
  1. 家庭农场是我国社会主义初级阶段农业生产组织形式的基本形式。

    Family farms is the basic form of agricultural production organization .

  2. 生产组织形式决策中供应链及转移价格研究

    Research on Transfer Price in Supply Chain and Producing Organized form Decision

  3. 我国农业生产组织形式变革的马克思主义经济学分析

    An Analysis on Transformation of Agricultural Production Organizational Forms in Marxism Economics

  4. 传统民间手工艺现代生产组织形式研究

    Study on Modern Production Organization of Traditional Folk Handicraft

  5. 企业生产组织形式的演化

    Evolvement of organ style for production in Enterprise

  6. 新型原料奶生产组织形式奶联社的经营模式探讨目的:检测进口原料奶粉中是否污染坂崎肠杆菌。

    Objective : To examine the contamination of E. sakazakii in imported raw milk powders .

  7. 归纳描述了新疆甜菜产业发展动态、生产组织形式、产业化进程和制糖企业的现状以及发展趋势。

    Inductive describes the xinjiang beet industry developments , production organization form , industrialization and sugar and enterprise development trend .

  8. 农户家庭散养、奶牛养殖小区和现代化牧场是我国目前三种主要的原料奶生产组织形式。

    Currently 3 main production organization modes in China are rural household 's s scatter breeding , dairy plot , and modem ranch .

  9. 集约化烘烤是随着现代烟草农业的推进和密集烤房的应用而出现的一种新的烤烟生产组织形式。

    Intensive tobacco curing appeared as a new production organized form with the promoting of modern tobacco agriculture and the use of bulk-curing barn .

  10. 在梳理和归纳相关研究文献的基础上,文章大体勾勒出我国农业生产组织形式的演变进程。

    Based on reviewing some relevant research literature , this paper describes the evolution process of agricultural production 's organizational forms in our country .

  11. 某种占主导地位的生产组织形式的出现,是产业内企业竞争的结果,也是各种组织形式在特定规则下的竞争结果。

    Appearing a dominant role of production organization is the result that enterprise competes within industry and that organization form competes in special rules .

  12. 农民经济合作是以家庭为生产组织形式的农民,为了解决生产、生活中的各种困难,而在经济领域所开展的生产、购销、信用借贷等联合行动。

    Peasant economic cooperation is a type of peasant cooperative action , which includes production , purchase and sale , credit and so on .

  13. 由于它适应当前农村生产组织形式,所以在我国华北中、北部地区有着广阔的发展远景。

    Becuse it suits the present organization type of agriculture , it has a wide developing future in the center and north areas of China .

  14. 随着经济的发展,一些新兴农业生产组织形式又不断出现,如农业合作社、农业企业等。

    With economic development , a number of new forms of organization in agricultural production also emerging , such as agricultural cooperatives , agricultural enterprises .

  15. 技术变革是生产组织形式和生产方式转换的基本条件,每一次产业革命都会产生新的生产方式和生产组织形式。

    Technological transformation is fundamental factors that change production organized form and mode of production , industrial revolution will engender new mode of production and production organized form .

  16. 因此,为了有效利用企业内、外部资源,原有的生产组织形式和资源配置方式已发生了根本变化,企业正开始朝着开放、合作、网络和动态整合的方向迈进。

    Firms , therefore , are striding forward to open , collaborative , network and dynamic integration in order to effectively make use of their internal and external resources .

  17. 据此,可以从逻辑上推知农户生产组织形式的巨大变迁也必然使该社会的政治发生重大变化。

    Accordingly , it could be logically deduced that huge changes in the form of farm production organization would be bound to make political significant changes in the society .

  18. 阐述并论证了供应链管理是一种比垂直一体化、横向一体化更为先进的生产组织形式。

    Elaborately combining the argument of supply chain management is a kind of form belongs to the perpendicular integral , than the horizontal integral the more advanced production organized form .

  19. 一是对生产组织形式进行了改进,对主要工种进行了合并,进一步释放了生产力,为绩效管理改进奠定基础。

    First , the forms of production organization improvement , were merged with the main types of work , further release of the productivity improvements lay the foundation for performance management .

  20. 以外部化为特征的国际生产组织形式是与国际直接投资平行发展甚至有取而代之趋势的新现象,其具体形式包括合同外包、转包、分包等。

    The international production organizations with their outsourcing features like outsourcing contracts , transfer contracts and sub-contracts are developing with direct international investment or seem to replace it in the future .

  21. 动态联盟是企业生产组织形式的发展方向,也是企业面临激烈竞争的应对之策。

    Agile Virtual Enterprises ( AVE ) is the evolution trend of enterprise production management model , and it is also the strategy for enterprise to cope with the drastic competition .

  22. 前言:医疗保障是农民最需要的保障,医疗保障的形式是与生产力水平、生产组织形式、分配制度相适应的。

    The summary : Medical care is the ensure which need most by peasant , its form should suit with the productivity level of pro-duce , organizational form and distribution system .

  23. 产业集群作为新兴的生产组织形式,所表现出来的极强的竞争力和推动集群所在地经济发展的作用引起个国政府对产业集群发展的关注。

    As a new form of production organization , industrial cluster , featuring in its superior competitiveness and role in promoting the local economic development , has aroused attention from various governments .

  24. 虽然他们的思想认识和具体方案有着差异和不同,但他们都否定农业家庭个体生产组织形式,推崇大规模合作生产、集体劳动。

    Though their ideas and specific programs are different , they deny agricultural production form in household unit and respect cooperation production in large scale , collective labor , which peasants disagree .

  25. 首先对英国前资本主义时期最主要的农业生产组织形式&敞田制作了介绍,说明大规模的议会圈地之前英国敞田制的实质已经发生改变。

    It introduces the open field system - the most important farming system during pre-capitalistic times , and points out that the nature of open field system had changed before full-scale parliamentary enclosure .

  26. 在生产组织形式上,农村家庭手工业和手工作坊、或手工业与机器工厂在生产工序上存在着互补与合作关系,甚至在同一行业中,手工生产和机器生产长期共存;

    From the organizational form aspect , hand weaving and workshop or machine factory cooperated in the procedure and even in the same trade handicraft and machine industry coexisted in the long time .

  27. 船舶建造编码是现代化造船的一项极其重要的基础工作,同时也是一项随着造船模式的发展而不断发展的生产组织形式的要求。

    Shipbuilding code is a very important basic work for modern shipbuilding , and it is also a produce organization form requirement , which is constantly developing with the development of shipbuilding model .

  28. 平台是一种重要的社会化生产组织形式,其运用和影响范围日趋广泛,在社会、经济和科技等各领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    As an important socialized form of production , platform has been used in many domains and played a more and more crucial role in the fields of society , economy , science and technology .

  29. 家庭小农生产组织形式不但不阻碍商品经济的发展,而且还将成为我国现代农业的承运工具,在未来相当长的一段时间里延存。

    The style of small scale family farming which doesn 't prevent the development of the commodity economy , will exist for a very long time in the future as vehicle for the Chinese modern agriculture .

  30. 家庭养殖是适合肉鸡产业发展的基本生产组织形式,家庭养殖的专业化、规模化和区域化是现代肉鸡产业发展的方向。

    Family farming is suitable for the basic form of production organization in the development of chicken industry . The family culture of specialization , scale , and regionalization are tendency in the modern broiler industry .