
  • 网络beet juice
  1. 体外法评定甘露寡糖和甜菜汁对肠道微生物发酵的影响

    Effect of mannan-oligosaccharide and sugar beet pulp on intestinal microbial fermentation in vitro

  2. 俄罗斯汤,通常用甜菜汁作基料。

    A Russian soup usually containing beet juice as a foundation .

  3. 《高血压杂志》中的一篇研究指出:甜菜汁能降低受试者的血压。

    And a study in the journal Hypertension showed that beet juice reduced participants ' blood pressure .

  4. 另一个办法:甜菜汁不仅蘸薯片好吃,做成烤肉蘸酱也很美味哦。

    Another idea : this delicious dip for potato chips that also makes a nice accompaniment to steak .

  5. 它不仅能防止酱汁、油点和甜菜汁溅到身上,还能表现个性和审美,不管你的烹饪水平有多高或者野心有多大。

    It doesn 't just protect from sauce splatter , grease stains and beet juice ; it also projects personality and aesthetic choice , no matter the skill level or the ambition .

  6. 他们连续6日每日饮用500ml有机甜菜根汁,而后完成一系列测试,包括骑健身脚踏车。

    They were given500ml per day of organic beetroot juice for six consecutive days before completing a series of tests , involving cycling on an exercise bike .

  7. 并且,饮用甜菜根汁的实验组具有更低的静息血压。

    The group that had consumed the beetroot juice also had lower resting blood pressure .

  8. 对于甜菜根汁中的硝酸盐是如何增强耐力的确切机制,研究者还未得到定论。

    The researchers are not yet sure of the exact mechanism that causes the nitrate in the beetroot juice to boost stamina .

  9. 研究发现饮用甜菜根汁会在某种程度上减少耗氧量,这是包括锻炼等其他未知方式所不能企及的。

    The study reveals that drinking beetroot juice reduces oxygen uptake to an extent that cannot be achieved by any other known means , including training .

  10. 我们惊奇的发现甜菜根汁对于氧摄入量的影响,因为这种影响是不能由其他方式所达到的,包括锻炼。

    We were amazed by the effects of beetroot juice on oxygen uptake because these effects cannot be achieved by any other known means , including training .

  11. 饮用甜菜根汁的实验组平均骑行时间为11.25分钟,比饮用安慰剂的对照组长92秒钟。

    After drinking beetroot juice the group was able to cycle for an average of11.25 minutes , which is92 seconds longer than when they were given the placebo .

  12. Exete大学的研究小组首次发现甜菜根汁中硝酸盐成分可以减少运动中的耗氧量,降低疲劳感。

    University of Exeter led-study shows for the first time how the nitrate contained in beetroot juice leads to a reduction in oxygen uptake , making exercise less tiring .

  13. 对于高血压患者,多摄入羽衣甘蓝、菠菜、甜菜和甜菜根汁等富含硝酸盐的食物是有好处的。

    For those who have high blood pressure , it would help to increase consumption of kale , spinach , beets and beetroot juice , which are rich in nitrates .