
  • 网络Schmidt;schmitt;Schmitter;carl schmitt
  1. 历史和政治实体的份量(芯诺C.施米特)

    The weight of history and political realities ( Benno C. Schmidt , Jr. )

  2. 法兰克福学派第二代理论家施米特在《马克思的自然概念》一书中提出了社会与自然的双向中介关系论。

    A. Schmidt , who belongs to the second generation of the Frankfurt School , advanced his theory of reciprocal mediation between nature and society in Marx 's concept of nature .

  3. 但麻省理工斯隆管理学院(MITSloan)院长戴维•施米特莱因(DavidSchmittlein)说,竞争还不止这些。

    But the competition does not stop there , says MIT Sloan dean David Schmittlein .

  4. “我们国家的已避免的好运,是由于第一修正案中的宗教条款,排除了宗教的可能性”(小本诺C。施米特)

    " our national good fortune in having avoided , thanks to the religion clauses of the First Amendment , the dismal possibilities of religious censorship "( Benno C.Schmidt , Jr. )

  5. 施米特莱因认为:MBA需要两年时间,是因为人们希望完成一个深思熟虑的职业转变。

    The reason that the MBA is two years is because people want to accomplish a thoughtful career transition , he maintains .

  6. 院长施米特莱因希望学院的教职人员和课程项目能有所增加,但不是全日制mba项目的学生数量。

    The Dean expects the number of faculty and programmes though not the number of students on the full-time MBA programme to grow .

  7. 8年来一直任斯隆管理学院院长的大卫•施米特莱因(DavidSchmittlein)表示,这个任务需要资金、机构意愿以及整个地区的参与。

    According to David Schmittlein , who has been dean of MIT Sloan for eight years , it takes money , institutional will and engagement from the wider region .

  8. 关于mba本身,施米特莱因认为,对于那些年纪“奔三”、希望改变职业方向的人,mba是重要工具。

    As to the MBA itself , he believes this will form a critical tool for people in their late 20s who want to change careers .

  9. 1982年至1984年,我们用北台施米特卡焦摄谱仪,对EWLac星进行了光谱观测。

    We have observed EW Lac with the grating spectrograph attached to the 60 / 90 cm Schmidt telescope at Beijing Observatory from 1982 to 1984 . The Balmer shell absorption lines of the star showed especially interesting variation .

  10. 所以,施米特将国家定义为政治的统一体。

    Therefore , Schmitt defined the state as political entity .

  11. 如果对施米特的解读到此为止,肯定是不够全面的。

    If the interpretation of the Schmitt ends here , it is certainly not comprehensive enough .

  12. 施米特莱因教授表示,通过合作,斯隆管理学院还有机会影响新兴经济体商业教育的未来。

    MIT Sloan also has the opportunity to shape the future of business education in emerging economies , according to Prof Schmittlein .

  13. 本文试图解读施米特最著名也是最具争议的《政治的概念》。

    This paper tries to interpret the most famous and also the most controversial work by Schmitt , The Concept of Politics .

  14. 施米特是二十世纪保守派法理学、政治哲学的代表人物,时至今日,施米特已经成为一个文化现象。

    Schmitt is the representative character of conservative jurisprudence and political philosophy in 20th century . Today , Schmitt has become a cultural phenomenon .

  15. 尽管施米特一再强调,他的学说是生存论意义上的,但其文章中却表现出很明显的道德和审美倾向。

    Although Schmitt has repeatedly stressed that his theory is based on the survivalism , but his article showed very clear moral and aesthetic tendencies .

  16. 施米特划分敌友正是为了避免政治受到经济、文化等因素的纠缠,避免将敌人非人化、非价值化。

    Schmitt distinguishes the foe and friend in order to avoid the struggle between politics and economic or cultural factors , and dehumanizing or devalue the enemy .

  17. 施米特莱因表示,甚至还有来自与商学院关系更近的机构的竞争——大学的继续教育学院、法学院、医学院和工程学院。

    There is even competition from closer to home - from universities " continuing education divisions , law schools , medical schools and engineering schools , says Prof Schmittlein .

  18. 在中国阅读施米特的著作,不可不警觉政治神学和政治宗教、政治神秘主义的关系。

    Reading Schmitt in China , we must not forget about the troubling nature of his political theology , which reminds us of our own political religion and political mysticism .

  19. 施米特莱因称,今天,商业领导者们最担心两个问题:可持续发展及其对自己企业的影响,以及如何在平的世界参与竞争&如何建立伙伴关系。

    Today , business leaders are worried about two issues , he says : sustainability and what this means for their companies , and how to compete in a flat world – how to form partnerships .

  20. 施米特所谓的决断可析为法学的决断、政治统一体的决断和主权者的决断三个维度,与本文主题有关的是后两者。

    The so-called decision of Schmitt can be divided into three dimensions : law of the decision , the political entity of the determination and sovereignty of those decisions , in connection with the subject matter of this paper is the latter two .