
  1. 中国盐碱地面积为3630万hm2,土地盐碱化是农业生态环境退化的重大问题之一。

    There are 36,300,000 hm 2 of salinized land in China . Land salinization is one of the most serious ago eco environment problems .

  2. 我国生态环境退化的问题分析及对策

    Analysis and countermeasures of the degraded environment and ecosystem in China

  3. 云南元谋干热河谷生态环境退化及恢复重建试验研究

    Studies on Eco-Environment Degradation and the Experiment of Environment Recovering and Rebuilding

  4. 甘南玛曲高寒草原生态环境退化现状与治理对策

    The present situation of eco-environment degradation and Countermeasures in Maqu County Gannan

  5. 植被退化;生态环境退化;非凸粘性守恒律退化激波的稳定性

    Asymptotic Stability of Degenerate Shock Profiles for a Non-convex Viscous Conservation Laws

  6. 目前,区域贫困和生态环境退化已形成了恶性循环。

    At present , regional poverty and ecological degradation form a vicious circle .

  7. 中国是全球生态环境退化较为严重的国家之一。

    Ecological degradation is more severe in China .

  8. 分析了农业生态环境退化的原因,提出了解决方法和对策。

    Analyses the degenerate reason of agricultural zoology environment , suggests the solution and strategy .

  9. 洞庭湖区生态环境退化状况及其原因分析

    Analysis of the situation and cause of ecological and environmental degeneration of the Dongting Lake

  10. 藏区甘南州生态环境退化与传统经济相关分析

    Relational analysis of the relationship between ecological deterioration and traditional economy in Gannan state of Gansu

  11. 生球变化、生物多样性丧失和生态环境退化严重威胁着人类社会的可持续发展。

    Global change , biodiversity loss and ecological degradation seriously threatens the sustainable development of human society .

  12. 生态环境退化对农业生产的影响-以塔里木河下游为例

    The Effect of Eco-Environment Degradation on Agriculture & Taking the Lower Reaches of Tarim River as Example

  13. 河北怀来县毗邻首都北京,其生态环境退化严重。

    Huailai County , Hebei province is a neighboring county to Beijing , the capital of China .

  14. 推进城市化,实现生态环境退化速率的零增长

    Push on the urbanization and realize " zero increase " of deterioration velocity in ecosystem environment deterioration velocity

  15. 黄河源区生态环境退化研究

    A Case Study on the Eco-environmental degradation in the Source Region of the Yellow River , Northeast Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

  16. 报告还指出,中国应该在2040年实现能源消耗速率的“零增长”,在2050年实现生态环境退化速率的“零增长”。

    The report also says China should achieve zero energy consumption growth in2040 and zero environmental degradation growth in2050 .

  17. 随着城市及经济的快速发展,城市生活垃圾危害性日益突出。生态环境退化;

    And these degradations caused by MSW are worsening with the rapid growth of the urban economy and its expansion .

  18. 东北地区湿地是我国湿地面积最大的地区之一,也是人类活动影响最大的湿地集中分布区,生态环境退化。

    Wetlands of northeast are the largest area in our country , and also are affected mostly by human activities .

  19. 生态环境退化是黄河源区所面临的重要的生态问题和社会经济问题。

    Eco-environmental degradation in the source region of the Yellow River is a very serious ecological and socially economic problem .

  20. 生态环境退化造成的价值损失的量化评估是社会可持续发展研究的重要组成部分。

    The Quantitative assessment on economic loss of eco-environmental degradation is one of the most important parts of sustainable development studies .

  21. 生态环境退化已经严重阻碍了社会经济的可持续发展,成为各国关注的焦点;

    As a major environmental problem in the world , ecosystem degradation seriously hinders the sustainable development of society and economy .

  22. 在外来树种桉树人工林经营过程中,普遍存在着林地群落结构简单、生物多样性减弱和生态环境退化等问题。

    It is a widespread problem in Eucalyptus plantations that the plant community is simple in structure and low in biodiversity status .

  23. 近几十年来,随着人口的增加和社会经济的快速发展,流域生态环境退化严重。

    With the increase of population and the rapid development of social economy , its ecological environment degenerated seriously in recent several decades .

  24. 水土流失是区域生态环境退化的重要表现形式之一,已成为我国首要的环境问题。

    Soil Erosion is an important way of eco-environment degradation in a region , and has been the chief environment problem in China .

  25. 为此,本文以新疆塔里木河流域为例,建立了该流域人口变动与生态环境退化的系统动力学模型。

    Then by taking that of Tarim River valley as an example , we construct a simulation model of population and environment evaluation .

  26. 摘要白洋淀湿地是华北地区最大的淡水湖泊,近年来,生态环境退化现象十分严重,面临着干淀的威胁。

    Bai Yang Dian wet land is the biggest freshwater lake in North-China and its eco-environment deteriotes seriously and the lake is drying up .

  27. 宁南山区的生态环境退化,主要是近代以来人为破坏造成的。

    The degradation of the ecological environment in the southern mountainous areas in Ningxia is chiefly caused by man - made destructions since modern times .

  28. 北方半干旱山区农业生态环境退化现状与对策探讨&以河北省崇礼县为例

    Discussions on the agricultural eco-environment deterioration and Its Countermeasures in semiarid mountain areas in the nortn & a case study in Chongli County Hebei Province

  29. 由于土壤盐分和可溶性Na+含量高,造成了土壤板结、紧实,使土壤生态环境退化和恶化。

    The high contents of total salt . Na + and Cl - caused compaction of the soil association with degradation and deterioration of soil ecological environment .

  30. 我国西部生态环境退化与广泛分布的农村聚落落后的生产方式和生活方式有密切关系。

    Deterioration of the ecology and environment in West China is largely imputed to the backward mode of production and way of life widespread in the rural areas .