
  • 网络production type;Types of Production
  1. 项目制造是一种面向订单设计的生产类型。

    Project manufacturing is a design-to-order production type .

  2. 探讨不同生产类型下的机械加工工艺设计原则、方法。

    The principle and methods of design about machinery processing technology is discussed on different production type .

  3. 生产类型的分类并与Gartnergroup商榷

    Classification of manufacturing modes and discuss with Gartner Group

  4. 本文对制造业的生产类型和先进制造模式分析的基础上,分析制造业ERP的特点以及对企业建模的需求。

    On this basis , it analyzed the characteristics of manufacturing ERP and the demands of enterprise modeling .

  5. 随着客户需求的日益个性化,面向订单设计ETO(EngineeringToOrder)的生产类型在我国制造企业中所占的比重越来越大。

    With the individuation of customer 's demands , the manufacturing mode of Engineering To Order ( ETO ) is becoming more and more popular .

  6. 鉴于上述原因,本论文首先介绍制造业生产类型的特点和制造业生产计划体系,阐述了ERP相关管理技术。

    Due to the reasons above-mentioned , the features of different types of manufacturing industry and its production planning system were shown and some management technologies related to ERP were described in this paper .

  7. 研究并解决了关键件的瓶颈工序MES作业车间调度问题的理论与方法,及其在单件小批量生产类型企业的应用。

    Have studied and solved key bottleneck process deployment problem theory and method of homework workshop MES of one , and produce the application of type enterprises in batches small in single one .

  8. 本文分析了各种制造企业生产类型的特点,总结了制造企业中物料的特点、制造BOM模型以及能力模型,在此基础上给出了离散型制造企业生产计划模型。

    The dissertation analyses the characteristics of manufacture enterprise 's production types , summarizes the material 's characteristics , BOM model and capacity model in manufacture enterprises , then bring forward the production planning model of disperse manufacture enterprises .

  9. 通过比较分析进一步促进流程工业MES的研究工作,建立能适应多种工业生产类型的MES体系结构,提升混杂生产类型的企业内部及企业间的信息系统集成水平。

    One purpose of comparison analysis is to facilitate research work on MES of process industries ; the other is to build an MES architecture , which can adapt to multi-industries production , to promote level of information systems integrated within hybrid production enterprises or between different enterprises .

  10. 不同的土壤理化性质决定了植被的生产类型和生产量,海拔通过各方面的影响造成土壤理化性质的空间差异性。

    Different soil chemicophysical properties thus determine the types and quantities of vegetation .

  11. 青海省渔业生产类型及效益分析

    The fishery productive types and their beneficial analysis

  12. 研究了由一个供应商和一个制造商组成的按订单进行生产类型的两级供应链系统。

    A two-level build-to-order supply chain composed of one manufacturer and one supplier is studied .

  13. 但是这种趋势最终并没有为用户的目标服务,特别是对于生产类型的应用。

    However , this trend does not ultimately serve user goals , especially in productivity applications .

  14. 模型以最小化各机组合同延期惩罚和生产类型切换虚拟成本为优化目标。

    Objective of the model is to minimize order delay punishment and virtual switch cost in each process .

  15. 不同的农业生产类型,使得各地的农业生产民俗也是丰富多彩、异彩纷呈。重点论述了三大区域在农业生产仪式和祭祀方面的差异。

    Due to the different types of agricultural production , the different and rich folk around agricultural production were created .

  16. 论述了对于不同生产类型企业为缩短响应时间可以采取不同的供应链运作模式;

    In order to shorten the response time some supply chain modes may be adopted in different types of manufacturing enterprises .

  17. 介绍了一种适应多品种小批量生产类型的飞轮快速静平衡工艺。

    It introduces a technology of rapid static balance for flywheel which adapts to the production of small batch with multi-varieties .

  18. 该方法非常适用于多品种、小批量生产类型的机械制造厂进行零件的机械加工工艺过程设计。

    It is suitable for mechanical manufacture factory that is multiform and small-batch type to design the working graphs and process procedures .

  19. 针对多品种批量生产类型,建立了调度约束的生产计划与调度集成优化模型。

    An integrated optimization model of production planning and scheduling for batch production was constructed in order to deal with various batch production .

  20. 生产类型不同,产品制造的工艺方法,所用的设备和工艺装备以及生产的组织均不相同,因此经济性也不相同。

    Production types product manufacturing process method , using equipment and process equipment and production organization are not the same so economy also are not the same .

  21. 单件订货生产类型在整个工业中占很大的比重,由于复杂多变的生产特点,造成其生产计划与控制的复杂化和困难化。

    Single order production type plays a great role in industry on account that the complicated production variation leads to its complication and difficulty in production planning and controlling .

  22. 同时也为单件多品种生产类型的企业提供了一种新的调度方法,为进一步的研究和发展探索了一条较好的途径。

    At the same time , the enterprises that are similar to the mould factory can use it for reference and for further research and this thesis provides a new method .

  23. 组合机床是大批大量生产类型的主要设备。在20世纪,大规模生产造就了一大批工业发达国家;

    Combination machine tools are main equipment in batch and great quantity production . In the 20 th century , the mass production produced a lot of the developed country on industry .

  24. 关于化工产品质量工艺参数确定问题的研究&用于化工间断、批量生产类型

    The Research on Setting the Technological Parameter of the Quality of Products for Production in Chemical Technology & Applying to the type of the " discontinuous and batch " production in chemical technology

  25. 胜利柴油机厂是一个多品种、中小批量生产类型的企业,生产单位的组织形式为混合式多种布局。

    The Victory Diesel Engine Factory is an enterprise that is of productive type of multiple variety and middle or small batch production . Its organizational form of productive units is mixed multiple layout .

  26. 近年来,产品的市场需求日益多样化,佳能公司的生产类型由大量生产向多品种、小批量生产转化,因而要求生产系统具有更强的柔性。

    Recently , with the diversification of market demands , the manufacture style of Canon has been changed from ' mass production ' to ' batch production ' and this requires a more flexible production system .

  27. 鹿类种群数量与分布区域的变化,是当地生态环境及其变迁情况的综合反映,与人口密度、生产类型和经济活动强度密切相关。

    The changes in the number and living areas of deers were a compound indication of changes in local ecological environment and were closely related to population density , mode of production and intensity of economic activities .

  28. 明末清初经过战火的毁坏后,伴随着商业发展、生产类型的改变、人口的增长,城市逐步发展。

    After end of the Ming dynasty clear at the beginning of process flames of war destruction , followed the commercial development , the production type change , the population growth , the city is developing gradually .

  29. 企业在应用信息技术的过程中,可以选择多种竞争战略,但由于企业的生产类型、规模以及自身技术环境等方面的差异,导致企业所选择竞争战略组合会有所差异。

    Enterprise may select various competitive strategies in the process of applying IT , because of the difference between production type of enterprise , scale and its technical environment , enterprises may select different competitive strategic combination .

  30. 针对污水处理工艺过程所建造的故障诊断专家系统,讨论了对于单品种大批量连续生产类型工艺过程在故障诊断专家系统中的知识表达以及对于根据历史在线数据进行推理的诊断方法。

    A fault diagnosis expert system constructed for the waste water treatment process is presented in this article . The knowledge expression of single , mass and continuous production and a kind of diagnostic method according to historical on line data reasoning are discussed .