
  1. 学徒训练包括(工作外的)理论培训吗?

    Was theoretical training undertaken off-the-job as part of the apprenticeship ?

  2. 一元训练理论培训授课方法和手段单一;

    The Unitary Training Theory the method of training teaches is unitary ;

  3. 应用目标管理理论培训护士长的实践与体会

    The application of goal-directed management theory in the training of head nurses

  4. 培训中心为实践和理论培训提供齐全的设备。

    The Training Centre is fully equipped for both practical and theoretical training .

  5. 教育理论培训要解决信的问题

    Belief Issue Should be Recognized in Education Theory Instruction

  6. 拓展培训师的培训包括理论培训和实践锻炼两个方面,资格认证通常采取理论考试和实践操作评估两个方面内容。

    The training for outward bound trainers consists of two part , theoretical training and practice .

  7. 飞机机型改装理论培训是飞行员在有一定理论基础和飞行实践基础上进行转机型的学习和训练。

    Aircraft model is a modified theoretical training pilots fly a certain theoretical basis and practical models on the basis of transfer of learning and training .

  8. 经过三个月的概念合成理论培训及相关英语能力测试,实验结果表明,实验班的学生在词汇识记和理解应用等方面确实明显高于普通班。

    After the three months of experiment , the statistic results showed that there is a significant improvement on the vocabulary understanding and remembering in the experimental class .

  9. 再其次,在推行导学案模式之前,对全体教师进行理论培训,使全体教师具备参与课堂改革的理论基础。

    Thirdly , before promoting guiding learning case model , theoretical training of the teachers is also important , in order to make all the teachers having theoretical basis .

  10. 要以优化管理运作机制和教师教学观念为基础,加强理论培训和操作指导,逐步推广现代活动教学。

    But we should better the management of working system , and teachers ' teaching ideas , strengthen their training in theory , practical guide in work and gradual popularization .

  11. 八、外在的理论培训必须通过实践的体验才能为培训对象所接纳,教师培养的重心要放在培养自主发展自己的专业技能的意识和能力上。

    Finally , Only through personal experiencing can theory can effectively acquired by teachers . Therefore , teacher education should focus on fostering awareness and competence of autonomous professional development .

  12. 以历年全省监测人员参加质控考核和基本理论培训考核的结果为基础数据,建立了质控考核成绩档案库和基本理论培训及考核成绩档案库;

    The basic data came from the quality control training examination results in these years in Yunnan . The quality control and basic theory examination results database was established according to these data .

  13. 本章以大科学观转变为切入点,针对文章提出的科技帅才领导能力有待培养提升的问题,提出正规理论培训、岗位实践锻炼、不断研究学习三种培养途径。

    From the view of the big science , as for enhancing leadership training issues , three ways of cultivating were presented , which are formal theoretical training , practical job training , ongoing research study .

  14. 强化理论培训与增加经验交流。开展临床路径变异管理的专题培训会明确变异的内涵与类型,召开经验交流会,组织实地参观考察,借鉴同行在变异管理上的经验。

    To carry out the thematic training of variance management to clear the content and type ofvariance , holding the exchange of experience , organizing site tours , learning experience from counterparts in the variance management . 3 .

  15. 裁判员培训班缺乏技能培训,规则理论培训单一,裁判员申报、考核制度不够完善。学生实践机会少。

    The referee training class also has several disadvantages , such as the lack of skill training , single rule of game theory training , not so perfect declaration and appraisal system and not enough chance of student practice .

  16. 教师资格教育教学理论培训是教师专业化的必然要求,通过培训,提高教师自身专业素质,促进教师的可持续发展。

    The training of the educational and teaching theory about the teachers ' qualification is the inexorable requirement for teachers ' specification . By training , teachers can enhance their own professional quality as well as promote their own ever-lasting development .

