
  • 网络ecological rationality;ecological reason
  1. 基于波普尔三个世界理论的生态理性探析

    Study of Ecological Rationality Based on Popper 's Three Worlds Theory

  2. 生态理性强调环境对人的塑造作用,强调人在适应环境过程中获得的功能作用。

    Ecological rationality put a great emphasis on the influences of environment on human beings and the functions of human gained from the interaction with their surroundings .

  3. 其次必须注意生态理性意识观照之下的对于文化生态失衡现象的批判;

    Secondly , the criticism on unbalance of cultural environment by rational consciousness ;

  4. 生态理性哲学整合传统本体论与基础本体论,其新本体论建构由此得以可能。

    The Eco-Reason philosophy re-organizes both traditional ontology and Fundamental ontology , thus , the construction of its new ontology may become possible .

  5. 我国企业应抓住机遇,树立“生态理性经济人”的理念,积极采取应对措施。

    At the microscopic level , the law of circular economy means new demands on enterprises and corporations , who need to meet them by taking effective measures to become " eco-economic man " .

  6. 而天人之乐作为一种理趣强调的是一种基于生态理性的审美活动,重视审美活动的境界。

    As a kind of " rational sentiment ", the pleasure of the " heaven " and man is an ecological-senses-based aesthetic activity . It stresses the profound state that an aesthetic activity can reach .

  7. 从主客体结构关系来看,审美古典性是客体理性观的文艺,审美近代性是工具理性观的文艺,审美现代性是生命理性观的文艺,审美当代性是生态理性观的文艺。

    Judging from the relationship between the subject and object , aesthetic classicality belongs to the literature that bases on objective rationality ; aesthetic temporariness , on instrumental rationality ; aesthetic modernity , on life rationality ;

  8. 这些互助都是农民生态理性的产物,反映了传统农村社会人际关系的差序格局,同时其中也普遍存在着按阶层划分的纵向界限。

    These mutual aid were all the product of farmers '" ecological rationality ", and they also reflected the " A pattern of sequential differences " in the traditional rural social relationships . At the same time , there were " class boundaries " in this mutual aid .

  9. 作为物种的人类在自身生存遭到严重威胁的状况下,终于被迫推翻绝对权力的统治,用完整的理性(生态理性)重建生态社会,该生态社会的性质则为生态社会主义。

    When encountered the severe threat , the mankind as one kind of species would be forced to overthrow the governance of the absolute power , and rebuild the ecosystem society with the integrated rationality ( the ecosystem rationality ) . The nature of the ecosystem society then is eco-socialism .

  10. 生态建筑理性化表达的多样性

    Variety of Rational Expression of Eco-architecture

  11. 对新农村发展生态体育的理性思考

    Rational Thinking on the Development of Eco - sports in the New Countryside

  12. 建设昆明生态城市的理性选择

    Rational Selection for Eco - City Construction in Kunming

  13. 关于中国西部村落生态智慧的理性阐释在金融危机的冲击中构建我国农村金融生态

    Theoretical Interpretation of the Environmental Wisdom in the Western Villages in China of the Wisdom in the Village Building New Rural Finance Ecology Upon Financial Crisis

  14. 并相信只有通过对旧工业建筑的生态改造的理性认知和重视,合理地改造和利用旧建筑,才能使建筑保持长久的生命力,并适应不断变化的城市需求。

    We have reason to believe that only through the rational cognition and reasonably of ecological reconstruction on old industrial building , legitimately reconstructed and reused the old buildings , can give the old building a long-term life and adapt to the changing demand .

  15. 我国生态环境恶化的理性思考

    Analysis on the deterioration of eco - environment in our country

  16. 关于加强大学生生态道德教育的理性思考

    Thought on Strengthening the College Students ' Ecological Morality Education

  17. 生态道德教育与理性生态人的培养

    Eco - moral Education and the Training of Rational Eco - man

  18. 并最后分析了生态城市与经济理性之间的冲突与调和。

    And analyses the conflict and conciliation between the ecocity and economic rationality .

  19. 而在生态领域,技术理性的这种困境在生态领域的彰显尤其显著。

    Technical rationality of this predicament in the field of ecology , highlighting in particular the significant .

  20. 转型期生态报告文学的理性审视转型期父子关系链中的文化心理&论高觉新的自我牺牲

    Rational Examination of Ecological Reportage during Transitional Period Cultural Psychology in the Father-Son Relation Chain in the Transitional Period

  21. 本论文主要是想通过对日益严重的生态危机现状的理性分析,让人们更充分地认识到生态与政治结合的重要性和迫切性。

    The main purpose of this thesis is to let people realize the importance of combining the ecology and politics through rational analysis about the serious current situation of ecocrisis .

  22. 构建生态产业链是理性经济人的经济活动,追求利益最大化是理性经济人的本性,所以生态产业链能否形成和稳定在于生态产业链能否给链上的企业带来最大收益。

    Constructing ecological chain is rational economic activity , the pursuit of economic benefit maximization is the rational agent nature , so ecological industry chain is whether forms and stable ecological chain could give chain enterprise to bring the biggest gains .

  23. 综合相关文献,生态建设指人类理性行为参与下积极的生态恢复与重建过程,其目标是修复受损生态系统和景观的结构、功能和过程并使之达到健康的状态。

    According to related literature , ecological construction is the active process of ecological restoration and reconstruction by the intervention of rational human activities , the aim of which is repairing damaged structure , function and process of ecological system and landscape and making it healthy .

  24. 哲学·理性与生态&读《生态理性哲学导论》属于或关于病原学的哲学研究的。

    Philosophy , Reason and Ecology : a Comment on An Introduction to Eco-Reason Philosophy ; of or relating to the philosophical study of etiology .

  25. 本文从文化理论的角度探讨了生态与文化、生态保护与人类理性的关系;

    From the angle of culturology , the author discusses the relationship between ecology and culture , and between ecological protection and human rationality .

  26. 生态科学不仅是进行生态道德教育的理性基础,也是培养生态感情的认知基础。

    Ecology is not only the rational basis for ecological moral education but also the cognitive basis for the cultivation of the ecological sentiment .

  27. 论生态道德需要的逻辑起点&生态经济人理性

    Logical Starting Point of Ecological Moral Demand & Ecological Economic Man Rationality

  28. 生态需求观的构建要遵循生态制约、理性适度和德性自律原则。

    The construction of ecological concept of demand should follow the principle of ecological constraints , rational and moderation , moral self-discipline .

  29. 生态人由生态意识、生态良心、生态理性、生态人格四个要素构成,具有生态智慧、有限理性、系统思维、和谐观念、终极关怀五个基本特征。

    The eco-human consists of four basic elements : ecological awareness , ecological conscience , ecological rationality and ecological personality . It also has five basic characteristics : ecological wisdom , limited rationality , systematic thinking , thoughts of harmony and ultimate solicitude .

  30. 生态消费税收制度是为了保护生态环境和引导理性消费,国家对特定消费物品和消费行为所进行的税收征纳制度。

    The ecotype consumption tax is levied on for the sake of protection of ecosystem environment and shaping of reasonable consumption which is levied on particular consumption product and consumption behaviors .