
  • 网络Coral Bleaching
  1. 众所周知,温热的海水是导致珊瑚白化的原因,且它比凉爽的海水占据了更多的空间,会让海平面上升。

    Warming waters are known to contribute to coral bleaching and they take up more space than cooler waters , raising sea levels .

  2. 其中,海洋表面水体温度(SST)的异常升高为珊瑚白化的主要因素。

    Abnormal high Sea surface temperature ( SST ) is the key factor causing coral bleaching .

  3. 这会导致珊瑚白化。面对环境压力,珊瑚会排出生活在其细胞组织中,并为其提供颜色和能量的共生藻。

    This causes bleaching . Under stress , the corals expel symbiotic which lives in their tissues and gives them their colour and energy .

  4. NOAA今年宣布,世界目前处在史上第三次全球珊瑚白化潮之中,严重的白化会导致珊瑚礁死亡,让海洋生物由此失去栖息地,也使海岸线失去阻挡风暴的防护墙。

    NOAA this year announced that the world was in the midst of only the third global coral bleaching event ever recorded . Severe bleaching can lead to the death of reefs , and the loss of habitat for marine life and shoreline protection from storms .

  5. 珊瑚白化是由于两个自然暖洋流汇聚导致水温升高而发生的。

    Coral bleaching is caused by rising water temperatures resulting from two natural warm currents .

  6. 该报告指出应采取更多的措施保护大堡礁。由于近年来大规模的珊瑚白化事件,它已被严重破坏。

    The report said more should be done to protect the reef , which has been hit by recent mass coral bleaching events .

  7. 人类导致的气候变化令珊瑚白化情况更加糟糕,因为地球增加的热量的93%被大洋所吸收。

    It is exacerbated by man-made climate change , as the oceans are absorbing about 93 % of the increase in the Earth 's heat .

  8. 首届全球海洋与气候变化大会的与会科学家总结道,水温、海平面高度、海洋酸性以及珊瑚白化现象正在迅速恶化,如果不立即采取有力行动,在几十年内,数亿人的生活将会受到威胁。

    Water temperatures , sea levels , acidity and coral bleaching are rising so fast that hundreds of millions of people will be at risk within decades unless drastic action is taken promptly , scientists at the first global conference on oceans and Climate Change concluded .

  9. 珊瑚礁白化研究进展

    Recent development in coral reef bleaching research

  10. 珊瑚礁白化的警示

    Warning from Coral Reef Bleaching

  11. 国内外研究表明海水温度升高和珊瑚礁白化关系最为紧密。

    Evidences show that high sea surface temperature ( SST ) have close relationship with coral reef bleaching .

  12. 卫星遥感能够提供大范围、同步与连续的海洋数据,如海水表层温度和海色数据,从而能够及时监测和预测珊瑚礁的白化。

    Remote sensing technology can provide SST and ocean color data with large coverage in both space and time , and SST data can be applied in monitoring and forecasting coral bleaching .

  13. 自然界遭受的影响也同样严重,极端海洋温度令世界各地的珊瑚礁发生白化现象,其中很多可能受到了持久性的损害。

    The effects on the natural world have been severe as well , with extreme ocean temperatures bleaching coral reefs around the world , and many of them likely to suffer lasting damage .

  14. 塞舌尔群岛曾沦为世界上珊瑚发病率最高的珊瑚白化现象的牺牲品。

    The Seychelles have fallen victim to one of the most brutal incidences of coral bleaching worldwide .

  15. 澳洲大堡礁北部和中部的珊瑚至少有35%已被珊瑚白化现象摧毁。

    At least 35 % of corals in the northern and central parts of Australia 's Great Barrier Reef have been destroyed by bleaching .

  16. “超级珊瑚”生成之后,科学家打算把它们移植到有60%-80%珊瑚发生白化的夏威夷Kaneohe湾中。

    Once ready , the researchers plan to transplant the coral into Hawaii 's Kaneohe Bay , which has lost an estimated 60 percent to 80 percent of its coral to bleaching this year .

  17. 不断上升的气温破坏了珊瑚,让它呈现恐怖怪异甚至像骷髅般的白色。珊瑚白化不仅破坏了整个生态系统,还让岛上的居民更容易遭受像飓风这样的灾难。

    The rising temperatures destroy the coral and leave it a disturbing , almost skeleton-like white , destroying entire ecosystems and leaving everyone who lives on the islands vulnerable to devastating events like hurricanes .

  18. 珊瑚礁是许多鱼类的栖息地,如果海水日益变暖,将使珊瑚礁白化,物种死亡并破坏商业捕鱼。

    Coral reefs would be bleached by warming waters , leaving them lifeless and damaging commercial fisheries , as the reefs acted as nurseries for many fish species .

  19. 海水变暖令珊瑚感到压力,导致为珊瑚提供色素的藻类被排走,从而使珊瑚白化。

    Bleaching happens when corals under stress drive out the algae known as zooxanthellae that give them colour .