
ruì xiánɡ
  • auspiciousness;good luck/fortune/omen
  1. 一次,晚饭时间,哈瑞祥非常想说什么。

    Once , at dinner , Harry wanted to say something very badly .

  2. 瑞祥公司专营帆布帐篷、窗帘及各类大小型帐篷制作。

    Shui Cheung company specialize in canvas awnings , curtains and various kinds of large and small tent projects .

  3. 本文以湾漳墓壁画中的瑞祥神兽神鸟为研究对象,论述其主要功用、各个神兽神鸟的艺术特色和早期壁画艺术中所蕴含的美学价值。

    This paper studies the aesthetics of the bird and animal figures found on Wan Zhang murals , their main purposes , artistic features and aesthetic values of early mural paintings .