- sweet corn

Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Quality of Custard Style Canned Sweet Corn
Effects on Vc and Ve of Sweet Corn by Ozone Treatment
Detection of Acetobacter diazotrophicus in super - sweet maize by PCR
Sweet Corn N × T Variety and Its Cultivation Techniques of Exceeding Early-maturing , High Density and High Output Value
The isozymes of POD were different in sweet corn seeds with different moisture contents .
The Acetobacter diazotrophicus Pal 5 existing in the tissue of maize was detected by PCR method with primers 1440 and AD.
Effect of Acetobacter diazotrophicus Pal_5 on Super Sweet Corn
Studies on F_1 Seed Vigor Formation , Seed Deterioration during Storage and F_2 Kernel Nutrition Characteristics in sh_2 Sweet Corn
Effect of VA mycorrhizal fungi and Acetobacter diazotrophicus on the growth of super sweet corn
The experiment studied the seed nutrient accumulation of three sweet corn cultivars and analyzed their seed production , N , P , K and the nutrient accumulation of organic matter .
Effects of Foliage Spray with 6-BA During Filling Stage on Some Physiological Indexes of Sugar Maize
The Analysis of AMMI Model on Variety Stability of Sweet Corn
Sweet corn , N × T , is short , high quality , and edible like fruit , which is suitable for high density cultivation ( 79 500 ~ 90 000 seedlings / ha ) .
Based on sweet maize endosperm mutation materials by genetic diversity with simple sequence repeats , we found that the genetic differences between the sweet maize endosperm mutant lines . 5 .
Using super sweet corn inbreeding lines S1 , S2 , S3 and hybrid Yue Tian No. 3 as materials , the efficient regeneration systems were established .
Cross combinations were obtained by 9 normal sweet corns with Griffing 's diallel crossing ⅳ methods .
DBE activity of sweet corn was extremely low and completely lost at 40 DAP .
Study on 100 kernel weight and seed vigor of sul type sweet corn seeds after milky rite
The gas ratio in the package will tend to balance after 3 days of atmosphere combined with microwave pretreatment to fresh sweet corn , and O2 is about 1.0 % , CO2 is about 20 % .
With eight inbred lines of super sweet corn according to the Griffing diallel method ⅱ designed experiment and hybrid combination .
Optimum harvesting period was 24-27 d after insemination in sweet maize , 21-24 d in waxy maize .
The results showed that the optimum harvesting period for sweet corn was at 18-21 days after insemination in spring , 20-25 days in autumn .
Effect of nitrogen-catch crop ( sweet maize ) on vegetable yields and nitrate content of vegetable rotation system in north China was studied .
36 combinations were crossed with 12 inbred lines of sweet corn by incomplete diallel crossing design . The general combining ability ( GCA ), special combining ability ( SCA ) and genetic parameters of seven main head characters were analyzed .
Three sweet corn cultivars were tested for sugar changes at 6 ℃ for 5 days . Total sugars of three cultivars decreased 19.7 % , 25.7 % and 9.5 % respectively after 5 days storage .
The result showed that 0.1 mM D-Arg treatment affected seed germination significantly , also , germination index and vigor index were reduced significantly by 0.1 mM DFMO .
Changes of Kernel Size , Sugar Accumulation and Enzyme Activity in the Kernel of sh-2 Sweet Corn and Their Correlation Analysis During Milk Maturation
Sweet corn is an endosperm mutant of corn . Based on sugar and WSP contents in corn endosperm during the milking stage , sweet corn is divided into normal sweet corn , super sweet corn and enhanced sweet corn .
The research showed that the genotype and length of immature embryo of super sweet corn were the key factors influencing the embryogenic callus development , 0.5 ~ 1.2 mm immature embryo were better for embryogenic callus inducing .
Variety difference for plant height , ear length and yield of sweet corn according to random block design and trial precision and the variety stability in different sites were studied by variance analysis and additive main effects and multiplicative interaction ( AMMI ) model .