
shēnɡ mìnɡ de qǐ yuán
  • origin of life
  1. 有关生命的起源有多种学说。

    There are many theories about the origin of life .

  2. 4生命的起源和早期地球演化仍是当前地球科学讨论的热门课题;

    The origin of life and the earlier evolution of the earth is still a hot spot in the earth sciences ;

  3. 生命的起源可能最早是核酸世界,DNA与RNA是后来分化产生的。

    The earliest origins of life may come from the " nucleic world ", DNA and RNA differentiated later .

  4. n.生物;生物学生物学专家研究动植物和动物生命的起源和构造。

    biology Specialists in biology study the origin and structure of plant and animal life .

  5. 我们谈论的可能是所有生命的起源!

    We could be talking about the origin of all life !

  6. 细胞膜对于生命的起源至关重要。

    Membranes were crucial to the origins of life .

  7. 热议着生命的起源和终结

    is battles over the beginning of life and the end of life .

  8. 许多人认为,地球上有水的存在这个特性对于生命的起源特别重要。

    Many people think that this was important for the beginning of life .

  9. 他们正研究生命的起源。

    They are studying the beginning of life .

  10. 生物学专家研究动植物生命的起源和构造。

    Specialists in biology study the origin and structure of plant and animal life .

  11. 所以你是说那是月球原始生命的起源吗?

    So are you saying that would be the primitive life of the moon ?

  12. 我们去火星是去寻找另一个生命的起源。

    We are going to Mars to search for a second genesis of life .

  13. 你就是我生命的起源,你也是它的尽头。

    And you 're the place my life begins , and you 'll be where it ends .

  14. 多细胞生命的起源相对于生命本身的起源来说似乎是一个相对简单的步骤。

    The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself .

  15. 像彗星这样的冰状天体曾给年轻的地球提供水和碳基分子,从而促进了地球上生命的起源。

    Icy objects such as comets may have helped start life on Earth by delivering water and carbon-based molecules to the young planet .

  16. 我们都倾向于问一些关于生命的起源和命运的深刻问题,恋人和诗人往往在夜里能找到生活更深刻的意义。

    Lovers and poets find deeper meaning at night , when we are all apt to pose deeper questions , about our origins and destinies .

  17. 他认为,只有理解了能量的作用,我们才能理解生命的起源,以及生物为何如此复杂。

    He argues that we can only understand how life began , and how living things got so complex , by understanding how energy works .

  18. 来自“本努”的岩石样本不仅可以帮助科学家更多地了解可能撞击地球的小行星,还可以帮助他们了解行星的形成和生命的起源。

    The samples from Bennu could help scientists understand not only more about asteroids that could impact Earth but also about how planets formed and life began .

  19. 马斯特斯的扮演者英国演员迈克尔西恩在试映集中说道:性研究关乎一切生命的起源。

    The study of sex is the study of the beginning of all life , Masters , played by British actor Michael Sheen , declares in the pilot .

  20. 这是一个吸收和中心化的脉动,外部世界不是生命的起源就是混乱的起源。

    This is a pulse of absorption and of centring , in which the outside is alternatively designated as the source of life and the source of disorder .

  21. 生命的起源是一个热议中的话题。其中一个由来已久的谜团是:在地球上所谓的“原始汤”中,生物前化学物质究竟来自何处呢?

    The origin of life is a hotly debated topic , and the source of the prebiotic chemicals in Earth 's so-called primordial soup is one of its enduring mysteries .

  22. 胚胎期和哺乳期是机体发育的重要时期,从生命的起源到发育成型要经历细胞增殖、分化、迁移和程序性调亡等一系列复杂的过程。

    Embryonic and lactation are critical for organism development . From the origin to formation , the life undergoes cell proliferation , migration , differentiation , procedural apoptosis and other complex processes .

  23. 水是生命的起源,生物都离不开水,尤其对我们人类非常重要,如果人类离开了水,就无法生存。

    Water is the origin of life , creatures can live without water , it is very important for human especially , if human have no water that we can not survive .

  24. 为了追寻更广阔的自然及生命的起源,矢柳氏于廿四岁那年开始了为期两年的旅程。他周游地中海、巴西,更为著艳阳到过非洲。

    Determined to pursue greater natural expanses and the origins of life , at age24 Yayanagi embarked on a two year journey through the Mediterranean , Brazil , finally chasing the sun to Africa .

  25. 深海浮游微生物是一种人类新认识的深海资源,在生命的起源、新基因的发现、新药品的研制和环境保护等许多方面有着重要的研究意义。

    Deepsea microplankton is a kind of deepsea resource recognized by human recently , which has important significance on the origin of life , discovery of new gene , development of new medicine and environment protection .

  26. 所有这些书的目的都是要努力向迷惑而且通常还没有被启发的普通民众解释:就宇宙和生命的起源与发展问题而言,不可能存在两种都成立的科学理论。

    The goal of all will be to try to explain to a confused and often unenlightened citizenry that there are not two equally valid scientific theories for the origin and evolution of universe and life .

  27. 首先,论述了生命的起源、概念、特征以及对生命的珍视、关爱和敬畏,明确了青少年生命教育的内涵。

    First of all , these is the discussion about the origin of life , concepts , characteristics , and value of life , love and awe in order to clarify the meaning of life education for youth .

  28. 极端微生物是生物对极端环境适应的特殊种类,研究极端微生物的特性对探索生命的起源、微生物的育种及开发利用等具有重要意义。

    Extremophilic microorganisms ( EM ) are special kinds of beings adapted to extreme environment . Study the characteristics of EM has important significance to for exploring the origin of life , breeding of microorganisms , and their development and utilization .

  29. 千百年来,生命的起源、生命的本质、生命的新陈代谢、情感和意识的起源、生物的多样性、进化的法则等问题一直是困扰人类心智的问题。

    For thousands of years , the origin of life , the nature of life , the metabolism of life , the origin of emotion and consciousness , biological diversity and evolution laws are all the problems that always perplex human mind .

  30. 物质系统的演化,包括基本粒子和化学元素的形成、化学元素的组合、生命的起源、生物的进化,已构成连续有序的统一体.物质系统演化的有序性分为结构有序和功能有序;

    The evolution of the matter system has formed the unity of the continuous order . This evolution includes the formation of the fundamental particles and the chemical elements , the combination of the chemical elements , the origin of life and the evolution of the organisms .