
shēnɡ huó xiǎo qū
  • biotope
  1. 生活小区一词指的是群落生存的环境。

    The term biotope should be used for the environment in which a community exists .

  2. 无剩余污泥水解酸化法处理生活小区污水

    Treatment of housing estate wastewater by non-residual sludge hydrolytic acidification process

  3. 居民生活小区体育健身管理模式的研究

    Study on Physical Education and Fitness Management Pattern in Residential Sub-districts

  4. 生活小区管道直饮水的工艺及经济分析

    Technology and Economic Analysis of Piping Drinking Water System in Residential Area

  5. 辽河油田幸福小区是一个现代化的生活小区。

    Luck small district is a modern residence district on Liaohe oilfield .

  6. 数字生活小区管理信息系统的研究与开发

    The Research and Development of Management Information System for Digital Living District

  7. 智能生活小区安防多用控制系统

    Multiple Control System of Security Defence for Intelligent Living Area

  8. 生活小区生活污水除磷脱氮工艺改进研究

    Study on the Improvement of P-removal and Denitrification Technology for Residential Quarter Sewage

  9. 城市生活小区污水的一体化处理

    A combined processing of the domestic wastewater in city

  10. 重庆生活小区给排水生态化设计探索

    Investigation on Ecological Design of Water Supply and Drainage of Residential Zone in Chongqing

  11. 本系统可应用在电信、银行、智能生活小区等。

    This system can be applied in the telecommunications , banking , intelligent living community and so on .

  12. 在环弧内,大院又进一步分成分属5个群体的5个生活小区。

    Inside the perimeter , the compound was subdivided into living areas for each of the five groups .

  13. 本文根据生活小区污水的处理现状,结合小区污水的特点,提出了污水的一体化处理方案。

    According to the present processing conditions and the characters of domestic wastewater , a combined processing method was put forward .

  14. 沸石对NH4+具有很高的选择性和离子交换能力,能够用于处理生活小区高浓度氨氮污水。

    Zeolite has good selectivity and high ion-exchange ability to the NH ~ + _4 , thus it can be used in domestic sewage treatment .

  15. 适用于医院、学校、大型商场、停车场、生活小区、公园的户外道路及各类公共场地。

    Scope : It applies to hospitals , schools , shopping malls , car parks , living area , park roads and all kinds of outdoor public venues .

  16. 分别用蒽酮比色、苯酚&硫酸及气相色谱法3种测试方法测试了上海市某生活小区生活污水的糖类组成。

    Sugars in a typical Shanghai domestic wastewater sample were measured by three methods : anthrone method , phenol sulfuric acid method and gas chromatography ( GC ) method .

  17. 针对建筑电气节能评估模型问题和南京地区某生活小区的实际情况,提出了电气节能改造的方法。

    Based on the problems of building electrical energy saving estimation model and a Nanjing residential community 's actual situation , the method of electrical energy saving was proposed .

  18. 丈夫去世以后,她的孩子建议她搬到“老年人生活小区”去住。喜欢交友热爱生活的西尔玛就决定搬到那里去住。

    When her husband passed away , her children suggested that she move to a " senior living community . " A gregarious and life-loving person , Thelma decided to do so .

  19. 指出居民生活小区体育健身管理的难点:体育健身行业管理组织缺位,体育健身人力资源缺乏整合,场地设施布局使用不够合理。

    It is pointed out : we are lack of the body building organization management , and human resources of the body building need to be integrated , the location of hardware is not reasonable .

  20. 上海誉恒交通设施工程有限公司是从事道路、生活小区、工厂、等交通设施工程的设计、施工、维护的专业化公司。

    Shanghai Yuheng traffic facilities and engineering industrial limited company is a professionally company that is engaged in maintenance , construction and the design of road , life sub-district , factory and traffic facility project etc.

  21. 几乎在每一个生活小区都专门规划出一大块绿地或公园,供人们休息或散步,为孩子们嬉戏提供空间。

    Almost every living community has specially planned a large piece of green space or a park where people can take a rest or go for a walk , and the children can have fun .

  22. 该系统可为城市道路、生活小区和高速公路等场景提供高效照明,同时也可为城市的数字化管理提供一个崭新的通讯平台。

    This system can provide high effective lighting for the city street , the living area or the highway . Furthermore , it can also provide a new communication platform for digital management of the city .

  23. 在环境景观建设中越来越注重艺术与环境的融合,具有本地特色的文化广场、公园、生活小区等随着城市建设的步伐迅速发展着。

    In the environmental landscape construction more and more attention to art and the environment fusion . The local characteristics of the cultural square , parks , community life with the rapid development of city construction .

  24. 按生活小区高层建筑对供水质量的要求.对MCS.引单片机控制的无塔供水系统进行了介绍,给出了具体设计方法、基本硬件电路的构成和软件设计。

    This paper discusses the non-tower water system controlled by MCS-51 Chip-Microcomputer according to offering water in high building and residents ' district , and gives in detail its hardware structure and main program flow chart .

  25. 依据《山东半岛蓝色经济区发展规划》,在海洋利用方面,鼓励有条件的生活小区、工业企业使用海水淡化水,加快建设一批海水淡化及综合利用示范城市。

    According to Shandong peninsula blue economic development planning , the government encourages not only the conditional living community and industrial enterprises to use desalination water but also to speed up the development of the demonstration cities which use desalination water .

  26. 工业园分为7个功能区,包括中心商务小区、制造工业小区、环保型科技工业小区、物流产业小区、一期生活小区、二期生活商务小区及旅游休闲区。

    It has 7 function zones , including the commerce zone , the manufacture industry zone , the environmentally friendly hi-tech industry zone , the logistic industry zone , the 1st-stage community zone , the 2nd-stage community & business zone and the leisure zone .

  27. 从生活小区和银行、超市等地方的安保监控到应用在城市交通领域的交通监控,从军事目标的探测到武器研究中探测设备的研发,都离不开视频监控发挥的巨大作用。

    From local security monitoring in the banks , supermarket and other living areas to the application in the field of urban traffic monitoring , from detection of military targets to the R & D of radar , video surveillance plays an important role .

  28. 本文对学校、生活小区、广场进行了实测研究,在实验的基础上全面分析了影响热舒适的因素,提出了通过建筑环境设计改善户外热环境的有效措施。

    In Chapter 5 , Experiment research has been done in the living plot and square , Based on these experiments , thermal factors has been completely analyzed . Effective measures of adjusting architecture environmental design have been put forward to improve outdoor thermal environment .

  29. 随着视频编解码技术的日益成熟和网络通讯技术的不断发展,视频监控系统在智能交通、智能楼宇、医院校园、商场超市、企业生产和生活小区等领域内得到了广泛应用。

    With the video codec technology becoming more mature and the continuous development of network communication technology , video surveillance system has been widely used in many fields , such as intelligent transportation , intelligent buildings , hospitals , schools , supermarkets and so on .

  30. 通过对生活小区的智能化管理要求的分析,提出了一种由用户控制器、主控计算机及相关线路组成的智能化生活小区安全防范报警和优质生活服务管理多用控制系统。

    According to analyzing the requirement of living area 's intelligent management , the article puts forward the multiple control system of security defence and high-quality living service for intelligent living area . This kind of system consists of user 's controller , chief-controlling computer and relative circuit .