
  • Production base;GMP;OEM
  1. 中药材GAP实施的复杂系统论&生产基地的选建:生态、文化和经济

    Study on Complex System of Chinese Crude Drugs GAP Fulfilling-Selection and Construction of Production Base : Ecology , Culture and Economy

  2. CA积极地更新并扩充现代化厂房与设备,于2001年中国深圳市完成组装工厂至今,成为亚洲生产基地。

    CA has expanded the modernizations of plant and equipments in2001 and completed assembly plant in Shenzhen China as Asian production base .

  3. 3S技术绿色食品生产基地监测应用

    Applying " 3s " Technology in Monitoring of Pollution-free Food Base

  4. 1号、3号、5号基地,土壤处于轻污染,土壤质量不符合GAP无公害中药生产基地的要求。

    1 , No. 3 , No. 5 are polluted lightly , whose the quality of soil fall short of the demand for GAP .

  5. 这两个城市GDP合计规模与广州相当,而且作为工业生产基地,其地位比广州更为重要。

    These two cities combined are as important as Guangzhou in terms of the size of their GDP and much more important as industrial production base .

  6. GI联合企业集团主要的研发、生产基地位于中国风景秀丽的海滨城市&深圳。

    GI has set its base of R D and production facility in China 's scenic coastal city of Shenzhen .

  7. 其中医药制造业已经满足了东南亚国家联盟(东盟)的GMP标准,可继续与东盟的GMP认证的生产基地。

    Pharmaceutical manufacturing sites which have already met the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) GMP standards may continue production with the ASEAN GMP certification .

  8. WTO以后,港口不仅仅是货物转运中心和工业生产基地,同时也是现代物流网络体系的重要组成部分,在现代综合物流中的地位十分重要。

    After WTO , the port is not only a transportation center of goods and industrial production base , but also the very important component of logistics service network system , the position in the modern comprehensive logistics is very important .

  9. 绿洲是西北干旱区最主要的农业生产基地,但在西部大开发生态建设的要求下和中国加入WTO的冲击下,绿洲地区传统的灌溉农业急需进行结构调整。

    Oasis is the foremost base of agriculture production in arid regions of northwest China . Under the requirement of the ecological development in west development and the impact of China entering WTO , the agriculture framework in oasis regions need to adjust urgently .

  10. GILDEMEISTER集团公司在上海开设新厂GILDEMEISTER集团公司第一个建立在欧洲以外地区的机床生产基地&发展中的中国市场

    GILDEMEISTER unveils new plant in Shanghai Eleventh site is first outside Europe-growth market China

  11. 公司生产基地已通过ISO9002质量体系认证,各种产品除供给国内各大型钢厂外,出口欧洲、澳洲及东亚等地区。

    Our manufacturing bases have been approved by ISO9002 , besides domestic market , our products are also exported to Europe , Australia , and East Asian countries .

  12. 国际管理咨询公司埃森哲(Accenture)在本周一发表的一份报告中得出的结论是:对于在中国拥有大型生产基地的企业来说,最低工资提高30%,仅会使利润率下降1%至5%。

    Accenture , the global management consultancy , concluded in a report published on Monday that a minimum wage rise of 30 per cent would cut margins by just 1 to 5 per cent for companies with a large Chinese manufacturing base .

  13. 新疆天然气生产基地的建设可分三个阶段逐步展开:本世纪末~2010年油气勘探开发并举,勘探深度3~6km;

    The base construction in Xinjiang may be divided into three stages : oil and gas exploration and development should be paid the same attention from the end of the century to year 2010 , with the exploration depth of 3 ~ 6 km ;

  14. 建农产品生产基地抓农业产业化开发

    Establish Producing Base of Farm Products and Stress Agricultural Industrialization Development

  15. 无公害茶叶生产基地的建立及其栽培管理技术

    Establishment of Production Base of Non-polluted Tea and its Management Technology

  16. 绿色食品生产基地的选择与保护

    On the Selection and Protection of Production Base for Green Food

  17. 北京市红小豆标准化生产基地建设的思考

    Consideration of Standardization Produce Base Construction of Adzuki Bean in Beijing

  18. 中国最大氨纶丝生产基地在连云港建成

    China 's Largest Urethane Elastic Fiber Production Base Built In Lianyungang

  19. 南昌市名特优农产品生产基地布局规划

    The Programme and Arrangement of the Famous Agricultural Productive Bases in Nanchang

  20. 将生产基地建设成为扩大出口的巨大支柱

    Build Our Production Bases into a Mainstay for Export Expansion

  21. 发展绿色生产基地加快农业产业化经营步伐

    Developing Green Production Base and Quickening the Tempo of Agricultural Industrialized Operation

  22. 新疆是我国最主要的棉花生产基地。

    Xinjiang is the main cotton production base of china .

  23. 把宁夏建成我国的茧丝生产基地

    Turning Ningxia into China ′ s Cocoon Silk Production Base

  24. 打破世界玩具生产基地转移的宿命

    To break the prophecy on transfer of toy manufacturing base

  25. 有机茶生产基地建设方略

    An Approach for Establishment of Production Base of Organic Tea

  26. 力争成为精细化工产品的生产基地。

    Argues vigorously into the purification product the production base .

  27. 这是一个主要的农业生产基地中。

    It is one of the major agricultural production bases of China .

  28. 吉林省是中国主要的商品粮生产基地。

    Jilin is also China 's key commodity grain base .

  29. 山东省鱼台水稻生产基地土壤镉分布现状及来源分析研究

    Soil Cd Current Distribution and Origin Study of Yutai Rice Production Base

  30. 本公司的生产基地在中国弯头管件之乡-沧州。

    The company 's production base in China 's Rural Pipe Elbow-Cangzhou .