
  • Habitat area;【古生物】ecotope
  1. 中国的农业野生植物原生境保护区(点)建设

    In-situ Conservation Site Construction of Agricultural Wild Plants in China

  2. 最后总结上述内容给出了河流功能区划的程序。第三,重点探讨了生境修复区的治理方法,包括生态型护坡构建技术、方案决策和生物栖息地状况改善研究。

    Summarized above the mentioned , the zoning procedure of rivers function is offered eventually . ( 3 ) As governance model of different functional areas , this study focuses on the Habitat Restoration Area , including eco-revetment engineering and the improvement of habitats .

  3. 生境-人类住区中心

    Habitat Centre for Human Settlements

  4. 普氏原羚选择芨芨草草原以及其它食物丰富度高、隐蔽条件好和人类干扰少的生境作为采食区;

    It preferred to forage in the place with foods of high quantity , of less human disturbance and good cover conditions .