
  • 网络The Flower of Life
  1. 我们用它来浇灌生命之花!

    We use it to watering the flower of life !

  2. 爱是生命之花。

    Love is thr flower of life .

  3. 我的生命之花即将绽放。

    The flower of my life will soon bloom .

  4. 生命之花永不会凋谢。

    Life will never be the flower withers .

  5. 绿色园圃中的生命之花

    Flowers of Life in the Green Garden

  6. 一旦鲜血流淌下来,生命之花也就凋谢。

    Once the blood flows to drip down , the flower of the life also fades .

  7. 爱情是一种缘分,从这个缘分中可以开出美丽的生命之花。

    Love is a form of fate , in which blooms a beautiful flower of life .

  8. 愿生命之花常开,湘潭康美医疗与您共创美好未来!

    Let the flower of life often a sig , medical and you create a better future !

  9. 如何让我们的生命之花在最珍贵的时刻开除最美丽的模样?

    How can we let our life flower show the most beautiful appearance in the most precious time ?

  10. 我只知道种子来自如是,我已经获得生命之花,不朽之花,神性之花。

    I only know that it is from seeds like these that I have attained the flowers of life , of immortality , of the divine .

  11. 梦想层为生命之花模式,源自地球中心的极光,并延伸向外,包裹住地表的每个主脉轮中心。

    The dreamtime is a flower of life pattern that originates in the aurora in the center of the earth and extends out and over each major chakra center upon the surface of the earth .

  12. 这天晚上有许多花和树都凋谢了,死神马上就会到来,重新移植它们!你知道得很清楚,每个人有他自己的生命之树,或生命之花,完全看他的安排是怎样。

    Many flowers and trees have withered this night ; Death will soon come and plant them over again !

  13. 你知道得很清楚,每个人有他自己的生命之树,或生命之花,完全看他的安排是怎样。

    You certainly know that every person has his or her life 's tree or flower , just as everyone happens to be settled ;

  14. 生命是人世间最为宝贵的财富,大学生是生命之花绽放的美丽时期。

    Life is human life the most precious wealth , the university student is the beauty period that the flower of life blooms .