  17. 第二部分是实践,具体指明几年来采取的部队、农村实践锻炼和党校理论培训三位一体的理论联系实际的培养方法和内容。

    Part II deals with the practice of the project , explicitly elaborating the three-in-one model of integrating the theory with practice , i.e. practical exercise in the military troops and the countryside and the political theory training in the Party school .

  18. 第三,对24锭立式高速编织机组实施了新的维修制度,开展了RCM理论的培训,根据决断单制定了新的操作和维修规程,对RCM的实施效果进行了分析总结;

    Thirdly , Training for RCM theory was carried out among the personnel involved . New operation and maintenance rules was determined and carried out for 24-Ingot High Speed Braider Set . The effects of applying RCM system were evaluated and summarized for its running in the company .

  19. 加强各种教学、学习理论的培训;

    Strengthen the training of teaching and learning theories and teaching design ;

  20. 加大综合治理力度;加强国际合作等。三、加大信息技术教育培训,现代教育思想、理论的培训应加强针对性;

    Reinforce the strength and effectiveness of IT education training .

  21. 体验式学习理论在培训师培训中的应用研究

    Research on Experiential Learning Theory Applying to " Training the Trainer Program "

  22. 按照传统的管理理论,培训是一个消费中心。

    According to the traditional management theory , training is the largest consumer in the enterprise .

  23. 技巧、言外知识、理论、培训&四位一体的口译教学法

    Skills , Knowledge , Theories , and Training : Quaternity in Interpretation Teaching & A Study of Course Contents and Methodology of Interpretation Teaching in Chinese Universities

  24. 第二部分主要包括企业培训外包及其风险的概念、研究的基础理论及培训外包的运作流程。

    The second part includes the concept of training outsourcing and its risk , the basic theory of training outsourcing , the operational process of training outsourcing .

  25. 微格教学培训模式需要进一步优化与完善,基于现代教学理论的培训方式研究与之相辅相成、互有借鉴。

    The training models for microteaching need further improvement . They and the study of training modes based on the modern theories of teaching supplement and complement each other .

  26. 然后根据有关管理人员开发理论与培训方法,设计出了纪检监察人员能力开发体系,并具体设计了提高人际交往沟通能力的培训方案。

    Meanwhile , according to relevant developing theory and training method , capacity developing system for disciplinary inspection staff shall be designed together with public communication capacity training proposal .

  27. 本文在培训分析理论、培训评估理论、终身培训理论等理论基础上,通过与西方发国家的比较,探讨了我国企业培训中的问题,并提出了改善我国企业培训的对策。

    Based on training theory , such as analyzing and evaluating training theory , crew training theory and education in whole life training theory , this thesis studies the training problem in our country and puts forward suggestion .

  28. 将灰色理论与培训绩效评估相关理论结合,建立以灰色关联分析为基础的培训绩效综合评估模型,并将其应用于实际案例,进行结果分析,最后提出自己的研究结论与对未来研究的展望。

    Synthesize Gray theory and the theory of training performance assessment , establish the training performance evaluation model based on gray relational analysis , applied to actual cases , analyze the results , and finally propose own research results and the outlook for future research .

  29. 作者认为,深化卫生改革,要进一步加强食品卫生监督执法,要重视和加强职业卫生,要加强医疗救治和医疗机构监督管理,要进一步完善社会医疗保险体系,要加强卫生管理理论的培训。

    To deepen reform in health system , the author pointed out supervision and law enforcement of food hygiene and occupation hygiene , management of medial institutions and training of theories of health service management should be strengthened and taken seriously and social medical insurance system should be perfected .

  30. 本部分从以下五方面提出建议:培育良好的绩效考评环境、建立多元化激励机制、建立管理层参与监督机制、加大企业管理理论的培训和设计合理的员工绩效考评指标体系。

    The part of the recommendations from the following five aspects : the cultivation of good performance evaluation environment , establish a diversified , establishing incentive mechanism involved in the management of supervision mechanism , strengthen enterprise management theory training and reasonable design of employee performance appraisal index system .