
  1. 关于瑕疵股权转让合同的效力认定,首先介绍了常见学说,并且对各种学说进行了简要的分析。

    Firstly , the common doctrine is introduced and analysis briefly .

  2. 其次介绍了以瑕疵股权为标的的转让合同。

    Secondly the transfer contract of defective capital contribution is introduced .

  3. 最后分析了瑕疵股权的可转让性。

    Lastly , the author analyzed the transferability of the defective share .

  4. 本文介绍了瑕疵股权形成的概念。

    In this essay the concept of defective capital contribution are introduced first .

  5. 瑕疵股权的存在为瑕疵股权转让提供了现实基础。

    The existence of defective equity provides a realistic basis for its transfer .

  6. 着重介绍了瑕疵股权转让的法律效力问题。

    Focuses on the validity of the defective equity transfer of the legal .

  7. 瑕疵股权转让问题研究

    Research on the Transfer of Defective Capital Contribution

  8. 本文试对瑕疵股权的转让的效力问题加以探讨。

    Therefore the article mainly discusses the Validity of the transfer to defective capital contribution .

  9. 本文一共分为三个部分:第一章是瑕疵股权转让概述。

    The article includes three parts . Part ⅰ is the general description of defective equity transfer .

  10. 瑕疵股权主要分为完全未出资的瑕疵股权,出资不适当的瑕疵股权两种。

    Equity flaws capital mainly divided into completely fails to inject capital and did not inject capital properly .

  11. 同时,我们需要妥善处理瑕疵股权转让后的义务及责任承继问题。

    At the same time , we should deal with inherits problem of correlative obligation and duty properly .

  12. 然后对瑕疵股权转让的效力展开了具体论述。

    Then , the author argued the validity of the transfer contract of the defective stock right in detail .

  13. 该部分首先界定了出资瑕疵股权的含义,并介绍了四种出资瑕疵股权的类型。

    This section first defines the concept of flaws of capital stock , and describes the four flaws of capital stock type .

  14. 该部分主要论述瑕疵股权转让合同的效力及后续民事责任的承担问题。

    This part mainly discusses the issue of validity of the defective equity transfer contract and the commitment of the civil liability .

  15. 瑕疵股权出质法律效力的范围。

    This is the effect element . Secondly , it involves the scope of the validity of the pledge of defective shares .

  16. 另一方面,本文对瑕疵股权转让后的民事责任承担问题进行了介绍与评析。

    On the other hand , the thesis introduces and analyzes the commitment of the civil liability after the transfer of defective equity .

  17. 另外,还对瑕疵股权受让人及公司债权人的合法权益如何保护作出了一些分析还探讨。

    In addition , the defects of the assignee and the legitimate interests of creditors to protect made some analysis is also discussed .

  18. 该部分简要阐述了出资瑕疵股权的概念以及出资瑕疵股权的基本类型的划分。

    This section briefly describes the concept of the defective shares of the defective contribution as well as the basic types of it .

  19. 第一部分瑕疵股权转让的形成本部分首先介绍了瑕疵股权形成的原因。

    Part ⅰ The formation of the defective capital contribution In this part the reasons of the defective capital contribution are introduced first .

  20. 近年来,有关瑕疵股权转让的案件大量出现,这引起了商法学界和实务界的高度关注。

    The increasing number of the cases related to the transfer of defective equity has attracted attention from both the practice and academic field .

  21. 并具体界定了瑕疵股权质押的概念、特征,并在此基础上得出了瑕疵股权质押的标的瑕疵股权主要表现为未出资和未适当出资的两种表现形式。

    And specifically defined the concept of the characteristics of defect Pledge , and on this basis , obtained the two forms of equity flaws .

  22. 从国内外的立法实践来看,瑕疵股权是可以转让的,但是转让的法律效力存在不同的认识。

    From the legislative practice at home and abroad , the defective equity can be transferred , but there are different understandings transfer legal effect .

  23. 首先分析了理论界对瑕疵股权转让效力的不同学说:有效说、无效说、可撤销说。

    First of all , The author analyzes the different theories about the validity of defective stock right transfer in theoretical field , ie Validity , Invalidity and Revocation .

  24. 其次,介绍了国外立法关于瑕疵股权转让后责任承担的相关规定和我国理论界的不同观点。

    Then the author introduces the viewpoint of foreign legislative rules which make the related liability of defective share transferred . And states some differently domestic theories about that .

  25. 该说以法定资本制和授权资本制为基础,主张实行法定资本制的公司瑕疵股权转让无效,实行授权资本制的公司瑕疵股权转让有效。

    The base of this theory is the legal capital system and the authority capital system . it announce the defection of current company capital system and how to perfect it .

  26. 本部分主要通过一则案例,引出本文所要讨论的两个问题,即瑕疵股权转让的效力和瑕疵股权转让后的责任承担问题。

    This part mainly draw two issues out through a case , ie the validity of the transfer of defective stock right and how to undertake the liability after the transfer .

  27. 首先论述了公司章程和股东会决议对瑕疵股权转让作出的相应限制,并探讨了除权程序的适用。

    Firstly , it discusses the corresponding restriction of the articles of incorporation and the shareholder resolution on the transfer of defective equity , and to explore the application of the ex-rights program .

  28. 首先分析了瑕疵股权形成的物质基础即瑕疵出资,并根据出资的不同形式简要介绍瑕疵股权的类型。

    First of all , The author analyzes the material foundation of the defective stock rights formation , namely , defective capital contribution , and introduces briefly the types of defective stock rights .

  29. 其中,正文部分又分为四个章节,其主要内容如下:第一章:首先,介绍了瑕疵股权的概念并将研究范围仅局限于瑕疵出资而形成的瑕疵股权。

    And the main body is separated into four parts , its main contents stated as follows : Part I : This part firstly introduces the concept and contributing factor of the defective equity .

  30. 之后简要介绍了瑕疵股权转让合同有效的情形。五、瑕疵股权转让后的责任承担。

    At last , some circumstances about the valid transfer contract of the defective stock right are introduced . Fifth , how to bear the burden after the transfer of the defective stock right .