和生活必需的重要物资,随着人们生活水平的提高,木材需求量日益增加。

    The wood is an important material for human production and life . With the improvement of living standards , people are increasing for the demand of wood .