
  • 网络Alfonso;Afonso;ALPHONSO;Enrico Alfonso;Alfonzo
  1. 罗马路易斯大学(UniversityofLUISS)的移民专家阿方索•乔达诺(AlfonsoGiordano)表示,中国工人仍然在意大利寻找机遇,因为他们年轻而勤奋。

    Alfonso Giordano , an expert in migration at the University of LUISS in Rome , says that Chinese workers are still finding opportunities in Italy because they are young and work hard .

  2. 但上周末《地心引力》的成功将给一些电影人(比如该片导演阿方索・卡隆(AlfonsoCuaron))提供“弹药”,这些人可以据此辩称,技术与其作品不可分割,而且也是获得震撼视效的原因之一。

    But the weekend will provide ammunition for filmmakers who , like ' Gravity ' director Alfonso Cuar ó n , can argue that the technology is integral to their work and part of a groundbreaking visual accomplishment .

  3. 最佳导演:阿方索-卡隆《地心引力》最佳男主角:马修-麦康纳《达拉斯买家俱乐部》

    Best leading actor : Matthew McConaughey , Dallas Buyer 's Club

  4. 跨平台新闻阅读器Pulse的开发商阿方索实验室(AlphonsoLabs)在其最新一轮融资中筹集到了900万美元的资金。

    Alphonso labs , the makers of pulse , raised $ 9 million during its most recent round of funding .

  5. 索科尔一直钟爱迈阿密的弗雷德里克·斯奈策画廊(FredricSnitzerGallery)。今年,该画廊将展示埃尔南·巴斯(HernanBas)新创作的一幅油画以及卡洛斯·阿方索(CarlosAlfonzo)的经典作品。阿方索是古巴出生的艺术家,1991年因艾滋病引发的疾病去世。

    A perennial favorite of Mr. Sokol 's is the Miami-based Fredric Snitzer Gallery , which this year is showing a new painting by Hernan Bas and a classic by Carlos Alfonzo , a Cuban-born artist who died in 1991 from an illness related to AIDS .

  6. 你会喜欢瑞蓝迪的,阿方索他也是意大利人。

    You 'll like renaldi , alfonso . he 's Italian too .

  7. 1325年的今天,阿方索四世成为葡萄牙国王。

    1325 – Alfonso IV becomes King of Portugal .

  8. 阿方索在第三部中加入了部分成人的成分,而我则更进一步。

    Alfonso put some of that in and I take it further forward .

  9. 阿方索给你最深的印象是什么?

    What impressed you most about alfonso ?

  10. 当苏丹打算拖延时间时,阿方索毫不延迟发起了进攻。

    When the Sultan appeared to play for time , Albuquerque went on the offensive and attacked without further delay .

  11. 副警长迈克尔·帕勒姆因为交通违章拦下了47岁的里卡多•阿方索•塞尔纳的车,但这却使塞尔纳对他开火,在他的腹部射了两枪。

    Deputy Michael Parham stopped 47-year-old Ricardo Alfonso Cerna for a traffic violation , only to have Cerna open fire , shooting him twice in the abdomen .

  12. 两人创建了一个公司,阿方索实验室,并正致力于对其他设备的应用程序版本,以及向潜在的投资者交谈。

    The pair have created a company , Alphonso Labs , and are now working on versions of the app for other devices , as well as talking to potential investors .

  13. 影片中很多外太空的影像都让我们想起阿方索•卡隆的《万有引力》——诡异而壮观——你甚至还会看到斯坦利•库布里克《2001太空漫游》的一些影子。

    Much of the outer space photography brings to mind Mexican director Alfonso Cuaron 's Gravity - spectral and spectacular - and even gives you a little bit of cinematic revelation from Stanley Kubrick 's 2001 : A Space Odyssey .

  14. 朱莉不仅心甘情愿推掉出演《乌云背后的幸福线》中的蒂凡尼的机会(珍妮弗?劳伦斯凭借该片获得奥斯卡奖),还两次被重金邀请主演阿方索?卡隆的《地心引力》。

    Not just content with backing out of the role of Tiffany in Silver Linings Playbook ( which went on to win Jennifer Lawrence an Oscar ) , Jolie was heavily courted not once but twice to take the lead in Alfonso Cuar ó n 's Gravity .