
  • 网络RICHARD;rich;cliff richard
  1. 亨利和理查都用高压手段实行统治。

    Henry and Richard both ruled with a heavy hand .

  2. 理查的智力远不及亨利。

    Richard is far beneath Henry in intelligence .

  3. 富兰克林写了一本书叫《穷理查的年鉴》。

    Franklin wrote a book called " Poor Richard 's Almanac " .

  4. 人力资源公司DevelopmentDimensionsInternationalInc.副总裁理查•魏林斯(RichWellins)表示,今天的管理人员越来越需要这项技能。

    ' It is a skill managers need more and more today , 'says Rich Wellins , a vice president at Development Dimensions International Inc. , a human resources company .

  5. 野餐会上,媒体大亨(包括莱斯利·穆弗斯[LesMoonves]、杰夫·贝佐斯[JeffBezos]、鲁伯特·默多克[RupertMurdoch])云集,一群模特在野餐毯上显得格外醒目。温图尔坐在野餐桌边,和福特的丈夫理查德·巴克利(RichardBuckley)一起吃着午餐。

    Among the media moguls ( Les Moonves , Jeff Bezos , Rupert Murdoch ) , there were a bunch of models who stood out conspicuously among the picnic blankets . Ms. Wintour sat at a picnic table and ate lunch with Mr. Ford 's husband , Richard Buckley .

  6. 有个故事是关于他的叔叔Hoskins的,他让理查坐在他的马车后,却连人带车掉到密西西比河里,这被作为了一个理查的真实笑话。

    So there is this story about his Uncle Hoskins who takes his horse and cart with Richard in the back and drives it into the middle of the Mississippi River as a kind of practical joke on Richard .

  7. 我对理查已经完全没感觉了。

    I mean , my feelings for Richard are certainly gone .

  8. 接着理查、韦恩和我猜测起来。

    Then Rich , Wayne , and I spewed out guesses .

  9. 我笑了,好,理查,行了。

    I laughed . OK , Richard , that 'll do .

  10. 莫妮卡和理查医生不顾世俗压力开始忘年交。

    Despite their age difference , Richard and Monica begin dating .

  11. 一如往常,德州理查最后说了算。

    As usual , Richard from Texas had the last word .

  12. 理查的工作是生产各种混配茶。

    Rachid 's job is to produce the various tea blends .

  13. 随库是一个科学用词,理查舅舅。

    Reeservoier . it 's a science word , uncle richard .

  14. 理查:不,装水果的,我看得出来喔!

    Richard : No , fruit basket , I can tell !

  15. 我的抵触消失了,接受了理查的理智。

    My defenses lifted and I let rich 's wisdom in .

  16. 狮心王理查和他的精锐卫队。

    King Richard the Lionhearted and his bodyguard of hand-picked knights .

  17. 我打电话给理查,告诉他正发生的事。

    I called rich and told him what I was experiencing .

  18. 我想这是个很好的主意,理查?

    I think that 's a wonderful idea . richard ?

  19. 理查将在这个新的广播剧中担任旁白。

    Richard went to narrate in the new radio play .

  20. 理查经常这么做,对吧?

    Richard used to do it , didn 't he ?

  21. 德州理查笑得几乎弄掉牙签。

    Richard from Texas laughs so hard he almost loses his toothpick .

  22. 理查舅舅,帮我放风筝?

    Uncle richard , want to help me fly it ?

  23. 我已经等了十二个月,理查。

    I 've already given it twelve months , Richard .

  24. 理查扮演哈姆雷特王子,对吧?奥古斯丁说。

    ' Richard will play Prince Hamlet , yes ?' said Augustine .

  25. 好吧,这就是理查?莱特的遭遇。

    Well , this is what happened to Richard Wright .

  26. 请你告诉理查先生卓班打来过好吗?

    Could you tell Mr. Richards that Ben Zhuo called , please ?

  27. 或许德州理查不太像典型的瑜伽人士。

    Maybe Richard from Texas doesn 't seem like a typical Yogi .

  28. 没有想过要自己的孩子吗,理查?

    Ever want to have any children of your own , richard ?

  29. 继承·融合·突破&理查·施特劳斯的歌剧《玫瑰骑士》

    Succeed , Fused , Breakthrough : Richard Strauss Opera Der Rosenkavalier ;

  30. 理查是个知道如何表现得热情洋溢的演员。

    Richard is an actor who knows how to exuberate .