
tián shí
  • dessert;sweet food;afters;confectionery;sweetmeats;pudding;sweet kinds of food;sweetmeats candy;dolce
甜食 [tián shí]
  • [sweet kinds of food;sweetmeats candy] 甜味的食品

甜食[tián shí]
  1. 贮藏甜食制品中的螨类

    The mites of stored sweetmeats

  2. 到1814年时,人们会挤在面包店外争着瞧一眼在里面上班的一位年轻厨师创作的最新甜食。

    By 1814 , people crowded outside the bakery , straining for a glimpse of the latest sweet food created by the young chef who worked inside .

  3. 这种甜食从冰箱里拿出来就可以吃。

    This dessert can be served straight from the fridge .

  4. 正在寻找制作新式甜食的灵感吗?试试这份食谱吧。

    Looking for inspiration for a new dessert ? Try this recipe .

  5. 避免食用过多的甜食和罐装饮料。

    Avoid excessive indulgence in sweets and canned drinks .

  6. 菜单上有多种甜食可供选择。

    The menu has a good choice of desserts .

  7. 她非常喜欢吃甜食。

    She 's very fond of sweet things .

  8. 你想再吃点甜食吗?

    Would you like some more sweet ?

  9. 我特别喜欢吃甜食。

    I especially like sweet things .

  10. 丹做饭总是全份的:三道菜,外加一道甜食。

    When Dan cooks dinner he always goes the whole nine yards , with three courses and a choice of dessert .

  11. 我努力做到了只吃规定饮食,不沾甜食。

    I managed to stick to the diet and keep off sweet foods

  12. 侍者已经推来了甜食推车。

    The waiter had brought the sweet trolley .

  13. 她偏爱甜食。

    She is partial to sweets .

  14. 他爱吃甜食。

    He has a sweet tooth .

  15. 然而,她的父亲提醒她,甜食对她的牙齿有害。

    However , her dad reminded her that sugary treats were bad for her teeth .

  16. 在她13岁的时候,她的公司发明了一种可以拯救孩子牙齿的超级甜食,价值数百万美元。

    By the time she was 13 , her company was worth millions of dollars with the invention of a super-sweet treat that could save kids ' teeth , instead of destroying them .

  17. 例如,劳拉最爱辣食,塔拉喜欢甜食。

    For example , hot food is Lara 's favorite , and Tara has a sweet choice .

  18. 汤姆:真的吗?我以前吃甜食。我那时吃得太多所以很胖。

    Tom : Really ? I used to have sweet food . I ate too much . So I was very fat .

  19. 这家小咖啡馆的老板过去常做各种各样的食物,但后来她意识到她最喜欢甜食。

    The owner of this small cafe used to cook all kinds of food , but then she realized she preferred sweets to anything else .

  20. 这个说法沿袭了sweettooth押韵规律,并进一步演绎。Sweettooth在英语中流传使用已超过600年,是人尽皆知的一个短语,用以形容对甜食的喜爱。

    This term is a rhyming play on the well-known phrase sweet tooth , a craving or fondness for sweet food , which has been in the language for over 600 years .

  21. 他们端上了苹果布丁作为甜食。

    They served apple pudding for dessert .

  22. 85岁的人……尽情地吃甜食吧,反正你早晚都需要牙医的。

    Dear 85-year-old ... Indulge your sweet tooth , you 'll need dentists soon anyway .

  23. 蚂蚁喜欢吃甜食。

    Ants are fond of sweet food .

  24. 甜食替代品:尝试原味无糖酸奶,加入浆果和坚果,或者苹果片和无糖花生酱。

    Sweet alternatives : Try plain , unsweetened yogurt with berries and nuts or sliced apples with sugar-free peanut butter .

  25. “甜心性格”指的是喜欢吃甜食的人性格更和蔼更亲切。

    Dessert personality refers to the finding that people who like dessert are more likely to be kind and warmhearted .

  26. (我儿子很挑食。他只吃油炸食品和甜食,一点绿菜都不吃!)

    My son is a fussy eater . He only eats fried food and sweets and refuses to have any greens !

  27. 定义:对甜食(尤指糖果和巧克力)的喜爱

    have a sweet tooth Definition : If you have a sweet tooth , you like eating sweet foods , especially sweets and chocolate .

  28. 该词源于一项美国研究报告,该研究显示,人们对甜食的偏好与自身的性情有关。那些笑容温暖、性格随和的女孩通常被叫作“甜心”。

    This word comes from an American research report , which revealed that people 's dessert preferences have something to do with their dispositions are often described as " sweethearts . "

  29. 尽管研究证实甜食和性格之间有联系,但没有证据能证明喜欢苦味食物的人性格“苦涩”。

    Although the study confirms the connection between dessert and personality , there is no evidence that can prove people who like food with bitter taste tend to have a bitter personality .

  30. (我通常很反对孩子吃太多甜食。但我今天会破个例,因为是我儿子的生日。)

    Well , I 'm against it . Normally , I 'm very much against kids eating too many sweets . But I 'll make an exception today because it 's my son 's birthday .